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if the shoe was on the other foot


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I'm not trying to be a smart arse. Its a very popular thing to bring up on here but the fact some (many) use it as a mere point scoring exercise absolutely fucking sickens me. The obsession some Rangers supporters have with child rape makes me sick to my stomach. We know it happened, We know that it was covered up by certain people within Celtic and I completely agree more needs to be done to ensure those who had any part to play face justice but for something so horrific to be used as some kind of quick witted comeback is just wrong. Theres rarely a thread on here that doesn't have some kind of reference to 'tampering with weans' or 'fucking wee boys'. If you are truly that concerned about it canvass your MP/MSP. Make a formal police complaint. Do something. Just don't use it as to score points on a football forum.

You sir are a fucking dickhead.

It's obsessed with the cover up not with child rape.

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You sir are a fucking dickhead.

It's obsessed with the cover up not with child rape.

So how does continued posts on here saying 'least we dinnae fuck weans' etc., help bring justice to those involved?

How does a football crowd singing 'who shagged all the boys' help uncover the cover up?

How many complaints have been made to the police regarding the cover up of sexual abuse at Celtic?

Infact, I can answer those for you.

It doesn't

It doesn't


Obviously you are so obsessed with the cover up you forgot to actually do ANYTHING meaningful whatsoever.

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Guess what then go and support them as they don't sing it you fuckwit.

Glad to see you've torn massive holes in my argument. I especially like how you've summed up as 'If you don't like using the rape of children to score imaginary internet points then fuck off and support another team'.

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You are only a member from last year that's screams beast as you join in the clubs worst year.

We can bring the abuse up till somebody takes notice and does something about.

If you want to help Alan Brazil go for it but I go out my way to tell people in the states that spetic pulled a Penn State and got away with it, also tell them one of there fans abused Renya after the twin towers came down.

Any black people that say anything about spetic they get shown the video of what happened to Mark Walters.

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You are only a member from last year that's dreams beast as you join in the clubs worst year.

We can bring the abuse up till somebody takes notice and does something about.

If you want to help Alan Brazil go for it but I go out my way to tell people in the states that spetic pulled a Penn State and got away with it also tell they one of there fans abused Renya after the twin towers came down.

Any black people that say anything about spetic they get shown the video of what happened to Mark Walters.

I know, shock horror eh. Rangers go through the wordt period in our history and people join forums to get news, share opinions etc., I was a FF member for about 4 years before coming over here after Dingwall IP banned me. But you keep consoling yourself with the fact I've only been here since last march.

Heres a novel idea. If you want it brought up to people that will notice and potentially do something about it REPORT IT TO THE POLICE. Do you seriously think some football fans on a forum saying 'at least we dont fuck weans' is going to prompt an investigation into something that happened 30/40 years ago?

Also, do you not think that with the length of time Rangers fans have been singing that BJK and that Celtic 'shagged all the boys' and absolutely nobody in a position of power has thought they should investigate it then maybe, just maybe, the masterplan to uncover the cover up is failing miserably.

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Oh aye, and if you seriously think I'm a celtic fan, my personal details are all on here if you look hard enough, several posters on here follow me on twitter (under my real name) and I've quite happily offered to meet other posters for a beer before a match just to confirm that I'm a bluenose. I can also give you my Rangers number, photos of christ knows how many ticket stubs I've still got lying around. Some programmes from away european fixtures, my photos from the Ibrox tour, I personally know one member of the first team squad from School, but yeah, I only joined in march. Definitely a taig. Burn the witch, get the pitchforks etc.,

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This forum goes to the dogs without a match at the weekend. There are far too many of these honking Friday night threads, started by pissed up first posters clogging up the board. Admin please delete.

Oh yeah! I don't like it so get rid of it. It doesn't agree with my opinion, therefore it shouldn't be on here. I may, or may not, agree with the op, but I do agree that his thoughts/opinions, that he wishes to share with us should be allowed on BD ( unless, of course, he is breaking any rules/laws)

Peace to you all....

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