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The jackal keech and his rhag forced to issue retraction and apology


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Jackal and rhag get taken to task, as title from Bill McMurdo..

September 17, 2013

Chumps And Champs

I see that the Daily Record has been forced to print a retraction over Karaoke Keith Jackson’s appalling anti-Rangers diatribe yesterday.

Jackson wrote that James and Sandy Easdale had been sold a seat on the Rangers board by Charles Green before his departure. Inaccurate in the case of both brothers and the Record has been forced to admit this, since Green was not with the business when either Easdale was appointed.

Record bosses are reported to be fuming with Karaoke, whose standing with Rangers fans is already terribly low.

This “gaffe” by Jackson in a paper considered hostile to Rangers does no favours for its relationship with the Rangers family and also further highlights the paper’s role in the dirty tricks propaganda campaign being waged by the McColl-Murray group. Many Rangers fans are disgusted by the McColl cabal’s use of the Record as their media vehicle of choice.

Needless to say, admissions of inaccuracy only help cast aspersions on other statements made by Jackson in his blatant support of the group destabilising Rangers FC at this moment.

It is sad to see a newspaper which once dominated the “inky trade” be reduced to being a purveyor of propaganda – something seen most recently in its shameful labelling of the Churches of Christ as an extremist religious cult.

It is even sadder when you consider how courageously the Record has covered RC clergy abuse in recent times, something that may be a daunting subject for some newspapers perhaps fearful of alienating Catholic readers. It also undermines the power of these exposes if they are perceived to be part of an aggressive anti-faith, pro-secular agenda by the newspaper.

The Record has lost its way, it would appear.

Here is the apology. Eagle-eyed observers will notice it has an inaccuracy in its apology for one:-



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No time for any mhedia rhag but at least the Daily Rebel has had the decency to apologise for it's Charles Green slur ... I'm still waiting on the liars and shit stirrers on here, FF and in BF1 apologising their their OTT slurs and lies and exaggerations

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you have to laugh at the daily record,they are that dumb that they cant factualy report the connections with the easdales and green and accurately report what is going on,irvine has played well again,an apology and also got them to print that green isnt involved in the company,another dreadful performance from the record,they really are bottom of the league for upto date accurate information.the record should have said we were wrong,the easdales got on the board for free to carry out charles and imrans plans to the letter.

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More conspiracies with no evidence

they said it ,secured first refusal on greens shares,has charles sold?has it been announced on the stock exchange?one thing we know about charles green is that he came here for the money,he wants top dollar for his shares,do you think the easdales will pay top dollar for his shares?the first refusal on greens shares was a brilliant pr move to make the easdales look credible,it worked a treat and it bought green and ahmad time.
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they said it ,secured first refusal on greens shares,has charles sold?has it been announced on the stock exchange?one thing we know about charles green is that he came hear for the money,he wants top dollar for his shares,do you think the easdales will pay top dollar for his shares?the first refusal on greens shares was a brilliant pr move to make the easdales look credible,it worked a treat and it bought green and ahmad time.

Someone's got to get the shares. People like you wanted him gone. What more do you want?

I'm led to believe he's locked in legally can't sell at the moment due to stock market rules. If that's true then I'm not sure what else you expect to be done?

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You could be busy all day posting to the PCC about all papers and their dodgy journalists!!!

The Leverson enquiry was supposed to sort out Britains corrupt journalism problem but it's not achieved a thing and it's business as usual for the phone hacking, lying mhedia put bullshit on the front page then if someone notices and complains write a tiny apology and hide it where 99% of people will never notice it.

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The Leverson enquiry was supposed to sort out Britains corrupt journalism problem but it's not achieved a thing and it's business as usual for the phone hacking, lying mhedia put bullshit on the front page then if someone notices and complains write a tiny apology and hide it where 99% of people will never notice it.

They do it deliberately IMO as a basic up yours. Although that could be the paranoia in me ;)
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Just goes to show how out of control the newspaper is when the basic facts of the article were not verified before publication, and how sloppy its editorial standards have become when even the apology includes an error. An apology for the state of the apology would now be needed it seems. Or............more perniciously.......they knew perfectly well what they were printing in the first case was a material inaccuracy and waited to see if anyone would notice and how long it would take for them to notice, which in turn potentially increases sales while readers check the article and it keeps people talking about the DR. Ditto for the error in the apology. No such thing as bad publicity when as a company you pay lip service to caring about quality of reporting, but the evidence and performance of reporting repeatedly reveals that such concern is in reality flimsy and worthless. They are a bit like the banks these days - toxic - no reason to trust them and every reason to despise them until they reform themselves and (in the case of the DR) raise their reporting standards to a quality that demonstrably and permanently ditches its anti-Rangers reporting.

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They do it deliberately IMO as a basic up yours. Although that could be the paranoia in me ;)

I don't think its paranoia it's as clear as can be they think they are untouchable and thanks to the lack of moral courage from our law makers in parliament sadly they are right

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