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Our Support Changed When Murray Bought Our Club


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Right from day one I can honestly say I personally never liked Murray, some may call me a liar but I swear it's true, sure he gave us all that success and I admit I thorougly enjoyed it, but I never felt that he was truly one of us

It really started with the stadium being all season ticket holders only, and while I appreciate that ,that was the way it had to be, unfortunatly for me and many like me I couldn't afoard a season ticket so it was always a mad scramble to obtain a ticket, this scenario also meant that my mates and I were scattered all around the stadium, for me a large part of the games was attending with your mates, there were 10 of us who regularly attended together, and with many others in the same boat a lot of supporters got fed up with it and slowly stopped going to the games, this allowed the camel coat brigade to infiltrate Ibrox, and god forgive any fan who might have disturbed their afternoon snooze by singing out loud.

The next step was the hiring of Herr Hood and the demonizing of the vociferious among us, while it may be argued that thay never jailed these supporters they were definatley banned from any future games and being relieved of their season tickets [if they owned one], and while the PC among the support may have been happy it just wasn't the way that the older supporters among us behaved, in my day we stood shoulder to shoulder with one another, now we were being asked to grass on our fellow supporters, which IMO started the errosion to the point we are at now with Ibrox being like a morgue on matchdays.

Another point as others have pointed out, the complete capitulation that was termed "dignified silence" was the catylist that gave every one and his dog carte blanche to attack us without fear of retribution that has led us to the sorry state we find ourselves in now, and still it continues.

Last point, the final nail in the coffin was him selling to that bastard Whyte, and I don't care what anyone says but I still believe Murray and Whyte have a connection.

So to summerise IMO Murray may have cared at the begining, but ultimately we were only a platform to assuage his ego, people may say that he put in millions of his own money, I'm not so sure, I do know he got millions out of us, [top tier of the main stand, catering ETC] and don't forget the millons that others put in during his reign, King anyone, and of course as soon as MIM were in trouble, who was the sacrificial lamb? so in hindsight was Murray good for The Rangers? I know what I believe.

What a great post, Slimjim, couldn't disagree with one single word.

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Ah fcuk off were still the same club and im proud of our history.... I followed Rangers all through the sounness era and ill tell ye what no one told me what I could n couldn't sing... Blame salmond for killing the atmosphere !

Murray was here before Salmond came into power.

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Murray was here before Salmond came into power.

I ain't a Murray fan but his hand in regards to grassing in a fellow suporter for singing sectarian songs was getting forced by uefa etc... So blame uefa and all the interfering busy bodys.... Once we left the 90's the whole World changed into a big brother scenario. We can't friggin move now without someone saying something.
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There was nearly no club left, but okay it was just a dream that we ended up in the bottom division, and were never liquidated.

You surely don't believe the Tims propaganda that we are a new team formed in 2012?

Please tell me you know it was the PLC which liquidated and that the football club is still the same one with our 141yr unbroken history.

If our own fans, especially ones who have followed us for as many years as yourself minst truly believe we are not the same club, then some fans truly have changed as your op stated sadly.

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You surely don't believe the Tims propaganda that we are a new team formed in 2012?

Please tell me you know it was the PLC which liquidated and that the football club is still the same one with our 141yr unbroken history.

If our own fans, especially ones who have followed us for as many years as yourself minst truly believe we are not the same club, then some fans truly have changed as your op stated sadly.

I never said that we were not the same club. What i said was that we did go under, in the fact that we had to drop in to the bottom league, and had to apply to be allowed to play there. Yes it was the company that went under, but the fact is that we nearly had no league to play in. I do notice that The Dude liked your post.

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I never said that we were not the same club. What i said was that we did go under, in the fact that we had to drop in to the bottom league, and had to apply to be allowed to play there. Yes it was the company that went under, but the fact is that we nearly had no league to play in. I do notice that The Dude liked your post.

I am fully aware (as we all are) what happened.

I just get a bit upset when I see our fans using the term "went under" mate.

That phrase just doesn't sit right with me I guess.

As for the last part of your post about the dude liking my post, I have absolutely no idea what you are getting at there?

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I am fully aware (as we all are) what happened.

I just get a bit upset when I see our fans using the term "went under" mate.

That phrase just doesn't sit right with me I guess.

As for the last part of your post about the dude liking my post, I have absolutely no idea what you are getting at there?

I should have worded it better, with meaning that we dropped down into the bottom division. If i thought that we were not the same club, then i would not be here. To be honest with you, if we had lost our history, then that would have been me done. Having followed the club for over 50 years, that would have killed me. Also with all carry on, made me ill and affected my health, but we are on the road back again, and will get to the top. About the Dude i was not having a go at you, just that the both of us do not like each other.

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When Murray came in, Rangers turned their back on the Traditional support, to appease the media and press. He was more interested in the prawn cocktail brigade, the ones who only used our club as a hobby, and also allowed people to kick our club all over the place.

Murray also tried to turn the fans against each other, by bringing in the grass line, to encourage fans to grass on other fans for singing songs. And yes he did bring good days to our club, and i cheered every title and cup that we won. But in the end, he helped run our club into the ground, and at the end, he sold our club to the wrong man.

When i now sit back and think, was all the success worth it, in my opinion no. If i had the chance to give everything back, i would, if it prevented the club going under, even if it meant winning nothing. When you think that greater men in history than Murray helped build our great club, and look where we have ended up.

Designer fans arrived, glory hunters.

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I should have worded it better, with meaning that we dropped down into the bottom division. If i thought that we were not the same club, then i would not be here. To be honest with you, if we had lost our history, then that would have been me done. Having followed the club for over 50 years, that would have killed me. Also with all carry on, made me ill and affected my health, but we are on the road back again, and will get to the top. About the Dude i was not having a go at you, just that the both of us do not like each other.

I remember how you felt about the situation mate, and was delighted when you did not take Casey's route.

We are on our way back, and your 50+ years of following coupled with my 30yrs will give us an octo celebration when we become champions of Scotland once again. :-)

I honestly was waiting on you calling me a handwringer when the dude comment came up. Lol. Which could not be further from the truth.

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I remember how you felt about the situation mate, and was delighted when you did not take Casey's route.

We are on our way back, and your 50+ years of following coupled with my 30yrs will give us an octo celebration when we become champions of Scotland once again. :-)

I honestly was waiting on you calling me a handwringer when the dude comment came up. Lol. Which could not be further from the truth.

Thanks mate, but as people know, i am not the best at grammar, and sometimes things come across different than what i mean. :D . I know that you are not and handwringer, and would like to apologize if you thought that was what i was meaning.

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Thanks mate, but as people know, i am not the best at grammar, and sometimes things come across different than what i mean. :D . I know that you are not and handwringer, and would like to apologize if you thought that was what i was meaning.

No apology needed mate. Would do the thumbs up now I weren't on my phone. Lol

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Sorry but Rangers is also a business and without a fair amount of money we could not compete. So I welcome each and every trophy and each and every Rangers fan: except the ones who cost us fines and bad press. We are still Rangers.

Unless we can walk into the English game we shall remain a vital part of modern Scottish football. Either way we need good PR, decent behaviour, entertaining football, value for money, and like any other club we must move away from negative perceptions.

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I never said that we were not the same club. What i said was that we did go under, in the fact that we had to drop in to the bottom league, and had to apply to be allowed to play there. Yes it was the company that went under, but the fact is that we nearly had no league to play in. I do notice that The Dude liked your post.

No we didn't.

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I should have worded it better, with meaning that we dropped down into the bottom division. If i thought that we were not the same club, then i would not be here. To be honest with you, if we had lost our history, then that would have been me done. Having followed the club for over 50 years, that would have killed me. Also with all carry on, made me ill and affected my health, but we are on the road back again, and will get to the top. About the Dude i was not having a go at you, just that the both of us do not like each other.

You may not like me but certainly I don't dislike you. I may not agree with you often but I don't dislike you. You're a guy on a forum. Sometime I think you post shite and sometimes I'm in total agreement. I neither particualrly like or dislike anyone here.

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Why do you always get someone like you coming up with this shite excuse? People who went years ago never had any problem with songs or shouting at the opposition etc.....everyone expected that back then, now they are getting threatened with the jail and a criminal record for it.

And you can say stuff like things change etc.........things might change but the fans don't change. The politicians should just stick to what they know best fucking up the country. And the police should do what their paid to do aswell jail people for Murder or being rapists etc etc...........Not for singing a song or flying a flag.

What an absolute waste of words!

The fans do change, that is the point. The club were building a fan base from the 19th century, where the social outlook was far different to that of today. Back in the day, many men worked and played with their only known social base, knowing nothing of others around them and even being told by their church to stick to what they know. In today's World, men and women have ambition, drive and individualism.

As the club and fans progressed from the 19th Century to the 20th, the change was gradual and as such, the traditions of many subjects slowly decreased. The same happened at Ibrox. David Murray did not change the way in which the fans thought, it was society and anyone who thinks otherwise might be in denial.

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Murray and his financial issues are one thing.

The clamping of the "traditions" is another altogether. No matter who was in charge of Rangers, they would have had to clamp down on it. The oft quoted Bill Struth himself would have had to advise that fans followed the rules (whether they liked them or not).

He would not have wanted Rangers dragged through the mud any more than Minty did.

A lot of things can be laid at Mintys door, but the dropping of the "traditions" was not one of them.

I agree having folk up in court for singing a song is way OTT, but at the same time I don't want to belong to a club known for sectarian bigotry.

Like slavery and sending weans up chimneys, sectarian stuff has had its day and anyone still dabbling in it will be villified. The world has moved on and Rangers fans just have to embrace that and accept it. Why not replace it with something new and original ? I'm sure we can do better.

Let others be hated for it.

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