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Our Support Changed When Murray Bought Our Club


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Murray and his financial issues are one thing.

The clamping of the "traditions" is another altogether. No matter who was in charge of Rangers, they would have had to clamp down on it. The oft quoted Bill Struth himself would have had to advise that fans followed the rules (whether they liked them or not).

He would not have wanted Rangers dragged through the mud any more than Minty did.

A lot of things can be laid at Mintys door, but the dropping of the "traditions" was not one of them.

I agree having folk up in court for singing a song is way OTT, but at the same time I don't want to belong to a club known for sectarian bigotry.

Like slavery and sending weans up chimneys, sectarian stuff has had its day and anyone still dabbling in it will be villified. The world has moved on and Rangers fans just have to embrace that and accept it. Why not replace it with something new and original ? I'm sure we can do better.

Let others be hated for it.

The world has done a lot of things moved on is not one of them, sectarian wars are going on all over the place strangely we are held up as all that is evil when much worse is done in some God's name all over the globe.

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The world has done a lot of things moved on is not one of them, sectarian wars are going on all over the place strangely we are held up as all that is evil when much worse is done in some God's name all over the globe.

Sectarian wars are still going on, yes, but not between Catholics and Protestants. The wars are for other reasons and most commonly money, hidden behind religion.

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Is anyone telling me that loyalist songs are going to stop anytime soon? I seriously doubt it very much. The demonsiation and bigotry levelled against us from allcomers over the last several years has only inflamed the fires of hate. The hatred between us now is worse than it was 30 years ago. In the last two years the Orange Order has seen it ranks swell in record numbers of new members as some may have noticed in this years parade. It is also no coincidence that the situation in NI has also deteriorated somewhat, with the scum trying to take liberties and the protestant population is starting to fight back and it is not over by a long shot.

Lastly, please do not delude yourself that all this has nothing to do with Rangers. Sure, not with the PLC, but with the support and the support is the Club! Just like scum fc supporters, we have our traditions and heritage and they won't be deserted because of any sanctamonious sectarian laws, penned by a taig appeasing megalomaniac!

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The boys who started our club did not share your idea of heritage and tradition. It was a sporting club first and foremost. Hatred should have no place in football. Period.

And I'm sure the brother who founded scum fc, didn't have the provos in mind when he founded them either, but society does move on as stated by other posters, but not always the way that we would like. You can only take so many punches before you fight back. Either that or you are dead, whether a person or institution. Reality is what is, not would should be. Heritage and tradition evolves as society evolves. Protestantism and loyalism is what made and sustained the Club long after the founding fathers. The rivalry between Rangers and scum fc is not just about football and for the vast majority of both our histories and never has been and not that it should be, but that is the reality and that is what shaped both clubs. Our heritage, our traditions, our history. It takes all parties to make the peace, not the one, or that one is a dead one. We have a very recent lesson in what the haters almost achievedand they haven't gone away!
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When Murray came in, Rangers turned their back on the Traditional support, to appease the media and press. He was more interested in the prawn cocktail brigade, the ones who only used our club as a hobby, and also allowed people to kick our club all over the place.

Murray also tried to turn the fans against each other, by bringing in the grass line, to encourage fans to grass on other fans for singing songs. And yes he did bring good days to our club, and i cheered every title and cup that we won. But in the end, he helped run our club into the ground, and at the end, he sold our club to the wrong man.

When i now sit back and think, was all the success worth it, in my opinion no. If i had the chance to give everything back, i would, if it prevented the club going under, even if it meant winning nothing. When you think that greater men in history than Murray helped build our great club, and look where we have ended up.

I agree with some of what you say, but I also remember being a a Motherwell game in the early eighties with less than fifteen thousand in the stadium. There was no investment or ambition, Murray did bring in the prawn sandwich brigade, but he all brought in a whole generation of new fans that might otherwise have been lost to us.

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On the OP, although I understand where it is coming from, there is a lot of coincidence around these issues. Times change and we could not have continued as we were.

It is very sad if the removal of some of the more extreme views being driven out of the fanbase is the reason for a lack of fight and confidence. Our confidence doesn't need to come from religion.

You do have to look at the rise of political correctness and the changes across all of society rather than just laying all of the blame for this at SDM.

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On the OP, although I understand where it is coming from, there is a lot of coincidence around these issues. Times change and we could not have continued as we were.

It is very sad if the removal of some of the more extreme views being driven out of the fanbase is the reason for a lack of fight and confidence. Our confidence doesn't need to come from religion.

You do have to look at the rise of political correctness and the changes across all of society rather than just laying all of the blame for this at SDM.

He did give us some great times, but he would never defend our fans, and when you look at the end game, was it all worth it.

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On the OP, although I understand where it is coming from, there is a lot of coincidence around these issues. Times change and we could not have continued as we were.

It is very sad if the removal of some of the more extreme views being driven out of the fanbase is the reason for a lack of fight and confidence. Our confidence doesn't need to come from religion.

You do have to look at the rise of political correctness and the changes across all of society rather than just laying all of the blame for this at SDM.

I agree with your first paragraph, but I never grew up thinking that Rangers had a religious identity.

Celtic fans like to preach politcal correctness and religious identity. This allows them the use of the sectarian shield to cover up their chequered history.

I don't even think we lack fight. What we lack is unity and organisation, the other side have this is abundance.

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I agree with some of what you say, but I also remember being a a Motherwell game in the early eighties with less than fifteen thousand in the stadium. There was no investment or ambition, Murray did bring in the prawn sandwich brigade, but he all brought in a whole generation of new fans that might otherwise have been lost to us.

By the time Murray came in we were League champions and filling the newly redeveloped Ibrox every second week. The hard work had been done,

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By the time Murray came in we were League champions and filling the newly redeveloped Ibrox every second week. The hard work had been done,

Yeah the Souness revolution happened before Murray, but Murray built on that success for the next 10 years, expanded the stadium.

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Yeah the Souness revolution happened before Murray, but Murray built on that success for the next 10 years, expanded the stadium.

He took over the top Club in the UK and left behind a financial basket case.

Carry on your love in all you like, but he was the worst thing that has happened to Rangers.

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He took over the top Club in the UK and left behind a financial basket case.

Carry on your love in all you like, but he was the worst thing that has happened to Rangers.

When put like that it's hard to argue.

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He did give us some great times, but he would never defend our fans, and when you look at the end game, was it all worth it.

I'm not viewing it as a trade off, I think certain things have become more unacceptable through society, and I don't think that it is a tide we could have held back. Obviously, impossible to prove either way.

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Im personally not a fan of the religious songs so quite glad they have been faded out.

I was never brought up to sings these songs and when I was really young a shouted certain things I was quite lucky to have a intelligent older brother that would question me on it (he is not a football fan).

I think in the future it will only become less and less important to Rangers fans as we as a society become more secular

Faded out?? Why is it when the UB start fathers advice or the sash they are the loudest songs sang that day? Those songs will thankfully never be faded out, do you sit in the family section? Have you ever been to ibrox? Have you ever been to Glasgow? You seem to have grown up in a wee bubble son

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Murray was a disaster for Rangers football club and i curse the day he ever stepped foot inside Ibrox. If only we had done the same as Ayr utd and told him to feck off all those years ago.

The biggest problem with Murray was his egotism and everytime the team got a bad result his plan B was to throw more and more money at the problem. Not his money of course but everyone elses while somehow he managed to maintin the myth that he was funding all the big name signings from his own pocket.

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