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Generic Gaming thread (formerly known as the PS4 Thread)


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Tried to setup my wee brothers PS4 online this morning and can't get on because of they neckbearded loner virgin bastards.


They cunts will destroy the free web for us all. Imo they are controlled opposition causing havoc to give an excuse for tighter net regulation.....which won't be to stop hackers but stop people accessing websites that say things they don't like.

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They cunts will destroy the free web for us all. Imo they are controlled opposition causing havoc to give an excuse for tighter net regulation.....which won't be to stop hackers but stop people accessing websites that say things they don't like.

Haven't been able to log in all day :( missing out on some serious COD action!

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Fuck me man, got the ps4 yesterday and I'm raging! Nah it's not really bothering me, sat and finished Bioshock infinite again for something to do. Feel sorry for the wee boys and girls that got a PS from Santa, few tears I'd imagine

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Microsoft & Sony can't really do much about the attacks to be fair to them.

What's happening to the servers is nothing more than a simple DDOS. Overloading the servers with over 2,000,000,000 packets of data, per second. Causing the servers to continually crash over and over again. All at the click of a mouse, that you can simply click "start/stop" on.

Only way to really defend against it, is to subsidise the incoming packets into another server, one that's not in use as the main servers, filter out all the packets, and only allow "recognised" packets through at a time. Although it doesn't actually really fix it, it just makes it open to a few thousand people, rather than the millions that should be able to access it.

Engineers say they're working on it, but there's not really much they can do.

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And.....back down again.


PSN Status has been set as Offline since last night. I can't see this ending anytime soon as it is out of Sony and Microsofts control as far as I know.

So disappointing. Was looking forward to some GTA Online with a mate who only got the game yesterday and only recently got a PS4 after years of not being able to play online together. Best case scenario is that those behind the DDoS lose interest today.

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KingDotCom paying them off to stop attacks on the servers was the wrong thing to do. Lizard Squad are a cyber terrorist group; they're not exactly hackers mind you.

But, succumbing to a terrorists wishes, only makes them do more of the same.

As of today they targeted TOR servers and demanded a pay out from the company to cease attacks.

Xbox back online.

Sony's still doing maintenance.

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