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Some people may say.... Spiers is lying clueless bhigot who has made a career out of hating Rangers.

If Spiers has said the "we are a new club shite" on the publicly funded BBC Scotland then we should email and complain

(as we did with Spence)

UEFA, SFA, SPFL, ASA, Lord Nimmo Smith etc have all confirmed that we are the same club since 1872.

I agree with D'Art that dignified silence and apathy are not options anymore and both have played a part in where we are today.

Spiers is a failed "journalist" and he should not be in employment

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Some people may say.... Spiers is lying clueless bhigot who has made a career out of hating Rangers.

If Spiers has said the "we are a new club shite" on the publicly funded BBC Scotland then we should email and complain

(as we did with Spence)

UEFA, SFA, SPFL, ASA, Lord Nimmo Smith etc have all confirmed that we are the same club since 1872.

I agree with D'Art that dignified silence and apathy are not options anymore and both have played a part in where we are today.

Spiers is a failed "journalist" and he should not be in employment

It's a tricky one. On the one hand, I agree that we should challenge these lies wherever we find them, lest they are repeated often enough and become fact. On the other, Spiers is a failure and a nobody, and said this purely for attention. I'm reluctant to give him what he wants.
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Getting sick of our clubs attitude tbh.

If I said, and I'm not, that BA, Virgin, Sainsburies etc etc, were corrupt, not who they said they were, taxcheats when there were not, lying to the public - how long exactly do you think that would float before a complete retraction, a slander case, etc etc were all brought to my door?

Our club, for some completely unfathomable reason won't lift a Fucking finger... Sick if all the "we're watching", " we will be acting", "they won't get away with this" shite. What have they done Fuck all...

P.s. completely agree that the turn the other cheek spineless hand wringers must be in their element these days. But it merely makes the majority, from what I know, far more likely to take issue with scum given the chance arising at some point. People have long memories, handwringers aside, and retribution will be had....

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It's a tricky one. On the one hand, I agree that we should challenge these lies wherever we find them, lest they are repeated often enough and become fact. On the other, Spiers is a failure and a nobody, and said this purely for attention. I'm reluctant to give him what he wants.

I agree mate he is an attention seeking nobody but if he is peddling his crap on BBC then he should be challenged.

As we know too well the media can influence public opinion

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:lol: "Angie baby".......:lol:

Spiers has tumbled beyond parody to something that can only be described as pathetic.....I feel sorry for him, 3 names, "miss Scotland 2014" and the rest if the demented! It has been proven on countless occasions yet they won't accept it and are desperate for others to believe their twisted version of reality! Our national game is a joke yet all they care about is desperatly trying to convince one another we are dead!

I didn't hear what spiers said but the complaints procedure is in place to go directly to the BBC trust.....the ASA have recently published a very concise report on why we are the same club and if spiers is unwilling to accept that and act accordingly then he must be removed from his position on a publicly funded station.....

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And its nothing new - this is some material composed a few years ago by a member of the Vanguard Bears


“Rancid chanting…..total embarrassment……putrid stench…..savages….poisonous singing…..desecration…..cavemen…...wholesale yobishness…..vile troglodytes…..stinking, bigoted, religious stuff……backward culture…..almost to a man”.


“David Murray is on the back foot…..at Rangers, by general consent, the sectarianism is worse than it is at Celtc……It was an experience that reminded me again of how widespread and malignant bigotry at Ibrox is……It is folly, not to say a cultural disservice to Scotland, to denounce O'Neill for what he said this week…..Rangers, in particular, have a major problem with bigots”.

“Compare and contrast their shameful behaviour with that of Celtc, who on the road to Seville last season, represented Scottish football immaculately” (I suppose they did, if you don’t include the stabbing in Seville, the riot in Blackburn, the Provo banners, the booing of Porto as they lifted the trophy, planes being diverted to Cardiff etc. etc. etc. But why let the FACTS get in the way of a dig at Rangers eh Graham?)

I think Spiers has made it very clear how he feels about US the supporters’ ladies and gentleman, but what’s his views on our club?


"Like the Rangers orange strip, the song ('Follow, Follow') cannot be listed among the great criminal acts, it merely offends”


“Nor can I recall Rangers being disparaged in 1972 when they won the Cup-Winners' Cup; a tournament which, by definition, was painfully inferior to the European Cup, indeed a prize which many placed third in the list of Europe's club baubles behind the UEFA Cup.”


“Please can I be spared any whining from Rangers over this and other criticisms?” “(Rangers) the most paranoid club in Scottish football”.

Fair to say he’s none to keen on our club either! But what does he say about our biggest rivals I hear you ask? Surely in the interest of neutrality and parity, Celtc are afforded the same malevolence?


“Celtc, though, as a football institution, quite rightly remains a symbol of Catholicism. The Celtc strip, as famed and proudly known around the world as it is, still cannot be divorced from one of its cultural parents, which is the Catholic faith.”


“Even high-brow Herald readers, hauling their noses away from such works as Jacob Bronowski and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, may have noticed the palaver that is being planned by Celtc supporters in time for Sunday's slaughter - erm, I mean match - against Rangers at Parkhead.”


“I repeat my main contention: that Larsson's contribution to Scottish life and culture, via the game of football, has been immense. In a sordid football age, his role-model status has also been impeccable.” (Deliberately breaking Gus MacPherson’s leg aside presumably).


“Following Sunday's win at Ibrox I met one Celtc player, a man I remain a great admirer of, and whispered to him: "I fear for some of the alcoholic carnage of you lot over the next few days, it's been a long wait." He smiled and looked at me with rivulets of anticipation dribbling from his chops.”

6/5/04, 22/1/04, 27/11/03, 4/4/02, 7/3/02,

“In one of my favourite magazines, The Alternative View….. the shockingly good magazine, The Alternative View……It was with great joy that I received my copy the other day of The Alternative View, a genuinely enjoyable football magazine of a Celtc persuasion…..the excellent Alternative View, a new mag set up by my old malapropic mucker himself, Matt McGlone….. After 36 years of unchallenged success, the Celtc View at last has a commercial rival…..If I tell readers that Matt McGlone is the brains behind this venture, you may well share my intrigue….. a Che Guevara figure among the fans who helped ease Fergus McCann into place….. I have seen the first edition of The Alternative View, and, I must say, it looks very good. (This is just some of a number of plugs he gave for his bigoted mate McGlone’s failed Celtc magazine in the pages of the Herald).


“Lennon's symphony is music to my ears - My sporting highlight of the past week must be the moment when I was called upon to break the news to Neil Lennon that James MacMillan, Scotland's most distinguished composer, had written a piece in his honour. It is always a minor joy catching up with Lennon.” (In fact Graham loves “Lenny” so much he excused him his spitting on a Rangers scarf and mouthing “orange bastards” to the Rangers support. A strange stance for an individual who has propelled himself to the forefront of McConnell’s anti-bigotry campaign wouldn’t you agree?)

“Celtc have a moral right to this league” (on the day before the 2003 title deciders).

“35,000 Celtc fans singing The Fields of Athenry made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up” (Seems Spiers likes the “tottie famine, rebelling against the Crown” ditty. Compare and contrast with his viewpoint of Follow Follow above)

WARNING: Please have a basin handy prior to reading the next quote.


“I must admit, if I ever fulfil my ambition of having a very splendid private dinner with O'Neill, it will be the one question I'll certainly get round to asking: ''Why were you so horrible to us over that new contract saga?''

I’m sure you’ll agree it’s plain as the nose on your face who are Spiers favourite team down Glasgow way.

Last season I attended a Rangers v. Aberdeen match at Ibrox. Meeting up with my good friend North East Bear post match, he told me he’d been sitting directly behind Spiers. After 6 minutes the Aberdeen fans broke into their “Nice One Simmy” routine, rejoicing in the injury inflicted on Ian Durrant by Neil Simpson, which effectively ruined the wee man’s career. North East Bear pointed this out to Spiers. He further pointed out bile coming from the Aberdeen section revelling in the death of 66 people in the Ibrox Disaster and the death of Davie Cooper at both half-time and full time. Spiers in his Monday morning match report PRAISED the Aberdeen fans for singing “Nice one JIMMY” claiming they were showing support for their manager Mr. Calderwood! North East Bear wrote to the Herald editor pointing out Speirs perversion. Needless to say he received no reply. For the record, Darrell King of the Evening Times stated on Real Radio that anyone who claimed they couldn’t hear the word “Simmie” (as opposed to Jimmy) was kidding themselves on. So there you have it. Spiers is prepared to tell LIES to antagonise Rangers fans. A fellow sports journalist and Newsquest employee confirmed that to be the case.

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I actually feel its beyond PR advisors. I think its time for some legal action. Lets see how bold he is when he personally - not his newspaper - is sued for defamation.

Agreed - the PR advisors are pre occupied with batting off the enemy within at the moment anyway.

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@AngelaHaggerty Angie baby, plenty media folk hold same view as me of the RFC liquidation. I don't get some of this angst.

"plenty of folk hold same view as me that you are a smarmy,effeminate,attention seeking individual". Now that i DO get.!!!!!

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He's doing it to get a reaction and it's worked, however I think the club should go after this on the basis that it can damage our value constantly having these lies peddled as truth.

Only in this country where hatred for Rangers runs strong can people voice such an incorrect opinion and have it labelled truth, again and again.

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The new board should listen to the fans now and then and ban this little wretch. Like all media types, he only gets on TV and radio because he attacks Rangers. If he hated Celtic and spewed out nonsense about them every day, do we honestly think the BBC would employ him?

On that point Willhelm - perhaps it would be useful for VB to prepare a pro forma letter to the club outlining his worst excesses

This could then be utilised by shareholders and ST holders only to bombard the club with complaints.

It would need to be bona fide in as much that everyone would need to put their Rangers number and/or shareholder number on it so the complainants could be verified

There's no danger of making him a martyr as the Bheasts banned Keevins and he didn't become a martyr.

Over to you..... :)

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On that point Willhelm - perhaps it would be useful for VB to prepare a pro forma letter to the club outlining his worst excesses

This could then be utilised by shareholders and ST holders only to bombard the club with complaints.

It would need to be bona fide in as much that everyone would need to put their Rangers number and/or shareholder number on it so the complainants could be verified

There's no danger of making him a martyr as the Bheasts banned Keevins and he didn't become a martyr.

Over to you..... :)

This 100 times this

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There is no reason why an immediate ban could not be implemented.

No access to the stadium.

No access to Murray Park.

All staff advised not to grant any interviews whatsoever.

Best of all, do not give him an explanation that he can use in a bid for martyrdom.

"Dear Mr Speirs, with immediate effect, your press privileges have been withdrawn for both Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park. In addition, all of our representatives and employees have been asked to decline any requests for interview received from you.

Any future requests for access to premises or staff will be politely declined.

Thank you.

G. Wallace, Rangers CEO "

Simples :)

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I actually feel its beyond PR advisors. I think its time for some legal action. Lets see how bold he is when he personally - not his newspaper - is sued for defamation.


If he gets sacked or sued then just maybe it would reduce his arrogance.

For too long we have sat back (me included)did nothing and allowed those such as Spiers to spout their lies and bhigoted bile.

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It'd hardly take a monumental effort to at least release a statement stating the facts and pointing out that Speirs is a troll and a cretin

MNB - that has been done numerous times over the last few months.

Its time to deliver, legally, to those who would not take the warning.

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The BBC knew exactly what they were doing yesterday. Spiers was a willing participant and gleefully stuck the boot in again. Rangers fans can complain all they like, but until the club take action and set an example, we are pissing in the wind.

If Wallace is half the man he seems to be, he will understand the importance of this issue to the support and act.

I suspect he will try a polite request off the record first drawing a line and ASKING for that to be respected.

But I don't think he is anyone's doormat and, if scum like Cosgrove, Cowan, Spence and Odious keep it coming, he would take action.

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I will do as before and complain to the BBC could someone post the link and when they whitewash it I will go to the trust as before and when they whitewash that I will do as before and keep records of their failures and when enough accrue I will go to parliament with a huge list of BBC whitewashes. Do not give up if the complaint is legitimate with evidence and not just gripes it will be the destruction of the BBC

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