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Dave King shows no sign of leaving a riled Rangers board in peace.

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Like a lion-tamer jabbing a chair at the gates of Ibrox Dave King shows no sign of leaving a riled Rangers board in peace.

The former director says a second Ibrox share issue is now ‘100 per cent inevitable’ and he expects to be involved.

The response from an increasingly exasperated Rangers support – no doubt the directors as well - was a roar of frustration.

Put up or shut up was the cry. Show us your money.

When it comes to spending other people’s money, of course, football supporters are the wizards of Wall Street.

Yet the truth is this. Many show a remarkable inability to either listen to or absorb the line King has consistently adopted on this.

He says he has the means to buy Rangers. Shelling out £43.7million to the South African authorities last year in full and final settlement of one of the lengthiest tax disputes the country had ever known, King described it as a ‘favourable’ result.

Money: Were King to buy up all 60 million of the shares in circulation at that price he could, in theory, take control of Rangers for £16.2m

There are people out there worrying where their next meal might come from. Dave King isn’t one of them.

His personal wealth is known only to him. How he acquired it is also a question the SFA could be forced to ask one day. But in the aftermath of the settlement with the South African Revenue Service shares in Micromega, his South African firm, soared. On paper, at least, he appears to be a hugely wealthy man.

All of which adds to the bewilderment of Rangers supporters that he won’t simply step in and end their misery by paying the opportunist investors currently running the club to go away.

Since last year’s IPO the Rangers International share price has dropped from 70p to a mere 27.25p on Friday morning.

Were King to buy up all 60 million of the shares in circulation at that price he could, in theory, take control of Rangers for £16.2m.

That’s a sum comfortably within his budget. It’s feasible he could pay twice that price and still have change left over.

But that doesn’t mean he will. Or that the people currently running the show will stand back and let him.

Supporters speak as if all King has to do is transfer a few million quid to an Escrow account and pick up the keys to Ibrox. It’s not that simple.

He could certainly make an offer for existing shares but he has said from the start he won’t put money into the pockets of wide boys.

In June 2012 King met Charles Green at Ibrox and quickly established that the Yorkshireman and his faceless backers saw Rangers as the vehicle for making a fast buck. By the time he left Green took close to £1m out of the club.

In contrast King is the proverbial ‘Rangers man’. A rarity willing to put millions into buying players for his boyhood idols in the full knowledge he will lose every penny.

He put £20m of his own cash into the David Murray regime and lost it all.

To hand yet more cash over to the corporate sharks who have landed Rangers in a hell of a mess through their avarice and opportunism, then, would stick in the throat.

Neither is there any guarantee Sandy and James Easdale – the public faces on the throne – would sell.

Meeting Sandy Easdale at his bus depot in November, King struck up a cordial relationship with the Greenock tycoon. But right now the Easdales show no inclination to hand the reins over to anyone.

Their problem, however, is this.

Rangers are running out of money. They could sell Lee Wallace, they could cut back the playing squad and they could trim costs across the board.

But King articulated a common view among supporters this week. Becoming a team of also rans is simply unthinkable to Rangers. Almost as unpalatable as Celtic reaching ten-in-a-row.

Yet unless the Easdales find a way to raise cash quickly it could easily happen.

King’s solution is to underwrite a fresh issue of shares and return to the boardroom.

For existing investors that’s a last resort option. They would have to dig deep once more or see their power base eroded. They don’t fancy that one bit.

But if the alternative is another insolvency event then they may have little choice.

Another Ibrox sugar daddy won’t appeal to everyone. The common sense solution would be for Rangers to spend what they earn. To stop throwing good money after bad and live within their means.

But, as Walter Smith observed recently, common sense and Rangers finances rarely go hand in hand. Dave King remains hellbent on proving it.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/foo...#ixzz2rP65E6Ui

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AS previously discussed, he couldnt buy for £16m. Cant be bothered reading the rest as i have every confidence it will be a further rehash of all the other articles and soundbites. (tu)

Would cost £57 mil ATM to buy all shares

Mid July £27 mil

This time in 12 months £17 mil

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Either the existing board generate the funds necessary or new share issue will be required.

If new issue D King spends on the squad. If existing shareholders play hard ball then unfortunately he will have to spend to remove them.

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Not convinced on the second share issue, as for getting to the prem then I would not be surprised if the current investors released some capital to guarantee some European Qualification, that would positively effect the share price and hence increase their stake.

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Ok, if a new share issue goes ahead, for instance another 65 million shares which doubles the amount we have at the moment, what price would they go on sale at? How would that affect the current price of existing shares?

You can have half the shares at one price and the other half at another price can you?

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Sometimes i think we would better with a rich business man owning us out right that would have a board that runs the club his way as its been going on & on this one out this one in how can we ever go forward like this how are we ever going to bring in the top players we need with what been going on pay cuts needs sorted out once a for all not good enough

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Why would a man with supposed Rangers best interests at heart go around telling folk we would be in admin by xmas ?

Like the rebels before him he is playing his own game for his own ends and to hell with the effects on the club.

I can't see King getting involved now as the board don't want to sell.

So now we will see another campaign against them in the hope it helps King.

By the time that is crushed, Another AGM will be on the cards.

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Why would a man with supposed Rangers best interests at heart go around telling folk we would be in admin by xmas ?

Like the rebels before him he is playing his own game for his own ends and to hell with the effects on the club.

I can't see King getting involved now as the board don't want to sell.

So now we will see another campaign against them in the hope it helps King.

By the time that is crushed, Another AGM will be on the cards.

Dave King spoke out, Mather visited him in Africa and then the changes begun. I already think King is involved in some way.

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Its a game of bring the share price down enough and the investors will want out, King has been around longer than us and knows how to play his cards and when.

Only fools rush in!

1. trod down the price of Rangers shares.

2. Investor decide to get out.

3. make small but significant purchases ( below 3%)

4. buy a percent known to others and above 3% in own name(king)

5. wait till Rangers run out of money and are in the championship season and buy up % to take control of the company.

6. float more shares to the market to compete in the Premiership to gain entry into champions league.


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Its a game of bring the share price down enough and the investors will want out, King has been around longer than us and knows how to play his cards and when.

Only fools rush in!

1. trod down the price of Rangers shares.

2. Investor decide to get out.

3. make small but significant purchases ( below 3%)

4. buy a percent known to others and above 3% in own name(king)

5. wait till Rangers run out of money and are in the championship season and buy up % to take control of the company.

6. float more shares to the market to compete in the Premiership to gain entry into champions league.


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