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Supporters Direct meeting

Carsons Dog

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This is a SD meeting - there are no 'factions'.

Everyone has been invited as a Rangers fan. I honestly think everyone invited should come along with an open mind. If you don't like the idea or SD can't answer your questions sufficiently then fair enough. But negativity until then isn't helpful to Rangers

I wasnt accusing anyone of anything FWIW. Just trying to explain why some might think the RST was involved.

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I am a bit surprised at the Louden being so vociferous in support of this. I would have thought that, as business, they would not appear to be taking sides.

There are no sides to this. It's about all the Rangers support. I will listen to the final proposal and if I do not like I will not support it, but I will at least listen.

I have always repeated that we support any Rangers fans looking to help in any way we can.

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I wasnt accusing anyone of anything FWIW. Just trying to explain why some might think the RST was involved.

I can understand where you are coming from but I just want to reiterate that this isn't led by RST. Supporters Direct are behind this and they are a legit government funded organisation with the goal of having community ownership in clubs. Its totally transparent

I'd like to add that, from what I have seen, this isn't anti-board. It just about having Rangers fans having a say in the club. Though I will learn much more at the meeting

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Hey Wellblue nice to have your input. One post in nearly 2 years. Seems a bit strange and you'll forgive me if I totally ignore your advice.

SoldierBlue1 - Fair criticism which I take squarely on the chin. I should have commented before now but have always been too scared.

Unfair comment as I gave no advice. I respect Guardian's opinions and asked a question as to why he held the opinion that fan ownership could not work.

It will not be compulsory to join if such a scheme is set up so it will up to each and every fan to make their own mind up as to whether it is worthwhile or not.

I assume that the point of this first meeting is to gauge how many individuals are willing to volunteer their time and effort to set up the scheme and how much support there is for them from SDS.

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Have you got an invite as I could ask them to put you on the list,this is the first meeting and it will not be the last.

No i don't have an invite mate, but it will be impossible for me to make it to the louden at half en on a friday due to work comitments. thanks though, I look forward to reading a write up on how it went.

I still don't think it's a viable option for us, but more power to people for trying to do something.

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No i don't have an invite mate, but it will be impossible for me to make it to the louden at half en on a friday due to work comitments. thanks though, I look forward to reading a write up on how it went.

I still don't think it's a viable option for us, but more power to people for trying to do something.

I will ask them for a copy of the Q and A and post it,hopefully once you see it we can have another meeting.What time would suit most fans?
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So, these faceless dudes we don't know have spotted the demise of the RST and the rest of the groups being left in limbo, and fancy riding into Ibrox on the fans money too.

It can fail cos we don't have 20,000 idiots in the support for a start.

This will be ridiculed unless there are folk we can trust 100% running it, and I don't just mean wheeling out some figurehead for the presentations.

In the current climate, there is absolutely no chance of fans getting behind something like this. The rebels divisiveness saw to that.

Folk aren't keen to part with cash so that somebody else gets a blazer any more.

There is no one getting a blazer,I would not even go to the meeting if I thought that.I also think that the board of the supporters group should have no one with any baggage from any other fans group should be on it.It should be made up of people with impeccable backgrounds.
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nope not me.

i have no need to hide my identity, Mr Papac.

Firstly and i think i may have had this discussion with you already Swanseas Fans Control collectivly 20% of the shares.

Secondly Fanownership is not a panacea.

Cooperative Onwership is a type of legal form of governance just like a PLC or a Ltd Co or a CLBG, or a Charity.

All are capable of being run well all are capable of being run badly.

What this form of ownership beings to a footballl environment is Transparancy.

But to say because Barca or Madrid are in bother so Rangers Fans should not consider it is like saying Rangers should not stay as a PLC because Woolworths went bust.

I said my name to you on twitter, and you agreed that Barcelona and Real Madrid is a joke. And you are comparing a company to a football club which is just stupid tbh (my opinion) and also if the hearts supporters trust is the right way, why are they running out of money by march?

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It's all about Rangers - if they can get any interest from the biggest Club in the country it'll be the biggest thing they could ever achieve!

Eh? There are a few clubs in Scotland that are fan owned all ready and hearts are about to be the next one.

If we're "the biggest club in the country" then why can't we do this. You don't need every single person to agree so that excuse is alot of shite.

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One person one vote. Yes RST have that. A holding company/trust who "own" the shares. Yes RST were to be that. What is to stop one of our "fans reps" getting enough support to lead us down the same path as RST? Look how easily SoS were led along. I'm afraid I smell bheast here.

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One person one vote. Yes RST have that. A holding company/trust who "own" the shares. Yes RST were to be that. What is to stop one of our "fans reps" getting enough support to lead us down the same path as RST? Look how easily SoS were led along. I'm afraid I smell bheast here.

so you think RST and Supporters Direct are conspiring with Celtic supporters to push fan ownership for Rangers !

are you for real !

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One person one vote. Yes RST have that. A holding company/trust who "own" the shares. Yes RST were to be that. What is to stop one of our "fans reps" getting enough support to lead us down the same path as RST? Look how easily SoS were led along. I'm afraid I smell bheast here.



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Just suspicious of the timing of all this. Let the dust settle after the AGM and when the board seem to be getting things back on an even keel, throw this spanner in the works. After all, as Carson's Cat kept telling us, the fans' votes would have had M Alky back in the boardroom.

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One person one vote. Yes RST have that. A holding company/trust who "own" the shares. Yes RST were to be that. What is to stop one of our "fans reps" getting enough support to lead us down the same path as RST? Look how easily SoS were led along. I'm afraid I smell bheast here.

Why don't you get involved
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Is anyone really happy with the way things have gone over the last 3 years or so ?

Scrambling around in the dark for answers, not sleeping at night for fears about our club ?

Concerned about people with no previous attachment to the club using it as a money making exercise ?

Surely at least these guys who have put all this together deserve a hearing - and to be heard with an open mind - even if it is a sceptical one.

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This is causing as big a split in the support as the rebels did. That is why I am dubious about who is really behind it. And as D'art said, nervous about people with no previous attachment to the club.

I don't agree with you that this meeting is causing a split. Actually I know SD are looking to get as wide a range of opinions from Rangers fans from various websites, fans groups, buses etc.

I think you seem to be looking for a split - Try and have an open mind. People who have been invited should come along and ask anything that they feel is relevant. Pick it apart if you can. That's what the meeting is about

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I would love to know the details of this Meeting.

Are we so suspicious we can't trust anyone?

I too fear outside Influence from people with Agendas but I'm prepared to hear what they have to say.

Cam someone post up the outcome of this Meeting.

You never know.

I've been informed that there be comprehensive minutes issued as soon as possible after the meeting so hopefully everyone can find out what has been said

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Why didn't SD come along when David Murray was trying to sell? That could have saved us from administration. As I said previously, it is the timing which causes me concern. Fan representation would be great but, to my mind, fan ownership would be a recipe for disaster. I repeat, why are they interested now when our board appear to be doing a good job?

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