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Daily Record piece on TLB's Aberdeen "abuse".

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Michael insists the Aberdeen support are not bigots

A COUPLE of days. That’s all it took for me to discover the underlying and sinister prejudice lurking below the surface in Aberdeen.

Just over six years ago, I landed in the Granite City after previously working (well,masquerading) in England and Wales.

When moving to a new area there are two main priorities – finding a decent local and joining a Sunday league football team.

The former wasn’t difficult. Pubs aren’t exactly hard to find in this neck of the world and it was a skoosh getting fixed up for a side too.

Turns out goalies, even hopeless ones, are hard to come by in every corner of the UK.

I should have known I would be targeted. The hair colour, while I would describe it as Tahitian sunset, other, simpler folk call it ginger.

Then there was my vaguely Irish sounding name.

Only my barnet, or being called Mick, wasn’t mentioned. Not a peep. No one asked what school I had gone to, or tried to give me a funny handshake.

But, jeez, did I get pelters.

“Weegie B*****,” was the most popular term of endearment – and that was just from my gaffer and teammates.

I took it on the chin (aye okay, chins) but I got more stick in Aberdeen that I got as a Jock in England or Wales.

But, was it about religion, or race? Not a chance. Never in a million years.

Too many folk were far too quick to play the anti-Irish, anti-Catholic card after Celtic boss Neil Lennon was abused at Tynecastle at the weekend.

It was opportunism from people who should have known better. Guys like politician George Galloway, who pedalled this nonsense and should know fine well what Aberdeen is like.

Religion? Do me a favour. Aberdeen has dozens of churches that are packed out every weekend.

But it’s got nowt to do with the Almighty. Most of the places of worship in the city have been turned into nightclubs and casinos and the rest are now fancy flats.

Aberdonians couldn’t care less about religion. Money is God up here.

Do they hate Weegies? Some of them probably do but only in a cartoon way because once you get past that cold, grumpy exterior, Aberdonians warm up to just about anyone.

They might be slow to go to the bar, and their wit may be drier than the Dalai Lama’s drinks cabinet, but once you befriend an Aberdonian, they’re your pal for life.

Even if you’re a Weegie.

Do Aberdeen fans hate Celtic and Lennon? Yeah, no doubt. Rangers? Blimey, don’t go there. What about Dundee United? Oh yeah. And Hearts, Inverness, Dundee, Kilmarnock.

Hibs? Let’s just call it a casual dislike...

There’s a pattern here: Football fans hate rivals. Shocker. Who’d a thunk it?

I must have missed the unsegregated happy-clappy love-dovey sections at the rest of the grounds in the country.

Of course there is a rogue element in the Dons support. Every club has them.

Big occasions and a monster carry out are like magnets to the muppets.

But there’s hardly been a peep said all week about the two St Johnstone fans who stormed in to Derek McInnes’ dugout at Tynecastle.

If it had been Lennon in that position, Martial law would have been declared.

That’s not letting the allegedly disgraceful behaviour of some of the Dons at Tynecastle off the hook. Far from it.

But let’s just wait and see what the police and SPFL find out. Let’s find the guy who can hit a target with his gob from 20ft, which is revolting but still quite a skill in itself.

In the meantime, try not to forget the 12,000 other Dons fans who provided an atmosphere seldom seen in Scotland and let’s not brand everyone thugs before anything has been proven.

And for God’s sake, leave religion out of it.

Bit long winded, but good to know some people can see through this sectarian smoke screen.

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Love how when anything is reported about Lennon they miss some convenient facts about the bigoted ones past

His calling us (on camera) DOB's

Him threatening his pregnant ex by text.

His own tax evasion via a failed film company investigated by HMRC

His spitting on a Rangers scarf on camera.

Aye but Neil is a poor wee downtrodden vicTIM.

Absolute nonsense. If you cant take it dont give it out Neil

(Not referring to article above)

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Neil Lennon got a hammering for going up o a Ned ( 2 Neds I think) and giving them the middle finger. Exactly the same hammering a Rangers fan would have got for doing the same to the same guy(s)

Wasnt anything to do with bigotry but thats how its peddled.

When he's winning he is objectionable when he's losing he is highly objectionable.

I dont like him as a person not because of his religion.

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