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Labour to repeal SNP fascist football law

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Sadly too many are brainwashed regards the Tories and won't ever vote for them as they hate wee Maggie. The woman that gave our nation a chance to be homeowners, who stood up to cowardly Marxist murdering scum and gave our once Great Nation its swagger back. They are far from perfect, buy out of the main 3 parties in UK they are the ones who reward a bit of hard graft. The budget yesterday and the aftermath interviewing business folk, was great viewing. We can whinge about benefit reform and cut backs cleaning up Tony Blair's mess, but there is nothing quite like getting off ones arse and working hard.

DR, we have had our disagreements on the Boardroom Forum, but you're spot on with that post.

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Sadly too many are brainwashed regards the Tories and won't ever vote for them as they hate wee Maggie. The woman that gave our nation a chance to be homeowners, who stood up to cowardly Marxist murdering scum and gave our once Great Nation its swagger back. They are far from perfect, buy out of the main 3 parties in UK they are the ones who reward a bit of hard graft. The budget yesterday and the aftermath interviewing business folk, was great viewing. We can whinge about benefit reform and cut backs cleaning up Tony Blair's mess, but there is nothing quite like getting off ones arse and working hard.

Yep (tu) I did politics as a higher in school and learned all about socialism and conservatism, and found myself agreeing with literally everything conservatism stood for, and against almost everything that socialism stands for, so i'm not just someone who says aw vote Tories because they are pro union and other Gers fans like them. The conservatives/conservatism is in every way, a far better way to run and govern a country IMO. And like you say, they are the fairest. Labour really need to get rid of Miliband though, terrible leader IMO.

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No doubt the folk within Labour who want this bill gone are doing it because they thought it would only be used against Rangers fans. For those advocating voting for Labour to get rid of it are way off line as Labour will introduce their own version which will only be able to be used against Rangers fans. Why, because their core vote in Scotland is RC and c****c based when it comes to football.

If Labour get in you can kiss any chance of bringing those behind the land deals with c****c to court goodbye. There's not a hope in hell that Labour will go after corrupt operators within their own party if it damages the team of choice of their own core support. If you don't want chard under the law a it stands just don't break it, there's no point in breaking it then bleating on line about injustices.

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Yep (tu) I did politics as a higher in school and learned all about socialism and conservatism, and found myself agreeing with literally everything conservatism stood for, and against almost everything that socialism stands for, so i'm not just someone who says aw vote Tories because they are pro union and other Gers fans like them. The conservatives/conservatism is in every way, a far better way to run and govern a country IMO. And like you say, they are the fairest. Labour really need to get rid of Miliband though, terrible leader IMO.

Miliband hates out nation, Marxist cunt. Socialism sounds great in theory, but in reality unit is a load of unworkable nonsense. Willhelm once told me he used to be a socialist, then he got a job :DThe problem is we have a nation influenced far too much by the left, we have these left wing publications forever slamming our own people. We have a colonial past and are made to feel like we should keep apologising for this. Not for me. I would rather look at the past as just that, and realise practises back then were the way of the world. It isn't our fault our people were better adapting that the rest. I won't apologise for that although I will state that certain practises have no place in todays world. We need to stop whinging about what we don't have, and knuckle down and work hard. There is no reason why we can't all find a level of contentment with such an ethos. Our welfare state should be for those who need it, not a career choice as it is for so many. I I vlude some of my best mates in that. Hard work is the solution, we should be encouraging everyone to do just that and help our businesses prosper from that.

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DB - "Sadly too many are brainwashed regards the Tories and won't ever vote for them as they hate wee Maggie. The woman that gave our nation a chance to be homeowners, who stood up to cowardly Marxist murdering scum and gave our once Great Nation its swagger back. They are far from perfect, buy out of the main 3 parties in UK they are the ones who reward a bit of hard graft. The budget yesterday and the aftermath interviewing business folk, was great viewing. We can whinge about benefit reform and cut backs cleaning up Tony Blair's mess, but there is nothing quite like getting off ones arse and working hard."

(td) Aye very good, Thatcher was an evil cow who should have been put on trial for crimes against the common man. The ones who did well under her were the ones who filled their pockets at everybody else's expense and gave to the Conservative Party. Now we're stuck with a PM and chancellor who are following the same path, those two and their chums wouldn't understand what hard work is if you hit them over the head with a shovel.

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DB - "Sadly too many are brainwashed regards the Tories and won't ever vote for them as they hate wee Maggie. The woman that gave our nation a chance to be homeowners, who stood up to cowardly Marxist murdering scum and gave our once Great Nation its swagger back. They are far from perfect, buy out of the main 3 parties in UK they are the ones who reward a bit of hard graft. The budget yesterday and the aftermath interviewing business folk, was great viewing. We can whinge about benefit reform and cut backs cleaning up Tony Blair's mess, but there is nothing quite like getting off ones arse and working hard."

(td) Aye very good, Thatcher was an evil cow who should have been put on trial for crimes against the common man. The ones who did well under her were the ones who filled their pockets at everybody else's expense and gave to the Conservative Party. Now we're stuck with a PM and chancellor who are following the same path, those two and their chums wouldn't understand what hard work is if you hit them over the head with a shovel.

:lol:A lot of words with no reasoning to back up your viewpoint. What were her crimes against the common man? Remove yourself from the hysteria around the lady, and look at what she done. He common man enjoys a wealth never experienced before due to her policies. Letting our parents get on the property ladder done more than you will ever appreciate. Tony Blair and Gordon "Feel of Arhtur's thigh" Brown have ripped our nation apart. We are all suffering die to their financial mismanagement today, despite them having early warning signs from Northern Rock etc. Your anti-Tory vitriol is typical of the Scottish in my experience. Thatcher done more than any Labour PM has ever done for the good of our nation and certainly hasn't left a legacy like Blair and Brown which we might never fully recover. Look past the horror stories your daddy told you and look at the facts. Thatcher is responsible for the relative wealth most of us enjoy today, show a little gratitude. I don't think I need to comment on her policy regards to Northern Ireland. Blair put Dr Death in as SoS, wee Maggie spat on Bibby's chicken burger. She will do me.

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The divide between rich and poor today is greater than it was in Victorian workhouse days.

Aye, and the mega rich have been clever enough to convince poor people that robbing the middle classes is the solution.

Its so hard to explain to my fellow working class that if we rob the middle class of their wealth then all we do is make them lower class like us, and that the laws we agreed to--to achieve that actually prevent anyone from becoming anything other than lower class in the long run.

People who have the cheek to go to Uni and get a well paying job are to be punished in our socialist society.

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DB - "Sadly too many are brainwashed regards the Tories and won't ever vote for them as they hate wee Maggie. The woman that gave our nation a chance to be homeowners, who stood up to cowardly Marxist murdering scum and gave our once Great Nation its swagger back. They are far from perfect, buy out of the main 3 parties in UK they are the ones who reward a bit of hard graft. The budget yesterday and the aftermath interviewing business folk, was great viewing. We can whinge about benefit reform and cut backs cleaning up Tony Blair's mess, but there is nothing quite like getting off ones arse and working hard."

(td) Aye very good, Thatcher was an evil cow who should have been put on trial for crimes against the common man. The ones who did well under her were the ones who filled their pockets at everybody else's expense and gave to the Conservative Party. Now we're stuck with a PM and chancellor who are following the same path, those two and their chums wouldn't understand what hard work is if you hit them over the head with a shovel.

We would all be still living in sub standard cooncil hooses with the cooncil unable to maintain them if it wasn't for Maggie

We would be trying to fund and bail out massive industries with taxpayers money

Socialism was unsustainable - who pays for it when the money runs out

Maggie made me reasonably well off, I've never missed a days work in my life, working people get rewarded by the Tories

Scroungers get rewarded by labour

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:lol:A lot of words with no reasoning to back up your viewpoint. What were her crimes against the common man? Remove yourself from the hysteria around the lady, and look at what she done. He common man enjoys a wealth never experienced before due to her policies. Letting our parents get on the property ladder done more than you will ever appreciate. Tony Blair and Gordon "Feel of Arhtur's thigh" Brown have ripped our nation apart. We are all suffering die to their financial mismanagement today, despite them having early warning signs from Northern Rock etc. Your anti-Tory vitriol is typical of the Scottish in my experience. Thatcher done more than any Labour PM has ever done for the good of our nation and certainly hasn't left a legacy like Blair and Brown which we might never fully recover. Look past the horror stories your daddy told you and look at the facts. Thatcher is responsible for the relative wealth most of us enjoy today, show a little gratitude. I don't think I need to comment on her policy regards to Northern Ireland. Blair put Dr Death in as SoS, wee Maggie spat on Bibby's chicken burger. She will do me.

Great post

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Aye, and the mega rich have been clever enough to convince poor people that robbing the middle classes is the solution.

Its so hard to explain to my fellow working class that if we rob the middle class of their wealth then all we do is make them lower class like us, and that the laws we agreed to--to achieve that actually prevent anyone from becoming anything other than lower class in the long run.

People who have the cheek to go to Uni and get a well paying job are to be punished in our socialist society.

You got one thing right "them and us" has it ever been any different in any party hue, "them" see us the proletariat as nothing more than chattels and vassals.

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The whole thing is hilarious. The reason the law came about is because the scum fans just kept making a big issue of being offended or pretending to be offended and failed to realize it would effect them and they have actually suffered because of it more than us. It was them who are responsible for the law.

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Not sure it's ever going to get off the ground to be honest. The apathy among the Rangers support and Unionist community has more or less dictated things won't be happening in the next wee while at least.

As you know, I organised a meeting last month where 30 people turned up and showed an interest. I know it was short notice and I know that's a starting point, but I get the feeling that when 20 of those 30 are VB's, the wider Scottish Unionist community really just don't care any more.

I will continue to try and get something off the ground, but who knows in what shape or form.

I remember you mentioning that you were thinking of a meeting on here but I never saw a date confirmed or much advertising unless I just missed it
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