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Labour to repeal SNP fascist football law

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If your minds not too boggled then you could go back and remind yourself what this thread is about,.

The Scottish labour party want to remove the legislation because it causes problems for their teams fans and their fetish with the IRA.

They have no problem with Rangers fans being harassed or criminalized (social impact?) by this legislation, the SNPs intent.

They are involved in a fight with the SNP for the Celtic vote.

We are not seen as an electoral opportunity or threat to either the SNP republicans or the Labour tims so we are either dismissed or attacked.

As a working class Ulsterman living in Scotland I would never vote for the Labour party because of their racist bans on NI membership and the friendships with the Provos.

AS for a Scottish Bear voting for them or the SNP, it can be only described as a form of self harming.

Here me out here because I know this sounds crazy but do you not think that if abour get into power in Scotland at the next election they want it repealed because of the continued headlines about judges criticising the FoCus laws and how unworkable, poorly written and oppressive these laws are as opposed to any kind of 'problems for their teams fans and their fetish for the IRA'? Would ANY party want to be in power and have a law in place which is a laughing stock in the press and in the courts? I genuinely can't recall any other piece of legislation which has been passed which has been as widely hammered as these have.

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Here me out here because I know this sounds crazy but do you not think that if abour get into power in Scotland at the next election they want it repealed because of the continued headlines about judges criticising the FoCus laws and how unworkable, poorly written and oppressive these laws are as opposed to any kind of 'problems for their teams fans and their fetish for the IRA'? Would ANY party want to be in power and have a law in place which is a laughing stock in the press and in the courts? I genuinely can't recall any other piece of legislation which has been passed which has been as widely hammered as these have.

It certainly has been a while since there was such a bad law. Every other party in Holyrood said this would happen but the SNP railroaded it. The only other thing I can think of is removing corroboration. No sheriff or judge or defence lawyer wants this but Kenny MacAskill again does not want to listen.

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It certainly has been a while since there was such a bad law. Every other party in Holyrood said this would happen but the SNP railroaded it. The only other thing I can think of is removing corroboration. No sheriff or judge or defence lawyer wants this but Kenny MacAskill again does not want to listen.

There is no question its a terrible law but to suggest we vote Labour because they want to repeal it misses the motives behind their highlighting of this. Do you believe if it hadn't bitten Septic fans in the arse that there would have been a peep from them? They may well repeal the law but they will find a way to demonise the PUL section of the Rangers support as they have sought to do for some years.

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There is no question its a terrible law but to suggest we vote Labour because they want to repeal it misses the motives behind their highlighting of this. Do you believe if it hadn't bitten Septic fans in the arse that there would have been a peep from them? They may well repeal the law but they will find a way to demonise the PUL section of the Rangers support as they have sought to do for some years.

Some folk are starting to become as paranoid as the ceptic fans.

The law needs to go and that is a fact.

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Also surprised at the strong Tory support on this thread. Anyone any strong reasons why they consider the Tories the best option from Thatcher to now?

Some of the attacks on Labour are also mind-boggling, should base your politics on economic and social impacts - not football, religion and Irish politics, in my opinion of course. A just criticism of Labour is that they are too right of centre, not that they are a 'vote for Rome' etc. Thought the comment about too British politics being dominated by lefties way off the mark as well, we've had right of centre governments since 1979.

Are you for real? The economic and social impact of Labours last term has left us crippled. Some might say it was a worldwide recession, however Blair and Brown had early warning signs with the Northern Rock fiasco. Gordon Broqn sold off our gold for less than he would get from Ramsdens ffs.

They have also encouraged benefits as a career path to many whilst putting the tramp Cherie Blair's nonsensical human rights bill above the rights off the people to live a normal life without scumbag terrorists living freely amongst us as they have a kitten to feed.

Labour can borrow for so long to enhance their lazy UK, but we of all people should appreciate the pain that causes in the long run.

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Some folk are starting to become as paranoid as the ceptic fans.

The law needs to go and that is a fact.

You don't want to answer the question then? There's a difference between paranoia and political expediency. You want people to Vote Labour on this single issue? Did they stand side by side with Rangers fans when we were being kicked? You know the answer to that I'm sure.

The law does need to go but not at the cost of giving my vote to a party that doesn't stand for me in any other way.

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You don't want to answer the question then? There's a difference between paranoia and political expediency. You want people to Vote Labour on this single issue? Did they stand side by side with Rangers fans when we were being kicked? You know the answer to that I'm sure.

The law does need to go but not at the cost of giving my vote to a party that doesn't stand for me in any other way.

No I do not wish people to vote Labour on a single issue but all this vote for Labour is a vote for Rome is a pile of pish and frankly makes people stoop to the level of Celtic fans.

It would be better if people did not vote for the Scottish Nazis who are currently in power.

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No I do not wish people to vote Labour on a single issue but all this vote for Labour is a vote for Rome is a pile of pish and frankly makes people stoop to the level of Celtic fans.

It would be better if people did not vote for the Scottish Nazis who are currently in power.

I didn't say what you are inferring at all. I'm not a Protestant by any manner of means but there is no doubt that a section of our support are treated with contempt by both SNP and Labour MSPs.

You should know the SNP is slightly ahead of Labour in the 'parties I will never vote for' stakes.

You still haven't answered either question I asked.

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There is no question its a terrible law but to suggest we vote Labour because they want to repeal it misses the motives behind their highlighting of this. Do you believe if it hadn't bitten Septic fans in the arse that there would have been a peep from them? They may well repeal the law but they will find a way to demonise the PUL section of the Rangers support as they have sought to do for some years.

If they sought to demonise the PUL then can you explain why there's been more arrests involving Celtic fans.

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If they sought to demonise the PUL then can you explain why there's been more arrests involving Celtic fans.

You have managed to miss the difference between the purpose of the law and its effect once invoked. In any case, I wasn't referring to the specifics of this appalling law in particular but to the general attitude of both SNP and Labour politicians to Rangers and its supporters (particularly those of a PUL persuasion). There was a deafening silence from them at a time when approached for assistance (some, in fact, took it on themselves to dig the knife in) when they have vocally supported other clubs (Hearts as an example). The contrast is obvious but you carry on ignoring it and making points that have no relevance to what I actually said as opposed to what you think I said.

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You have managed to miss the difference between the purpose of the law and its effect once invoked. In any case, I wasn't referring to the specifics of this appalling law in particular but to the general attitude of both SNP and Labour politicians to Rangers and its supporters (particularly those of a PUL persuasion). There was a deafening silence from them at a time when approached for assistance (some, in fact, took it on themselves to dig the knife in) when they have vocally supported other clubs (Hearts as an example). The contrast is obvious but you carry on ignoring it and making points that have no relevance to what I actually said as opposed to what you think I said.

The purpose of the law, as with any law aimed at tackling 'scotland's name's, has been to win votes. To be seen to be taking a serious stand onsomething which has been portrayed as the scourge of Scottish society for generations. It's also no coincidence the incident which kickstarted the whole thing came just weeks after the police had their budget cut. You would almost think that the police were being cute in showing that sectarianism was a serious problem when the reality is that it really isn't a problem in everyday life for 99.9% of people.

If you genuinely think it's aattempt at demonising the PUL community (and remember the tims say the same about their community) then you are just as paranoid as they are.

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Scottish Police budget cut by 2.6 percent for 2011/12


Just as these new budgets come into force we then had the 'old firm shame game' at Celtic Park.

Now despite there being more arrested across the Strathclyde area on a previous date when an Old Firm was played (229 as opposed to 187) THIS match (just weeks before the new budgets, which were going to 'create challenges', were implemented) was the one which prompted these new laws and even a top level summit involving the First minister.

Labour are now trying to cash in on the widespread criticism of these laws. Theres absolutely nothing to suggest the implementation of them of the potential of them being repealed suggests a desire to demonise the PUL community.

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The purpose of the law, as with any law aimed at tackling 'scotland's name's, has been to win votes. To be seen to be taking a serious stand onsomething which has been portrayed as the scourge of Scottish society for generations. It's also no coincidence the incident which kickstarted the whole thing came just weeks after the police had their budget cut. You would almost think that the police were being cute in showing that sectarianism was a serious problem when the reality is that it really isn't a problem in everyday life for 99.9% of people.

If you genuinely think it's aattempt at demonising the PUL community (and remember the tims say the same about their community) then you are just as paranoid as they are.

Paranoia in the right hands can be a useful tool, look how well the Tims have done out of being paranoid.The have every committee and board in all the football and administration organisations SFA ,SPFL, Gaming Board, GCC etc full of the Celtic minded..

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Paranoia in the right hands can be a useful tool, look how well the Tims have done out of being paranoid.The have every committee and board in all the football and administration organisations SFA ,SPFL, Gaming Board, GCC etc full of the Celtic minded..

It's not paranoia thats put them there. We were represented on the same footballing boards until Whyte came along. Bain was on all the same boards as lawwell. GCC is down to a few things. 'We' either don't want to represent our community or can't be arsed going out and voting. The only thing we have to blame in some cases is our own apathy.

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There will be Labour voters here, I certainly vote Labour (albeit reluctantly) when in England. I'd rather eat my own vomit than vote Tory. These laws were poorly written, have been poorly applied, are wrong in principle, and should be repealed post haste - but I don't think one can deny that Scottish Labour are influenced by connections with Celtic (although the stuff about them being specifically anti-Protestant or pro-Catholic is a step too far.) When I was involved, it felt like there were far, far more Celtic fans than Rangers in the party up here, including higher up in the party. Then, of course, there are the connections between GCC and Celtic, which I'm sure we're all becoming much more aware of. I'm very sceptical whether Labour would have sought to repeal the law if it wasn't impacting Celtic fans in the way it has.

That said I'm rather amused some of you seem to think your football affiliation should dictate your political opinions. We're all entitled to our respective views, I guess. :pipe:

My MP is (technically) a Labour MP. He was also a Major in the British Army.

My councillor who is a member of the SNP is a member of the Orange Order.

Some people think what happens in their own part of the country is replicated everywhere else. Couldn't be further from the truth.

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The purpose of the law, as with any law aimed at tackling 'scotland's name's, has been to win votes. To be seen to be taking a serious stand onsomething which has been portrayed as the scourge of Scottish society for generations. It's also no coincidence the incident which kickstarted the whole thing came just weeks after the police had their budget cut. You would almost think that the police were being cute in showing that sectarianism was a serious problem when the reality is that it really isn't a problem in everyday life for 99.9% of people.

If you genuinely think it's aattempt at demonising the PUL community (and remember the tims say the same about their community) then you are just as paranoid as they are.

If you actually read and comprehended what I said you will see I wasn't referring specifically to this law. There is a general move by politicians in Scotland to see football fans as a 'special' case (not in a good way) its why we can't have a drink at the game (unlike rugby). This has happened over the years throughout the UK but the difference between the reaction to Rangers fans and others is particularly marked. The facts I presented about the differing reactions by politicians to the plight of Rangers and that of other clubs is not an illusion its what actually happened..

That you continue to focus on a law, which is seen by most as badly drafted and a knee jerk reaction to a mirage of sectarianism, is missing the point I am making. I see you're starting on the West Coast thing. Before you do I should point out that I was not born and raised in the area I now live in so please spare me that.

It wasn't the Police who were highlighting the mirage of sectarianism in football it was (and still is) politicians that play that game. I'm not really sure of the relevance of the particular backgrounds of local MPs/MSPs (how 'technically' Labour is your MP? I guess he doesn't represent the Labour Party so its entirely irrelevant) its the actions of those who pop up in the media or hold the power in the party that call the shots and there is ample evidence of the imbalance.

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'Some people?'

Obviously it'd be foolish to extrapolate from our own experiences and regions to everywhere else. Nevertheless Scottish Labour in Glasgow very much leans towards Celtic rather than Rangers - and the Glasgow party for obvious reasons happens to be very influential. It's certainly not ridiculous to propose that Scottish Labour generally is orientated towards Celtic rather than Rangers, and much more likely to be influenced when Celtic fans start to kick up a fuss about laws when they're actually evenly applied to the letter of their ridiculous law. That's a different proposition from saying there's a pro-Celtic conspiracy or that they're specifically against the Protestant community.

Yes, some people. Not everyone, not nobody, somewhere inbetween. Some people.

I would say it is a bit ridiculous to say Scottish Labour are generally more orintated towards Celtic fans. They are orientated towards whoever will keep them on the gravy train regardless of which team they support. In my experience this all comes from the fact that Celtic fans tend to be much more vocal on matters than we are. Nothing to do with an inherent bias. We happily roll over and have our belly tickled whilst they, rightly or wrongly, put up a fight for what the believe is right.

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No I do not wish people to vote Labour on a single issue but all this vote for Labour is a vote for Rome is a pile of pish and frankly makes people stoop to the level of Celtic fans.

It would be better if people did not vote for the Scottish Nazis who are currently in power.

On a personal level, I won't be voting Labour again. I had made my mind up well before this bit of propaganda though.

Labour are the party who have been in control of Glasgow for decades and I have constantly seen my way of life eroded.

Parades not getting approval, ridiculous hurdles being put in place all the while more and more terrorist supporters are getting allowed to march on the street and practice with their filthy bands within state ran schools. Then you look at the amount of funding going towards the East End and everything else connected to that shower of bastards, all under the pretence of the commonwealth games. That was a chance to spread the wealth generated from the games around the city but there's absolutely no regeneration in Govan, the west end, south side or North past townhead, springburn areas.

Plus, I'll be frank, I believe they have a sectarian policy in appointing provosts. I would have hoped for someone of my own upbringing to have been provost within the last two decades. Instead we have had people selected from the same background who will appease a minority.

People always say "what have the Tories ever done for us?", well I'm now asking "what have Labour ever done for us?" And it looks like the answer is far less damage than the Tories have done in my lifetime.

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If you actually read and comprehended what I said you will see I wasn't referring specifically to this law. There is a general move by politicians in Scotland to see football fans as a 'special' case (not in a good way) its why we can't have a drink at the game (unlike rugby). This has happened over the years throughout the UK but the difference between the reaction to Rangers fans and others is particularly marked. The facts I presented about the differing reactions by politicians to the plight of Rangers and that of other clubs is not an illusion its what actually happened..

That you continue to focus on a law, which is seen by most as badly drafted and a knee jerk reaction to a mirage of sectarianism, is missing the point I am making. I see you're starting on the West Coast thing. Before you do I should point out that I was not born and raised in the area I now live in so please spare me that.

It wasn't the Police who were highlighting the mirage of sectarianism in football it was (and still is) politicians that play that game. I'm not really sure of the relevance of the particular backgrounds of local MPs/MSPs (how 'technically' Labour is your MP? I guess he doesn't represent the Labour Party so its entirely irrelevant) its the actions of those who pop up in the media or hold the power in the party that call the shots and there is ample evidence of the imbalance.

Yeah, it was the police who demanded action be taken before the politicians stepped in. The Police Federation were the first to demand an end to the 'old firm madness'. It was Stephen House who requested that the FM take action on it.

I made no reference to the west of scotland. None whatsoever.

How technically? He was elected on a labour ticket. ReEmains classed as a Labour MP (have a look at sky news, you might just see his name prefixed with the terms 'Labour MP' on the breaking news bar at the bottom despite the fact he was removed from the party 2 years ago.

The relevance of the background is the claim that there is a bias towards celtic fans within certain parties despite the fact that these people all come from a variety of backgrounds. Not all are celtic leaning.Many are protestant, unionist and in some cases members of institutions like the Orange Order. Now are you trying to tell my that these guys are biased againt protestants or Rangers fans? Or should I vote against them because an MP somehwere that has no relevance to me is?

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