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For the first time in a while there appears to external forces trying to kill us off, let me clarify this by saying that external forces means anyone not will a connection to our club. We do, however, have parts of our own support attacking us, former players and directors attacking us. All the while the people that couldn’t kill us are watching and having a wee chuckle to them selves. I would wager that on this very forum there are those that support the UoF, SoS and have pledged their money to Dave King and this 1972 fund. They won’t do it publicly for what ever reason; some may have already nailed their colours to the mast. We must make it very clear to them that while they might not agree with the board or the personnel on the board, their actions are seriously damaging the club. Without the season ticket money, the club cannot operate; if the club cannot operate then the club dies. This might be an over simplification of the facts but this is where we are at. I have not bought a season ticket, let me make this point clear, I have a young family to provide for and my wife and children come before everything else. That being said I buy tickets to the home games when ever my free time allows it. I have supported this club for 26 years since my first game and nothing will change this. All the things that others get caught up on like the signing of Mo Johnstone, or Having Ally as manager or even the signing of songs that have been deemed to be unsuitable by the authorities, I don’t get wound up about. The reason for this is Rangers FC has stood steadfast in the face of adversity for 140 years and god willing it will remain steadfast for the next 140 years.

Why are these people who support our club trying to kill it? I asked one guy I work with if he had renewed his season ticket ‘No, I’ll see the club dead before a give them anymore of my money’ I asked him ‘can you live with that on your conscience?’ his reply was ‘Happily’ and the startling thing about this is he doesn’t have the faintest idea of why he should be withholding his season ticket money. The previous incarnation of the board that included Green etc squandered the cash; this board has been left with the fall out. Just before the AGM when Graham Wallace was appointed, everyone on both sides of the argument said that this was a positive step and that he was a man of substance with a proven track record with several huge organisations. He completes his review and now he’s getting shat on. All he has done is told us his findings and given us targets that a club of our size should be able to meet. Yet people like my work mate, see that King or one of his minions says in the paper that night is day and white is black and they believe every word of it without having any proof. This club is going to die if we don’t save it from the thing that’s killing it. Ourselves.

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took a while to have a Gander. at that, we re all repeating ourselves day in day out, Rangers have to sell there product to the fans no matter the revolt goin on and theyre again not doin there job, UOF etc all bears but all talk ... verbal ping pong getting us nowhere

a total shambles and very embarrassing to be a bear.

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Well just look at the sons of fud and the usual follow follow crowd. Seems Graham Wallace is too good a chief exec so now they are going after him. I know which spivs I want out and they all seem attached to fans groups. Dngwall, Houston et al can get to fuck and those two I doubt if they ever were Rangers fans in the first place, they for sure don't ever deserve to be called Rangers Supporters. Dave I wannabe King can also get to fuck on paper this cunt has cost me a bit of money with his deliberate attacks on the board driving down the share price. The South African government should have jailed the tax cheat.

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So far these groups have disrupted the club by .....

1. Leaflet distributions - Neg PR for club

2. Bill board van - Neg PR for club

3. Neg Media Coverage about the board - Neg PR for club

4. Neg Radio Coverage about the board - Neg PR for club

5. Neg TV Coverage about the board - Neg PR for club

6. Demonstrations - Neg PR for club

7. Bed Sheet banners - Neg PR for club

8. Red card displays - Neg PR for club

9. Contacting Rangers supporters clubs national and world wide to drum up support - Neg PR for club

10. Character assignations of board members - Neg PR for club

11. Murray, McClellend and McColl heading the group of fans and named for election - challenging the board

12. King heading the Fans Groups - challenging the board

13. Murray taking Rangers to court - Money away from the club's budget

14. Withholding ST Money - Money away from the club's budget

15. Starve Them Out Campaign

  • Jack Irvine Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Charles Green Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Ahmed Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Craig Mather Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Stockbridge Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Traynor Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget

The only thing they haven’t done is to have a match day streaker with "Spivs Out" written across across their chest! I've had a belly full, I'm hoping before the start of next season, someone invests in the club and becomes majority holder then we can get away from all this disruption and concentrate on the football.

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Before this gets moved let me add my tuppence worth, try looking in the papers at any story concerning Rangers and you will get an idea of how much hatred there is against Rangers. There are accusations being published and posted that should have the Ibrox Lawyers or the lawyers of the people concerned issuing writs against the rags that publish them. This is not a matter of free speech it is about stopping people from trying to destabilise the club and force it into a bigger crisis than its in now . As for the union of fans they are doing as much damage to the club as the beasts from the east.

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Before this gets moved let me add my tuppence worth, try looking in the papers at any story concerning Rangers and you will get an idea of how much hatred there is against Rangers. There are accusations being published and posted that should have the Ibrox Lawyers or the lawyers of the people concerned issuing writs against the rags that publish them. This is not a matter of free speech it is about stopping people from trying to destabilise the club and force it into a bigger crisis than its in now . As for the union of fans they are doing as much damage to the club as the beasts from the east.

I 100% agree, but while we are intent on self destruction these people are free the pedal their lies and propaganda. Can these supposed fans not realise that they are playing into their hands?

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So far these groups have disrupted the club by .....

1. Leaflet distributions - Neg PR for club

2. Bill board van - Neg PR for club

3. Neg Media Coverage about the board - Neg PR for club

4. Neg Radio Coverage about the board - Neg PR for club

5. Neg TV Coverage about the board - Neg PR for club

6. Demonstrations - Neg PR for club

7. Bed Sheet banners - Neg PR for club

8. Red card displays - Neg PR for club

9. Contacting Rangers supporters clubs national and world wide to drum up support - Neg PR for club

10. Character assignations of board members - Neg PR for club

11. Murray, McClellend and McColl heading the group of fans and named for election - challenging the board

12. King heading the Fans Groups - challenging the board

13. Murray taking Rangers to court - Money away from the club's budget

14. Withholding ST Money - Money away from the club's budget

15. Starve Them Out Campaign

  • Jack Irvine Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Charles Green Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Ahmed Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Craig Mather Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Stockbridge Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget
  • Traynor Out - Severance pay. More money away from the club's budget

The only thing they haven’t done is to have a match day streaker with "Spivs Out" written across across their chest! I've had a belly full, I'm hoping before the start of next season, someone invests in the club and becomes majority holder then we can get away from all this disruption and concentrate on the football.

Not too forget Yanks go home.

No wonder no Cnut will buy us with these fangroups.

Fucking Idiots.

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Its usually very simple when a company gets mass exodus of its customers it takes quick action to find what is turning them away then acts quickly to change what is putting them off .

Very strange to blame the customer for not wanting the product.

must be the only company in the world who refuse to listen or court their customer base and act with complete contempt when they are told the product is not attractive and will not sell.

you want to attract football fans then sell them on football.

the club has chosen to make the club attractive to future investors instead of making it attractive to football fans. They reap what they sow and in doing such they are killing us, nobody else has the power to do that.

You want people to come back then stop trying to threaten them into it and start attracting them.

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Its usually very simple when a company gets mass exodus of its customers it takes quick action to find what is turning them away then acts quickly to change what is putting them off .

Very strange to blame the customer for not wanting the product.

must be the only company in the world who refuse to listen or court their customer base and act with complete contempt when they are told the product is not attractive and will not sell.

you want to attract football fans then sell them on football.

the club has chosen to make the club attractive to future investors instead of making it attractive to football fans. They reap what they sow and in doing such they are killing us, nobody else has the power to do that.

You want people to come back then stop trying to threaten them into it and start attracting them.

For many its got nothing to do with the football.

What are the UoF, SoS etc views on Ally and the footballing side of it? Other than invest multi millions to challenge the taigs ( whilst depriving the club of revenue and encouraging financial instability).

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Its usually very simple when a company gets mass exodus of its customers it takes quick action to find what is turning them away then acts quickly to change what is putting them off .

Very strange to blame the customer for not wanting the product.

must be the only company in the world who refuse to listen or court their customer base and act with complete contempt when they are told the product is not attractive and will not sell.

you want to attract football fans then sell them on football.

the club has chosen to make the club attractive to future investors instead of making it attractive to football fans. They reap what they sow and in doing such they are killing us, nobody else has the power to do that.

You want people to come back then stop trying to threaten them into it and start attracting them.

So you are saying uof are not renewing because of the quality of the product? I thought it was because of the board. Thanks for putting me right.

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For many its got nothing to do with the football.

What are the UoF, SoS etc views on Ally and the footballing side of it? Other than invest multi millions to challenge the taigs ( whilst depriving the club of revenue and encouraging financial instability).

is this just the keep pedaling lies shite again? Causes instability i smell shite.

Who told you all the people who spend money every week to watch football are concerned by anything else other than that?

Putting proper funding into football does not encourage financial instability it encourages supporters to buy tickets to watch . It has nothing to do with managers that is water off a ducks back to football fans, its to do with the complete lack of investment and vision shown.

Football suppoters go to watch one thing and love one thing. that is how you attract them and that is the issue you talk to them about.

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Its usually very simple when a company gets mass exodus of its customers it takes quick action to find what is turning them away then acts quickly to change what is putting them off .

Very strange to blame the customer for not wanting the product.

must be the only company in the world who refuse to listen or court their customer base and act with complete contempt when they are told the product is not attractive and will not sell.

you want to attract football fans then sell them on football.

the club has chosen to make the club attractive to future investors instead of making it attractive to football fans. They reap what they sow and in doing such they are killing us, nobody else has the power to do that.

You want people to come back then stop trying to threaten them into it and start attracting them.

More utter bullshit.

So they're not renewing because of the Fitbaw.


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So you are saying uof are not renewing because of the quality of the product? I thought it was because of the board. Thanks for putting me right.

uof fans account for a small amount of non renewers about 5000 by their count. Nearly 28000 are estimated to have not renewed by latest unofficial numbers. I refer to the majority as they are the important ones.

Why would you want to concentrate on a wee number like that when we need to attract the many thousands more who pay week in week out to watch their team play a sport they love. Fans of football are attracted by football and they're concerns are instantly put aside when you give them hope that a footballing dream could become a possibility. If the club had scouting or news to share on development funding or spoke of raising the wage budget to attract a better standard of player or made any moves to direct us away from spfl reject players as our only option the uof wouldn't have any unhappy fans to court. You should start listening to those who say ignore the words of the groups, that's not just for those who have not renewed.

Not two weeks ago the consensus on here was the uof didn't even amount to the 5000 they claimed, now appeasing them will sort everything in a jiffy! Running round like headless chickens comes to mind. No wonder the club can't get supporters to turn up if they think so narrowly.

The board themselves have admitted they are concentrating on financial stability, it is as clear as day that while doing that they took their eye off the ball and forgot what the company was meant to be selling.

Through their running and the previous boards the killed all dreams of creating a better footballing future for our club. They killed the hope of youth being our future and of courting the best young talent from around the world. That dream and the determination to survive brought 49000 out every other week to pay over the odds to watch what is amateur football. The only change from now to then is the removal of any belief of a better future.If you want to belief all these football fans have left for reasons out with football then your free to do so but it seems like madness to me which has been going on now for months without any success. People like bb keep banging the drum that the board have gave the assurances the fans wanted, I personally wonder if the penny will ever drop for them and they realise the product the club sells is only of a standard to attract what seems 10-20000 people to watch.Therein lies the real problem not the distractions

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is this just the keep pedaling lies shite again? Causes instability i smell shite.

Who told you all the people who spend money every week to watch football are concerned by anything else other than that?

Putting proper funding into football does not encourage financial instability it encourages supporters to buy tickets to watch . It has nothing to do with managers that is water off a ducks back to football fans, its to do with the complete lack of investment and vision shown.

Football suppoters go to watch one thing and love one thing. that is how you attract them and that is the issue you talk to them about.

Season tickets are likely not as high as we would all want. Think most would accept that. Your argument appears to be that footballing issues are more of a problem than Board ones. My point is that to spend on the footballing side of it will be difficult without the ST revenues. Many of the pro UoF support will stick to thdir guns irrespective of the football on offer.Yes good football sells more tickets. But finances are more prevalent at the moment than football.So stop talking shite and you'll stop smelling it.

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Season tickets are likely not as high as we would all want. Think most would accept that. Your argument appears to be that footballing issues are more of a problem than Board ones. My point is that to spend on the footballing side of it will be difficult without the ST revenues. Many of the pro UoF support will stick to thdir guns irrespective of the football on offer.Yes good football sells more tickets. But finances are more prevalent at the moment than football.So stop talking shite and you'll stop smelling it.

agree with you they have allowed it to go too far and their inaction has now led to a down turn in St revenue which leaves them with few options to fund the football side properly making matters near impossible to fix without a large cash injection used to attract back fans.

Let's put it to the test then.

Would any uof member or non renewer honestly answer and tell us in this situation below would you still not renew and be as steadfast or would your worry's over Ibrox and mp being sold etc be less to a degree where you would renew for next season?

All board members that are present now are still present but they have decided when they joined the club several months back that the football side was massively under funded. The announce through the media they're intention to sort this as a priority no1. Within weeks we see a budget for scouting is in place with the first team wage budget increased to 50% and a first team wage cap introduced. the first use of the scouting/development budgets is to employ a well respected football individual with pedigree on a 6 figure salary to oversee our footballing future. They immediately hire scouts around the world who set off in pursuit of youth players with technical ability. Mean while the club announce an injection of funds into the player development dept, with our new football head honcho identifying and hiring new exciting coaches , fitness trainers and sport specialists who set about putting down on paper the clubs footballing philosophy with future aims and goals with accompanying timetable for execution.

Over the season we started to see the young players arrive and had something us fans could get excited about with obvious improvements to the playing style etc. The club then go onto announce that there will be a share issue or whatever the right term which will raise funds to begin a transfer kitty for our return to the premier with the rest going to supporting our financial revenue streams.

Under these conditions would the uof concerns on the boards intentions still hold as much weight with you where you would not renew?

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uof fans account for a small amount of non renewers about 5000 by their count. Nearly 28000 are estimated to have not renewed by latest unofficial numbers. I refer to the majority as they are the important ones.

Why would you want to concentrate on a wee number like that when we need to attract the many thousands more who pay week in week out to watch their team play a sport they love. Fans of football are attracted by football and they're concerns are instantly put aside when you give them hope that a footballing dream could become a possibility. If the club had scouting or news to share on development funding or spoke of raising the wage budget to attract a better standard of player or made any moves to direct us away from spfl reject players as our only option the uof wouldn't have any unhappy fans to court. You should start listening to those who say ignore the words of the groups, that's not just for those who have not renewed.

Not two weeks ago the consensus on here was the uof didn't even amount to the 5000 they claimed, now appeasing them will sort everything in a jiffy! Running round like headless chickens comes to mind. No wonder the club can't get supporters to turn up if they think so narrowly.

The board themselves have admitted they are concentrating on financial stability, it is as clear as day that while doing that they took their eye off the ball and forgot what the company was meant to be selling.

Through their running and the previous boards the killed all dreams of creating a better footballing future for our club. They killed the hope of youth being our future and of courting the best young talent from around the world. That dream and the determination to survive brought 49000 out every other week to pay over the odds to watch what is amateur football. The only change from now to then is the removal of any belief of a better future.If you want to belief all these football fans have left for reasons out with football then your free to do so but it seems like madness to me which has been going on now for months without any success. People like bb keep banging the drum that the board have gave the assurances the fans wanted, I personally wonder if the penny will ever drop for them and they realise the product the club sells is only of a standard to attract what seems 10-20000 people to watch.Therein lies the real problem not the distractions


So presumably you are saying Ally must go too as it is him who picks the team, formation and tactics?

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agree with you they have allowed it to go too far and their inaction has now led to a down turn in St revenue which leaves them with few options to fund the football side properly making matters near impossible to fix without a large cash injection used to attract back fans.

Let's put it to the test then.

Would any uof member or non renewer honestly answer and tell us in this situation below would you still not renew and be as steadfast or would your worry's over Ibrox and mp being sold etc be less to a degree where you would renew for next season?

All board members that are present now are still present but they have decided when they joined the club several months back that the football side was massively under funded. The announce through the media they're intention to sort this as a priority no1. Within weeks we see a budget for scouting is in place with the first team wage budget increased to 50% and a first team wage cap introduced. the first use of the scouting/development budgets is to employ a well respected football individual with pedigree on a 6 figure salary to oversee our footballing future. They immediately hire scouts around the world who set off in pursuit of youth players with technical ability. Mean while the club announce an injection of funds into the player development dept, with our new football head honcho identifying and hiring new exciting coaches , fitness trainers and sport specialists who set about putting down on paper the clubs footballing philosophy with future aims and goals with accompanying timetable for execution.

Over the season we started to see the young players arrive and had something us fans could get excited about with obvious improvements to the playing style etc. The club then go onto announce that there will be a share issue or whatever the right term which will raise funds to begin a transfer kitty for our return to the premier with the rest going to supporting our financial revenue streams.

Under these conditions would the uof concerns on the boards intentions still hold as much weight with you where you would not renew?

You cant present hypothetical scenarios which just couldnt have ever been the case.We had to borrow money to get us to the end of the season. How can we pay for scouting department and scouts around the world?Wage cap? Players were and still are under contracts and attempts by GW to take a cut were torpedoed.You seem to want money thats not there spent JUST because the turnover ratio is around 30%. Forgetting that thats near 8mill p.a. for ally and his first team squad. More money isnt there even if ST sales were like last seasons.Its about budgeting not just spending. The fitba in my house would be better on a 50" tv in a home cinema. But its not in my budget so I make do with my wee telly in the living room. Can I afford to spend more? No. Can Rangers on the football side? No.

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let's give this shower of shite we call the board even more of our money to fritter away ffs nearly 70m in 2season's it's horrendous. Don't think King is the answer either so leaves us in limbo as to who to side with in this embarrassing fiasco. p.s not a member of any these mad fan groups who just cos mischief.

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