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*** Rm Sponsors' Fund Official Discussion & Accounts Thread


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Not sure if this is workable,but is there any way you can buy some exclusive merchandise of the club,then get it signed and auction it on the site,club get the money,the fund gets more money to reinvest.

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Not sure if this is workable,but is there any way you can buy some exclusive merchandise of the club,then get it signed and auction it on the site, club get the money,the fund gets more money to reinvest.

Yes mate. We do things like that occasionally. Here's what we did earlier in the season...


We still have a few items left to auction.

And The Fund is always happy to buy something exclusive. The hard part is getting the signatures though. :(

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My post for the print being made.

How about using some of the money to donate a ticket for each of our home games to a member on here GB?

That is the Barry Ferguson that I try to remember, a fantastic footballer who led by example.

He was the driving force in that team, anything about him after 2003, I want to forget.

How many Rangers captains wanted to leave a treble winning team?

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I'm heading out for a couple of hours.

If youse bastards haven't got everything sorted out when I get back, I'm blowing the lot on Coke and hookers. (tu)

I believe we still have some credit left...


Coke and hookers sounds good but i don't fancy your choice of hooker,i can get better :pipe:

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You're both right. (tu)

Here's how I see it.

Our charter dictates that every penny must be spent on Rangers (Remember we're only talking about the Sponsors' Fund here, not the Erskine Fund), so even if we didn't spend the money on tickets, the money would still be going to Rangers some other way.

There is nothing to dictate what we should do with any products/services we buy from Rangers. Sometimes we raffle them, sometimes we auction them, sometimes we give them to charity, and sometimes we give them away to members.

Since we have already made most of our major purchases for the season, I expect to spend quite a lot of the remaining money on tickets, because it is definitely one of the most effective ways of getting money into the club.

So I would propose that:

1. any tickets donated to us by the club should be given to members - because this is the club thanking us, and it would be rude to not accept

2. any tickets we buy should be given to our supported causes

3. any Fund member who wants a match ticket or two (either for yourself or for friends/family), PM me. I can get you one, and it won't cost the Fund a penny. (tu)

How does that sound?

However we do it is cool with me mate just think it gives Bears who don't get to go much a chance to see our beloved team play and benefits the club too could maybe say a tenner donation to the fund for the winning ticket or something as well.

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See that's why i liked the idea a fund member gets to go support our team in person and the club gets the cash anyway.

Tbh i think this would need a poll to see how many members would benefit from something like this.

Quite a lot seem to me to be regular attenders already,if it was buy a pair of tickets for a needy bear who's fell on hard times i would support it.

Its not that i think its a really bad idea but i think using the money to buy members tickets is an expense the fund does not need.

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Tbh i think this would need a poll to see how many members would benefit from something like this.

Quite a lot seem to me to be regular attenders already,if it was buy a pair of tickets for a needy bear who's fell on hard times i would support it.

Its not that i think its a really bad idea but i think using the money to buy members tickets is an expense the fund does not need.

I can see both sides mate and you have a good point as well just felt like it was worth exploring

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That is the Barry Ferguson that I try to remember, a fantastic footballer who led by example.

He was the driving force in that team, anything about him after 2003, I want to forget.

How many Rangers captains wanted to leave a treble winning team?

I knee i had read a post to me and forgot to reply to it so my apologies mate but yeah he and Mikel Arteta were world class that season in what comparatively to the great sides of the past for us was a poorish side McLeish worked wonders with that team and gave us one of my favorite ever days in Helicopter Sunday

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I was so sure that you would all end up abusing each other and getting banned, that I just went and got the coke and the hooker.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of offering some coke to the hooker.

Now I know why she's got such big nostrils.

Ach well, an early night for me then - need to start fundraising in the morning. :(

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Anyway, it seems to me, and to some others that the '3 point proposal' covers all the concerns of the two sides.

Regarding a poll - I don't think it would work, due to the sensitivity of the subject.

I would suggest that we simply make it clear to all members that there is an open invitation for a ticket or two, for whatever reason you want - whether it's because money's tight, or maybe a couple of friends are coming to visit, or maybe you want to try and encourage a boycotter back - whatever. Just pm govanblue. You don't even need to give a reason.

As long as our supported causes are getting all the tickets they need from us, and as long as the ticket requests from members is a trickle and not a deluge, we should be able to help out in some way - without costing the Fund a penny.

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