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4000 Jacobites and Rebels protest outside BBC with demands

eejay the dj

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For the life of me I can't see why a rebel would follow our club.

It's pretty obvious we are not a rebel club. That is why the SNP's anti-free speech law has been directed against us and why the jacobite press vilify us at ever opportunity.

Just about every other club in Scotland would welcome an anti-British attitude so why turn up at Ibrox like a fart in a lift.

Even for drunken atheists this is a bizarre choice.

There is one unique club in Scotland that celibrates what I hate, that's the team for me.

Now that's lunacy

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ban me then. i'm not religious and i'm voting yes. the fucking horror.

at the end of the day i'm still a rangers supporter and always will be.

i've already been told to stay away from ibrox. no problem i'll just not bother renewing my season ticket next year.

sorry majority of our support are just stupid. so fucking what if someone isn't protestant and is voting yes because they think it's the best option. that's my choice/opinion. if you don't like it you can fuck off. and especially shouldn't be saying this to ones who are season ticket holders cause that's exactly what we need to be doing right now isn't it?

i know i might as well be talking to a brick wall right now but if you don't agree with me then fine. call me what you want. say what you want but I'll NEVER stop supporting Rangers. Isn't that all that should matter?

If I lose my livelihood along with thousands of others because of your pathetic inferiority complex to the English I'm going to cheesey bun wipe you.

You're going to ruin Scotland.

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For the life of me I can't see why a rebel would follow our club.

It's pretty obvious we are not a rebel club. That is why the SNP's anti-free speech law has been directed against us and why the jacobite press vilify us at ever opportunity.

Just about every other club in Scotland would welcome an anti-British attitude so why turn up at Ibrox like a fart in a lift.

Even for drunken atheists this is a bizarre choice.

There is one unique club in Scotland that celibrates what I hate, that's the team for me.

Now that's lunacy

Why turn up at Ibrox..........for the fitba. And to watch my team. Not because I share your views, clearly I don't, I don't even understand them.

This whole concept of "we as a club believe THIS, if you don't believe THIS you've actually chosen the wrong club" is completely beyond me.

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For the life of me I can't see why a rebel would follow our club.

It's pretty obvious we are not a rebel club. That is why the SNP's anti-free speech law has been directed against us and why the jacobite press vilify us at ever opportunity.

Just about every other club in Scotland would welcome an anti-British attitude so why turn up at Ibrox like a fart in a lift.

Even for drunken atheists this is a bizarre choice.

There is one unique club in Scotland that celibates what I hate, that's the team for me.

Now that's lunacy

What a mess.

Why do you hate people who have given up sex?

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Very passionate chap. Seems a good guy. Puts his case across superbly.

He does indeed. One of these honest, salt-of-the-earth chaps it seems. Not many of them on here. We all seem to have some kind of a superiority complex on here.

PS - Good to see you post again, Inigo. Hope you are well. (tu)

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He does indeed. One of these honest, salt-of-the-earth chaps it seems. Not many of them on here. We all have a superiority complex on here.

PS - Good to see you post again, Inigo. Hope you are well. (tu)

Likewise, my man. Glad to be back (just a wee busy period). Well as can be! :pipe:

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Speaking of MIAs, where's TWB these days?

No idea... Perhaps the wee tossers from the OT Crew posting pictures of his missus on a Derby County forum pissed him off.

Hopefully he is currently outside their bedroom window with a red headband on, packing a Samurai sword Machete meat cleaver Bowie knife open razor rusty teaspoon to pluck out their eyes Nerf Gun.

They deserve all they get.

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Glad to hear it, man. I don't care whether you are voting Yes or No... Yer one of the good guys. :burt:

Likewise, bud. (tu)

I'm a democrat above all, so I tend to go with Mr Voltaire (with a wee add-on)... I do not agree with what you have to say, but I defend the to death your right to say it, and to be a Rangers fan.

So, I agree. Yes or No, gather round the common factor that brings us together, Bears!

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Hmm. There seems to be more Rangers supporting Yes supporters than I first thought.

I find it very disappointing.

Wrongly i thought supporting a quintessentialy British club its followers would hold similar views on the Union.

This forums been an eye opener for me realising there is a section of our fans i have fuck all in commom with.

Years ago a bear was a bear but all this diversity pish has diluted our support to mediocre at best.

No values anymore.

However i knock about with old school bears who actually believe being British is important to our clubs identity and ours thank fuck.

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No idea... Perhaps the wee tossers from the OT Crew posting pictures of his missus on a Derby County forum pissed him off.

Hopefully he is currently outside their bedroom window with a red headband on, packing a Samurai sword Machete meat cleaver Bowie knife open razor rusty teaspoon to pluck out their eyes Nerf Gun.

They deserve all they get.

That happened? :anguish:

Hope he comes back.

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I find it very disappointing.

Wrongly i thought supporting a quintessentialy British club its followers would hold similar views on the Union.

This forums been an eye opener for me realising there is a section of our fans i have fuck all in commom with.

Years ago a bear was a bear but all this diversity pish has diluted our support to mediocre at best.

No values anymore.

However i knock about with old school bears who actually believe being British is important to our clubs identity and ours thank fuck.

Your Rangers is your Rangers. Mine is mine. His is his and hers is hers. I doubt you notice anyone being different to you inside Ibrox, squire.

Rangers probably means something a little (or alot) different to different people. We're a club open to (almost) all.

Dinnae worry about what other people think too much, mate.

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Your Rangers is your Rangers. Mine is mine. His is his and hers is hers. I doubt you notice anyone being different to you inside Ibrox, squire.

Rangers probably means something a little (or alot) different to different people. We're a club open to (almost) all.

Dinnae worry about what other people think too much, mate.

True enough mate. :)

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I hate the yesnp with a passion, there has not been a bandwagon that they have not jumped on.

The thing that riles me the most, is that they never offered Rangers one tiny bit of help when we went into admin, however as soon as his beloved Hearts did, he couldn't do enough to help them. That is just one reason why I'll be voting NO on thursday!!!

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ban me then. i'm not religious and i'm voting yes. the fucking horror.

at the end of the day i'm still a rangers supporter and always will be.

i've already been told to stay away from ibrox. no problem i'll just not bother renewing my season ticket next year.

sorry majority of our support are just stupid. so fucking what if someone isn't protestant and is voting yes because they think it's the best option. that's my choice/opinion. if you don't like it you can fuck off. and especially shouldn't be saying this to ones who are season ticket holders cause that's exactly what we need to be doing right now isn't it?

i know i might as well be talking to a brick wall right now but if you don't agree with me then fine. call me what you want. say what you want but I'll NEVER stop supporting Rangers. Isn't that all that should matter?

I agree with you 100% mate I'm voting yes as well and it doesn't make us any less of a Rangers fan. I'm putting my vote forward based on the future of myself and my family, not on the football team I support, as ultimately that is very narrow minded and child like behaviour. Football should have absolutely feck all to do with the Indyref, completely unrelated topics. Obviously you expect a lot of the morons on here to be dragged in to the 'I'm a Rangers fan, that means I'm British so I have to vote no' way of thinking. It's embarrassing but we just have to put up with them.

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Here's some free education for you from someone at ground level, you utter fuckwit.

what is anyone supposed to discern from that clip?

I heard the word immoral ..... check

I heard the contention regarding tax avoidance ...... check

Fuck me I also heard his mention the R word, responsibility. Alas, said word only appeared in respect of everyone bar the individual.

For every story he can tell of individuals not being paid for two hours work I can throw down stories of employees not working days they have been paid for.

For every story he can tell us about a woman not eating for three days I can illustrate thousands of folk who have never worked, have no intention of working, live in state funded housing, sky fags and booze.

Indeed, I'd suggest that your clip is an illustration of the evils of socialism and backs up exactly what I was initially warning of.

You only create a prosperous society through the freedom of the individual, the teaching of personal responsibility and a vibrant market economy with a much reduced state. Independence would provide, those left here, with the opposite.

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The worst of it all is there is probably the odd Rangers fan amongst it.

We should ban all non Protestant/Unionist fans from on here

I note that you put your place of residence as Nth. Ireland, so I would say to you, what the fuck that Scots vote for got to do with you?

Your country will still be part of the Union.

I was raised a protestant, but I no longer care about religion, and as I no longer live in Scotland, I have no say in the matter.

But I will alway's support Rangers.

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