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Funny Rangers day out memories


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I remember the night we beat Killie in the Scottish Cup semi final replay in 94 my old man stopped for a pee in the street not long after we got off the train at Mount Florida. I was just a kid and waited on the pavement.

To my horror I saw a copper walking towards us after my dad got back. I was only 10 and still terrified of any kind of trouble with the police. The copper put his hand on my dad's shoulder and shouted "YOU'RE NICKED!". I shat myself.

The copper turned out to be an old workmate of my old man from when he'd worked with him at the old Centre 1 in EK years previously and he was just having a laugh with him. To be fair, my old man shat himself too. I'll never forget it. Maybe the only time I ever saw my old man look afraid in public.

He's not here anymore, and until he died I was forbidden from telling my mum about the time he got caught having a pee in the street at the fitba. When I eventually told her she was still furious!

Anyone else got any strong memories about going to the game that aren't necessarily connected to the game itself?

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November 1996, got a lift into game a Porkheid 4 of us, obviously on the sauce, got out the car asked my mate to hold the skins till I rolled a joint. Low an behold car screeches to a halt and out pops 2 CID,both of us huckled into back of the car.

Asked for personal details and I piped up that it had nothing to do with my mate and took all the blame. Copper said fair enough only took my details. Asked us if we had tickets and for what end, after responding yes and for the Rangers end he said 'on you go boys enjoy the game and don't be so fucking stupid again'

Never forget the goalies penalty save that day, amazing :pipe:

Got a caution a few days later :(

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November 1996, got a lift into game a Porkheid 4 of us, obviously on the sauce, got out the car asked my make to hold the skins till I rolled a joint. Low an behold car screeches to a halt and out pops 2 CID,both of us huckled into back of the car.

Asked for personal details and I piped up that it had nothing to do with my mate and took all the blame. Copper said fair enough only took my details. Asked us if we had tickets and for what end, after responding yes and for the Rangers end he said 'on you go boys enjoy the game and don't be so fucking stupid again'

Never forget the goalies penalty save that day, amazing :pipe:

Got a caution a few days later :(

Ffs we've got a renegade here

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My first game that I remember at Ibrox it was pay at the gate. I got in and then the turnstyles were locked so I was left inside the stadium with my dad outside.

The steward was a prick and wouldn't let my dad in at first, despite him shouting at him 'but that's my son'. Eventually, as my dad became more aggressive, he was let in.

A dramatic first few steps into Ibrox for me. :(

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A guy told me he was at the 1976 SCSF against Motherwell, Motherwell leading 2-0 at half time, the guy decided to climb the railings between the Rangers end and the enclosure facing the main stand, where the Well fans were housed, so that he could go and get a pie & bovril because they never had those facilities in the terraces in those days. He had got to the top of the fence and a Well fan looked up in horror and shouted, "HERE THEY COME", panic ensued and a big gap opened up because the Well fans had bolted.

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too many to remember all,, but one that springs to mind was the killie game we lost at home towards the end of the season we where going for 10 in a row. I had 4 seats back then in the clubdeck through my dads work. I took up a couple of lads from the local and my girlfriends wee brother. One mate stevie was a killie fan / celtic fan (claimed to be more a killie fan) and the wee brother was a killie fan,,, the other lad Bobby was a bear.

On the way up the brother asked if killie win the day can we put our scarves on later on the way home in the car. Thinking they had little to fuck all chance in hell of winning me and Bobby laughed and said aye why no wee man.

Needless to say on our way out of Ibrox in the car both stevie and wee brother put their scarves out the window (not sure but think steve had his celtic yin but might have been a killie wan) and we got the kind of reception you would expect,,.

As we pulled up to these set of lights another car came along side and its window came down. Stevie who was driving lowered his scarf and window to see it was his boss in the car. The Boss made some chit chat wae him for a few mins and then before driving off when the light went green,, says " and another thing stevie I saw yer scarf and know what team ye really follow,,,so dont bother coming in to work on monday ye wee rat cunt" and drove off.

So me and Bobby still had the last laugh :7325:

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Suppose my all time favourite " ma da " moment was after a game against morton at ibrox in '81.we got on the double decker to my grans at the red road flats and sure as fuck the derry got on at st enoch, upstairs, billy boys , the sash and derrys walls and the rest at max volume, fuckin magic it was , I was singi and stampin my feet with them, I was only 9, only to see ma da get that fuckin look in his steely blue fuckin scary proddy eyes, scared the shite out of me.i looked up at this mad moustached bastard:" keep singing son louder and louder, if you dont know all the words, shout no surrender, the boys are in trouble upstairs.haw you ya cunt, what ye slowin doon fur, ya dirty taig bastard?" For the old man had seen the police car out the back of the bus window, sure as fuck as we pulled up in springburn 3 stops short of our stop, on came the polis, doo came the derry, one of the boys got a slap for a salute, still bus didnt move as ma da was pointed out by the driver, polis came over and ma da said fuck all, kept quiet and they left.

"The boys were only singin , nae need for that and im a celtic supporter" said an old dear I front of us.

the stare was unbroken and I was fuckin dreadin the next stop at the flats as it was ours.

there was no way my dad was gonna let this go.

brakes, up we get" right, aff robert, keep walking," but I heard it all.

" you ya dirty papish bastard , you drive my bus to work on monday night, its just me and you ya cunt come on get out ya cunt, dae it tae me what ye did tae the the weans, come on ya fenian bastard , aff, get aff or im stayin on til yer finished ya cunt, come on aff , aff the bus ya beadrattlin bastard!? Cunt made it look like he was gonnae join my old man on the street, then shut the doors as the old man stepped off.

nae screamin and shoutin from ma da, just walked away and met me halfway to the middle flats.

" ye got tae stand up for bears son, no matter how.that bastard will change his route for my night shift bus, but ill be waiting for the swine at the depot hours before that, boys were only singin, its nae crime at aw, dont tell yer maw she will find ouf soon enough"

Monday night my da got arrested for the malkie, his actions that day made me the proddy I am today, he was superman , batman and roy of the rovers rolled into one, a true billy boy, the best ive ever met.

No Surrender


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Reminds me of when my wee bro was meeting us at Ibrox before the game but was late and me and my dad were looking all over for him, when i spotted him we walked towards my dad and my bro said something that made me laugh, so the games already kicked off and my dad sees us and it looks like were just wandering about having a laugh so he shouts "FUCKIN MOOOOVE!!" My Dad can shout loud as fuck and didnt realize there was a polis right behind him and me and my brother are like "aw shit here we go", the polis grabs my dad and starts asking if hes drunk etc (which he wasnt) and starts ranting and raving about breaches of the peace, luckily my dad held his tongue and he let us go in but my dad gave us pelters over it.

My dad forbids us from telling my mum what we get upto at the football, the first time my wee brother came to the game with us we got back and my mum said to my brother "so how was it then?" He said "great! Rangers won 2-0 and dad had 6 pints!" He learned his lesson shortly after.

Always get wee memories about me and my old boy in these threads, i mind Walters 1st game back, the 4th went in and my dad turned to me saying "thatll do us" smiling handing me his coupon with Rangers 4-0 on it, we'd been pish up till then but my Dad as a true Ger kept the faith and still does. Then the 5th went in a burst his coupon!

Cannae wait to get back to the football with my old boy for the hearts game!

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