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Hibs Player Mocks Davie Cooper


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Cause fans make jokes about dead people.

I wonder how many those who are crying over this have laughed at a Michael Jackson joke or a Bobby Sands one.


We don't joke about our own but anycunt else is fair game to me.

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We don't joke about our own but anycunt else is fair game to me.


And in this case it wasn't even a joke that was posted just a statement which of course was made to wind folk up.

The worst thing about it is that the tit done it on social media despite every cunt getting done for posting stuff.

I've said far worse today at work than the bell end who posted that.

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And in this case it wasn't even a joke that was posted just a statement which of course was made to wind folk up.

The worst thing about it is that the tit done it on social media despite every cunt getting done for posting stuff.

I've said far worse today at work than the bell end who posted that.

Its a relatively new thing,Rangers fans searching through the net for things to take offence at.

But we're in danger of overtaking the tims at faux offence imo.

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I must be he only cunt on this forum that's mocked dead sellik players.

17 yr old makes crass comment and we're outraged.

Fucks sake if there's a record of all the cunty things i've said i'd be burned at the stake.

RIP Davie.

l don't go in for mocking the dead but each to their own. Wee cunt will learn there are consequences for your actions.

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Hopefully he will find out soon enough.

I can't see how he will get done for anything.

He didn't wish death upon someone

He didn't threaten death upon someone

He didn't make a direct joke about someone who is dead.

He wrote 'Davie Cooper is dead'.

Nothing can or will be done about that.

This isn't sticking up for anyone it's just the reality of what that post said and means. You can speculate all you like about the meaning of it but you simply can't prove anything from it.

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Is this the point we've reached in Scotland, 17 year old states a fact and our fanbase reaction is to insinuate he needs physical violence to sort him out?

Whether you think he was being disrespectful or not you are making the assumption based on one letter, where in the word 'dead' he has changed the 'a' to an 'e'. Had he said "Davie Cooper is dead" that is merely stating a fact and the way he typed it is the way many people in Scotland say it without malice.

His laughter does not necessarily mean he thought he was clever but rather he could be laughing at the immediate calls for violence to be carried out upon him.

Now what I've just said may not sit with some of you well, and I have my suspicion the boy was trying to be clever and was being distasteful but evidence is all that matters and I don't see anything that you can nail him for. Bare in mind you can openly joke about shooting a Prime Minister's coffin to insure that she is dead and that upon her death you could spend the money of a state funeral in a more fitting fashion i.e. giving everyone in Scotland a shovel and they would dig a hole so deep that we could hand her over to Satan personally.

17 year old boy makes a daft comment and you can say 'That's disrespectful' from to him personally but when your response is to explain that he needs set-about in a vitriolic fashion, you aren't exactly putting yourself across in a respectful, P.C. and morally superior fashion.

As one poster says - I think we've all said worse in our time and probably after the age of 17, daft comment yes, daft also to say it on the internet with aspirations of becoming a Hibs player when social media is a death for many a figure in public life, are we really so offended though that this is someone we want to make a test case of? Our targets should be those who repeatedly have sniped at us, those who at every turn - attack us, our culture, our politics, our club, our history, our faith/non-faith etc etc. Further to this it's in our interest to castigate the "I'm offended by everything brigade" because should we continue down a tit-for-tat "I'm offended" competition, we'll see western society become a fascist state where the is only one view acceptable to hold on anything and then we'll all be greetin because we can only think our opinions and never share them through fear of persecution! You think that's OTT? Think about how many times crime has got out of control in this country, some of it the worst varieties, all because people were scared to go against the elite, the famous, race, religion etc. etc. It's a very real threat to our freedoms within this country today as it always has been!

Sorry OP this one should be given a by, the deletion of his account is enough for now for me. In all likeliness the response given to him insinuating violence as a fitting punishment will receive more interest from the authorities should it be highlighted.

Think ur missing the point mate, yes, we could take the moral high ground & forget it, but look where it's got us. Some fud of a septic player calls us h***, the excuse will be flung out he didn't know what it meant. BBC shows ally jumping from a window, umpteen more things & now this wee Fanny. Now let's not kid ourselves, he was taking the piss & we all know it. I'm fed up taking the moral high ground. Davie was a hero of mine & I've nearly got into fights at work over people being disrespectful of him. This wee fud should be carpeted for it. He didn't have to say a single thing, but then posts this thinking it's ok to mock. What would you do if someone did something similar about a member of your family. Well Davie WAS ( & still is) our family & it's not on. If a youth player from us did something about say Johnny Doyle, he'd be right up in front of the sfa in no time.
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Too many of today's tweeters, facebookers and occasional posters on here seem to think computer media has a Harry Potter type of invisible cloak protecting their identity rather than realising it is an extremely accesible open book with the potential of mass exposure on the internet.

Personally, I think a bit of education, an apology and an act of restitution would help this young man see sense.

Hibs would do well to advise him to watch the videos of Davie, learn about him, then maybe the lad can clean his act up and become similarly professional and dedicated and at least aspire to playing football the Cooper way. Followed by a public apology and a two week wages fine,

As a suitable gesture Hibs could add a sensible ammount to the wage fine and pay this to a charity that encourages youngsters to play football or similar. That imo would be a fine gesture to Davie's memory. Retribution would only tarnish the whole thing further.

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I understand your point but I assure you I am not missing THE point. Look at what the guy said - while needless and probably with sinister/snide/stupid undertones he merely stated a fact, you cannot do someone on the basis of how you perceive what they said, if that's the benchmark for getting people done then it's open season on everyone including US. By the measure we wish to hold the boy to account on how we interpret his words, the police could interpret the response by our supporter as angry, abusive and physically threatening - which of the 2 statements made would look worse in "court"? If you want to chin a 17 year old for that remark I trust you'll be silent when the Tims deem everything we say as offensive and the police lift everyone for things such as "You'll never see Tommy Burns again", "Fuck Bobby Sands he's deed!", "Paul McBride is dead, his spivet wivs on and onnnnnn" etc. etc. If you want to throw stones at the remark the Hibs boy made expect the stones to be thrown back at us harder by a more hate-filled and organised set of legally informed and scheming Rangers-hating militant types. You may argue they do that already but if we want to push it to 'statements of fact' are offensive to us and we want something done about it - expect the Tims to implode with offended-ness at the statement of fact that their club was architect and complicit of covering up the sexual abuse of children.

You and I both know the wee boy thought he was the business when he put that up but try holding a 17 year old to account for a statement of fact then defend supporters of our club in their 40's for chanting "we're up to our knee's in fenian blood", if you wish to make a mountain out of a molehill and hold wee boys to account for things like that we're ALL fucked in one way or another.

Do you enjoying dark comedies? They'll be gone if society keeps this up.

Statements of fact are offensive due to a conceived undertone in their expression - we can collectively stop criticising the Catholic church then because I'm sure their 1 billion will find it offensive despite it being true.



Stating that the boys comment was a needless statement of fact that insinuates a sinister undertone in what he was thinking would have been reasonable, keeping a note of it and an eye on him, waiting for the day he makes the big slip up, that should be that would be reasonable, but wanting him strung up for this is frankly stupid all things considered.

I could continue on this one but if you disagree still, there's probably little I can say to change your mind. Personally I think enough's already been done and it should be dropped as our eyes refocus on genuine issues and targets.

I know what ur saying mate. I'm not meaning that I want him done by police, but I would like to see hivs pull him in for it. This guy plays for a professional club, it's not like he's a wee ned posting on twitter, he's a representative for his club, whether they like it or not, no matter what his age is.
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I know what ur saying mate. I'm not meaning that I want him done by police, but I would like to see hivs pull him in for it. This guy plays for a professional club, it's not like he's a wee ned posting on twitter, he's a representative for his club, whether they like it or not, no matter what his age is.

Exactly,which is why I believe that Hibs football club should be given the responsibility of dealing with it, and make the right decisions.

I am hopeful they will.

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