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I know its the close season, so there are no games to talk about.

HOWEVER, bickering amongst ourselves meanwhile is simply not acceptable. Im fed up reading daft accusations and disagreements over nothing.

We all go on RM, presumably to have a good time, I would imagine. So lets behave civily towards one another.

ANYONE continuing to get hot-headed will be dealt with. Its as simple as that.

Here are the Forum Rules. Read them again please.


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dumb. treat us all like feckin schoolchildren why dont you. when was the last time something got out of hand on here. we're most of us adults on here and those that arent dont get involved. this is crazy. you guys are quick enough to say "if you dont like the tabloids dont read them" but when it comes to pointing that finger at this board then all of a sudden the "if you dont like it dont read it card" doesnt carry?? EH?

Posts getting ripped left right and centre, threads getting censored - no-one knows where they stand on here anymore and Im not alone in thinking this. the Admin get TOO involved and need to take more of a hands off approach.

Bu if you dont like my input just say the word. I'll be off.

And happily leave you guys with the intellectual capabilities of THEPISH.

see ye.

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dumb. treat us all like feckin schoolchildren why dont you. when was the last time something got out of hand on here. we're most of us adults on here and those that arent dont get involved. this is crazy. you guys are quick enough to say "if you dont like the tabloids dont read them" but when it comes to pointing that finger at this board then all of a sudden the "if you dont like it dont read it card" doesnt carry?? EH?

Posts getting ripped left right and centre, threads getting censored - no-one knows where they stand on here anymore and Im not alone in thinking this. the Admin get TOO involved and need to take more of a hands off approach.

Bu if you dont like my input just say the word. I'll be off.

And happily leave you guys with the intellectual capabilities of THEPISH.

see ye.

Ah, ricardo. I read your nice post about me last night, complementing me on my personality. I read it and chose to ignore it. Saw it straight away.

It was subsequently removed by a Mod, deemed unsuitable, which it was.

Did I give you a warn or premod ? No ... I didnt.

All I am asking is for all members to respect each other.

Debate is fine, personal attacks are not. That goes for everyone.

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dumb. treat us all like feckin schoolchildren why dont you. when was the last time something got out of hand on here. we're most of us adults on here and those that arent dont get involved. this is crazy. you guys are quick enough to say "if you dont like the tabloids dont read them" but when it comes to pointing that finger at this board then all of a sudden the "if you dont like it dont read it card" doesnt carry?? EH?

Posts getting ripped left right and centre, threads getting censored - no-one knows where they stand on here anymore and Im not alone in thinking this. the Admin get TOO involved and need to take more of a hands off approach.

Bu if you dont like my input just say the word. I'll be off.

And happily leave you guys with the intellectual capabilities of THEPISH.

see ye.

It isn't even about being treated like a school child.

Rules are made to stop things getting out of control.

You can't very well blame a judge for sending you to jail for robbing a bank, claiming he is treating you like a child for telling you what you can't do.

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PS Coop...

Replace the fluffy retriever with a snarling rottie or doberman...and no-one will dare answer you back :classier_than_pipeguy:

:lol: Charlie the fluffy Golden Retriever is good enough D'art, he's strong guy, he's still my boy, even though he's a few miles down the road now with his new family.

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dumb. treat us all like feckin schoolchildren why dont you. when was the last time something got out of hand on here. we're most of us adults on here and those that arent dont get involved. this is crazy. you guys are quick enough to say "if you dont like the tabloids dont read them" but when it comes to pointing that finger at this board then all of a sudden the "if you dont like it dont read it card" doesnt carry?? EH?

Posts getting ripped left right and centre, threads getting censored - no-one knows where they stand on here anymore and Im not alone in thinking this. the Admin get TOO involved and need to take more of a hands off approach.

Bu if you dont like my input just say the word. I'll be off.

And happily leave you guys with the intellectual capabilities of THEPISH.

see ye.

Just chill out Buddy the post was very general - an overview - no need to over-react

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These things happen RM has grown big fast .. it could be said that its a victim of its own success.. Like everything, things evolve and the bigger you get more people watch and in turn you need to behave. Its the way the world works. Just my 2 cents!

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Don't know you at all mate -- but chill a bit. Nothing wrong with rules. Ask a certain Mr. William Struth.

btw: You seem like a decent enought guy based on most of the posts I've read from you... Sleep on it?

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think you have over reacted ricardo, but i would like to know myself, why THEFISH is treated with leniency on his attacks towards people, yet people are told to stop with the personal attacks when most are of smaller offence than his.

maybe i'm just bein stupid and totally misreading things lol ahwell just my input.

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think you have over reacted ricardo, but i would like to know myself, why THEFISH is treated with leniency on his attacks towards people, yet people are told to stop with the personal attacks when most are of smaller offence than his.

maybe i'm just bein stupid and totally misreading things lol ahwell just my input.

That is a very good question - the Fish in especial and one or two others to a lesser extent seem to get away with murder on here.

You should not lose sight of the message you used to lure Gers fans here when the Beeb site closed down. Come on in you say, this will eb a forum where ordinary fans can talk about Rangers football club you said. Lots of promises of being different from the likes of FF - well, it looks like this is heading down the road of Follow Follow - definitely seems to me that the site is being ran by a certain faction for the same faction.

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think you have over reacted ricardo, but i would like to know myself, why THEFISH is treated with leniency on his attacks towards people, yet people are told to stop with the personal attacks when most are of smaller offence than his.

maybe i'm just bein stupid and totally misreading things lol ahwell just my input.

That is a very good question - the Fish in especial and one or two others to a lesser extent seem to get away with murder on here.

You should not lose sight of the message you used to lure Gers fans here when the Beeb site closed down. Come on in you say, this will eb a forum where ordinary fans can talk about Rangers football club you said. Lots of promises of being different from the likes of FF - well, it looks like this is heading down the road of Follow Follow - definitely seems to me that the site is being ran by a certain faction for the same faction.

I suppose nothing stands still bauba and we will go through different phases. It really depends on all the members and how they talk and react to each other.

I am not one for getting the red pen out, I enjoy the debate and banter as much as anyone, I just ask people debate in a reasonable manner without personal jibes at each other.

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think you have over reacted ricardo, but i would like to know myself, why THEFISH is treated with leniency on his attacks towards people, yet people are told to stop with the personal attacks when most are of smaller offence than his.

maybe i'm just bein stupid and totally misreading things lol ahwell just my input.

That is a very good question - the Fish in especial and one or two others to a lesser extent seem to get away with murder on here.

You should not lose sight of the message you used to lure Gers fans here when the Beeb site closed down. Come on in you say, this will eb a forum where ordinary fans can talk about Rangers football club you said. Lots of promises of being different from the likes of FF - well, it looks like this is heading down the road of Follow Follow - definitely seems to me that the site is being ran by a certain faction for the same faction.

Yes you are right Bauba - a certain faction who tend to use evidence to justify their arguement rather than continually rely purely on opinion.

And talking of Fish and your allegation ... that he receives preferential treatment ....along with a few others...

Problem with that assertion is that it doesn't quite fit with the facts.

If Ricardo wants to take the huff with the boards and admin - then so be it - funny thing is that I kind of agree with him on this one for once - but rules are rules -and I will be honest and say that I wont shed a tear either over his departure.

He more than anyone got away with abuse of other posters - perhaps it was not intended (as he himself said - he got excited about seeing sweary words in print) but when someone refers to you as an f**** prick - tries to bring into question your personal integrity - or the authenticity of debate related evidence you have posted - the intellect of others - or prevaricates on what he has posted...verging on lying - or as Coop has pointed out makes posts attacking the personality of other posters (admin or otherwise) - then to suggest that he has been a victim of some kind of discriminatory preferrential treatment - is an opinion which runs contrary to the facts...facts which every poster on this board has seen.

I dont always agree with admin decisions - but to suggest they are anything less than even handed/fair of their treatment of posters is insulting and unfair on guys who are trying to do their best in very difficult circumstances.

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I use this site as a RFC fan for reference, rumours and opinions etc. I don't really intend to post.

But, in the context of this thread, I just wanted to say: Rangers Media has been different class and a breath of fresh air and that is because the debates/posts are done with a maturity/decency/consideration for others' opinions that is totally lacking on FF. I think it is important that RFC fans have a forum like this where the diverse views of Rangers supporting individuals can be exchanged without the poisonous and biased vitriol that you come across on FF where a pack of hardcore neanderthals decry any opinion and slander any poster who's opinion isn't that of the hardcore. Such a pack-mentality stifles debate and poisons the general atmosphere of the site. On FF there isn't a level playing field (I notice a similar remark has been made here about what The Fish - that caricature - gets away with): On FF the neds galley constantly goad and deride and attack the hand-wringers/the pc poofs/the softcore etc and if you ever get riled enough to make a joke or humourous dig back - then they can't take it - you are immediately banned (as happened to myself). So, the debate isn't fair. It is skewered in favour of an intolerant hardcore that frequently espouses nothing more than hatred - frequently hatred of fellow Rangers supporters.

I despise FF and they will never be a voice for me.

(Ironically, a CFC mate who knows Suck offered to intervene on my behalf - me a Rangers fan for over 30 years needs a CFC fan to be allowed to access a Rangers fans site! - but I declined my mate's help... I want nothing more to do with them).

Anyway, getting back on track, my point simply is: don't let Rangers Media go the way of FF.

The way to prevent Rangers Media from going down that unfortunate route is responsible moderation and for fellow Rangers supporters to show consideration for each other and to respect each other's opinions when they post. Then we can have a proper forum for Rangers fans where mature debate is possible.

That mature forum is what Rangers Media is and hopefully will remain.

That's all - I didn't mean to preach - but I only raise my voice because I think this is important - all the best.

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I use this site as a RFC fan for reference, rumours and opinions etc. I don't really intend to post.

But, in the context of this thread, I just wanted to say: Rangers Media has been different class and a breath of fresh air and that is because the debates/posts are done with a maturity/decency/consideration for others' opinions that is totally lacking on FF. I think it is important that RFC fans have a forum like this where the diverse views of Rangers supporting individuals can be exchanged without the poisonous and biased vitriol that you come across on FF where a pack of hardcore neanderthals decry any opinion and slander any poster who's opinion isn't that of the hardcore. Such a pack-mentality stifles debate and poisons the general atmosphere of the site. On FF there isn't a level playing field (I notice a similar remark has been made here about what The Fish - that caricature - gets away with): On FF the neds galley constantly goad and deride and attack the hand-wringers/the pc poofs/the softcore etc and if you ever get riled enough to make a joke or humourous dig back - then they can't take it - you are immediately banned (as happened to myself). So, the debate isn't fair. It is skewered in favour of an intolerant hardcore that frequently espouses nothing more than hatred - frequently hatred of fellow Rangers supporters.

I despise FF and they will never be a voice for me.

(Ironically, a CFC mate who knows Suck offered to intervene on my behalf - me a Rangers fan for over 30 years needs a CFC fan to be allowed to access a Rangers fans site! - but I declined my mate's help... I want nothing more to do with them).

Anyway, getting back on track, my point simply is: don't let Rangers Media go the way of FF.

The way to prevent Rangers Media from going down that unfortunate route is responsible moderation and for fellow Rangers supporters to show consideration for each other and to respect each other's opinions when they post. Then we can have a proper forum for Rangers fans where mature debate is possible.

That mature forum is what Rangers Media is and hopefully will remain.

That's all - I didn't mean to preach - but I only raise my voice because I think this is important - all the best.

Many thanks for taking the time to air you opinions bud (tu)

We have a policy on Rmedia - that we have tried to stay loyal to from the beginning. We have tried different things in the past to try an make Rmedia an alternative to the other Gers Forums available - not always successfully, but we try.

We are not against FF, its beliefs, policies whatever - but we do realise that alot of Rangers fans want something different to what they get there or any other Gers forum - a fact based on the recruiting levels we have experienced lately.

It is with that philosophy that we follow the policies we do at present. We try to encourage debate purely on the topics raised because thats what the feedback tells us YOU GUYS want.

We try to keep them on topic as much as possible - because you dont get that anywhere else.

Personal abuse will not be tolerated - sectarianism will not be tolerated - cast in stone. But we are a flexible site - that tries to cater as much for the member as we can, we are always open to new ideas about how to improve.

In summary - we are NOT FF - we dont try to be, that gets us grief in some quarters but thats fact. Our continuing growth in memberships are indicating that we are onto something, something which Rangers fans are looking for, something a little different.

I would never say, "if you dont like what we do - go elsewher" I would rather say - if you dont like whats here -let us know, and we will try and come to something that will make it better.

We cant please everyone all the time obviously, but we can try to please the majority as often as we can.

And I may be as bold as to say on the whole Rmedia does at least do that.

P.s As a side note yellowcross, i enjoyed the post youve written & i encourage you to post some more. Im confident that i wouldnt be the only one interested in what you have to say in the future (tu)

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well spoken JR, my feelings entirely.

I joined from the beeb, like many others and found RM to be accommodating and a good place to be. I rarely posted on the beeb, because it was shite and I was under a different name there from what it is now. I was a bit hesitant when I first joined, not knowing what to expect, but I was soon welcomed by existing members.

RM is not perfect, no site can be, but we hope that as a site we are in a healthy position and strive to always improve.

What goes on elsewhere doesnt concern me, only RM.

Like JR says, we are open to suggestion as to how to improve/better ourselves.

RM is what it is through its membership, nothing more. Without every single member, RM is nothing.

Lets continue to move forward and support our team in unison.

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think you have over reacted ricardo, but i would like to know myself, why THEFISH is treated with leniency on his attacks towards people, yet people are told to stop with the personal attacks when most are of smaller offence than his.

maybe i'm just bein stupid and totally misreading things lol ahwell just my input.

That is a very good question - the Fish in especial and one or two others to a lesser extent seem to get away with murder on here.

You should not lose sight of the message you used to lure Gers fans here when the Beeb site closed down. Come on in you say, this will eb a forum where ordinary fans can talk about Rangers football club you said. Lots of promises of being different from the likes of FF - well, it looks like this is heading down the road of Follow Follow - definitely seems to me that the site is being ran by a certain faction for the same faction.

Well, when a section of the fans stick to the debate is goes swimmingly - however when the same guys resort to personal abuse then that goes way over the top - seems to happen about once a week for me

I have no problem with having rules to prevent this type of thing - as long as it is enforced consistently across the board. My problem wight now is that It clearly is not.

I shall however await the next few weeks to see how this goes before I decide on whether I need to change which sites I go to for Rangers chat

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