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Sturgeon and every single one of the SNP are snakes trying to weaken our Great nation.

All these people who are supporting her in the polls post debates must be blind!!!!!!

She wants to destroy Britain!!!

Any party who makes a coalition with the SNP are scum!!!!!

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Sturgeon and every single one of the SNP are snakes trying to weaken our Great nation.

You should probably take something for That mate. Just saying.

All these people who are supporting her in the polls post debates must be blind!!!!!!

She wants to destroy Britain!!!

Any party who makes a coalition with the SNP are scum!!!!!

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Sturgeon and every single one of the SNP are snakes trying to weaken our Great nation.

You should probably take something for That mate. Just saying.

All these people who are supporting her in the polls post debates must be blind!!!!!!

She wants to destroy Britain!!!

Any party who makes a coalition with the SNP are scum!!!!!

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Show me a politician and I will show you liar!

Like I would believe all that they say?

However, our principles are aligned, so close those fucking borders and intern any malcontents, which would include those lying deflecting rhats Salmond and his bitch!

I thought you liked Haris Vuckic?

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Working class people voting Tory deserved every ounce of shite that comes their way. Utter bellends. They are worse than the Tims who try to hijack the nationalist vote for the sake of their own daft, wee bigoted agendas.

New Labour are basically conservatives with a red rosette. People think the SNP are right wing and it's all their fault while ignoring the fact that we actually live in the UK and Westminster (Paedo Harbourers Ltd) still governs Great Britain in it's entirety.

Red, blue, yellow, mauve; I wouldn't vote for any of the corrupt bastards. You can stick your Bears' Den politics threads up your arse.

But then I'm only here to read about the Rangers.

Is the Rangers an obsession for you then ??
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If you want to know what Scotland would be like if Sturgeon got her way, look at Zimbabwe. Once an agriculturally rich country reduced to the lowest state of poverty and distress thanks to Mugabe and his thugs forcing out all those who knew how to work the land on idealogical grounds. Just like Our "government" allowing the Community Charge dodgers off as a reward for their support.

I dont like the snp much but naw we're no gonna go the Zimbabwe way.

Is Sturgeon our Mugabe in this scenario?

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This nation is a shambles. Folk think its weird that i hate the national football team. I say my nation isn't represented. Im British and that's practically a crime in Scotland. I support Scotland in every sport other than football. The SFA national team stands for the tarriers and the scum that hate the loyalist people of Scotland, Rangers are the one and only British club, Rangers are my British national team fuck Scotland. What bear cld sit there booing the queen and praising Scott fuckin Brown scum

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This nation is a shambles. Folk think its weird that i hate the national football team. I say my nation isn't represented. Im British and that's practically a crime in Scotland. I support Scotland in every sport other than football. The SFA national team stands for the tarriers and the scum that hate the loyalist people of Scotland, Rangers are the one and only British club, Rangers are my British national team fuck Scotland. What bear cld sit there booing the queen and praising Scott fuckin Brown scum

What the fuck are you going to be like WHEN Scotland gets Independence?

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He actually earns his money legally through work and doing a great job, unlike the fucking robbing masses of crim wasters that enter our great but skint borders that we have to foot the multi billion pound bill for the privilage!

Have you got any time to be angry at the ones that really do fist the country? Tax dodgers for example. To the tune of £119.4 Billion annually.



- Immigrants from the EU between 2001 and 2011 contributed £20 Billion more to UK taxes than they received in benefits.

- EU accession countries (Poland etc) between 2004 and 2011 contributed £5 Billion more to UK taxes than they received in benefits.

- Admittedly, immigrants from the rest of the world contributed £118 Billion (a debated figure, may be much smaller) less in tax than they received. But that was over 17 years between 1995 and 2011. So it's about £7 Billion a year in cost as opposed to the £119.4 Billion tax dodgers cost. And if you take it from the period 2001 to 2011, it's £5 Billion more than they receive!

- Oh, and native Brits contributed £617 Billion less in taxes than they received between 2001 and 2011, £591.5 Billion less if you take the period from 1995 to 2011.

For the 1995-2011 snapshot...


For 2001-2011 snapshot...


It found that:

  • EEA immigrants had made a fiscal contribution of £4.4bn between 1995 and 2011, non-EEA immigrants had made a negative net contribution of £118bn, and British people had made a negative net contribution of £591bn
  • More recently, between 2001 and 2011, European arrivals contributed £20bn and those from outside Europe £5bn
  • Immigrants who arrived since 2000 were 43% less likely than British people to receive state benefits or tax credits, and 7% less likely to live in social housing
  • They were better educated, with 62% of those from the first 15 EU countries and 25% from the A10 countries having a degree, compared with 24% in the UK

So according to this report, really, we'd be better off moving all of the Brits out and replacing us with immigrants. Oh, and clamping down on tax dodging.



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Have you got any time to be angry at the ones that really do fist the country? Tax dodgers for example. To the tune of £119.4 Billion annually.



- Immigrants from the EU between 2001 and 2011 contributed £20 Billion more to UK taxes than they received in benefits.

- EU accession countries (Poland etc) between 2004 and 2011 contributed £5 Billion more to UK taxes than they received in benefits.

- Admittedly, immigrants from the rest of the world contributed £118 Billion (a debated figure, may be much smaller) less in tax than they received. But that was over 17 years between 1995 and 2011. So it's about £7 Billion a year in cost as opposed to the £119.4 Billion tax dodgers cost. And if you take it from the period 2001 to 2011, it's £5 Billion more than they receive!

- Oh, and native Brits contributed £617 Billion less in taxes than they received between 2001 and 2011, £591.5 Billion less if you take the period from 2001 to 2011.

For the 1995-2011 snapshot...


For 2001-2011 snapshot...


It found that:

  • EEA immigrants had made a fiscal contribution of £4.4bn between 1995 and 2011, non-EEA immigrants had made a negative net contribution of £118bn, and British people had made a negative net contribution of £591bn
  • More recently, between 2001 and 2011, European arrivals contributed £20bn and those from outside Europe £5bn
  • Immigrants who arrived since 2000 were 43% less likely than British people to receive state benefits or tax credits, and 7% less likely to live in social housing
  • They were better educated, with 62% of those from the first 15 EU countries and 25% from the A10 countries having a degree, compared with 24% in the UK

So according to this report, really, we'd be better off moving all of the Brits out and replacing us with immigrants. Oh, and clamping down on tax dodging.



Absolute blithering pish.

You must be David Cameron. Do you know that great tune "Fantasy"?

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He actually earns his money legally through work and doing a great job, unlike the fucking robbing masses of crim wasters that enter our great but skint borders that we have to foot the multi billion pound bill for the privilage!

Are you a real person?

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Are you a real person?

Very much the ANTI - taig, scum fc, SNP, benefits cheat, crim, illegal migrant, open border real person!

These so called migrant dregs of society coming in here in their droves to rob the state, rob us of our possessions. Gain priority in our already scarce social housing stock. Engaging in child sex slavery, prostitution, drug dealing and protection rackets.

They are a fucking crime wave and even make the taigs look law abiding and we pay them for the privelage?!

There might just be 10% of them actually doing a decents days work, but at the expense of our young and old alike and undermining pay scales.

Life is cheap for these dregs of society and would sell their daughters for a quid.

Get our borders closed and get them to fuck out of our country.

Now you go tell to the local people of Sighthill and the likes and ask them how much they enrich our society!

The fabric of our society was already well on its way to shit street with our very own home grown crime wave without these wretches adding to the problem.

I am for bringing in those where we have tangible skills gaps after vetting and those who are indeed persecuted and their lives in danger like those from Iraq and Syria and strangely enough where we and the USA are the root cause of their problems in starting illegal wars in the first. Nothing like state sponsored terrorism to get the wheels of discrimination and persecution moving.

Now you enjoy living on Pluto and whist rest of us free ourselves of these dregs of society and claim back our country.

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Is the Rangers an obsession for you then ??

The only club side I support, so if you call that an 'obsession' then maybe, eh...

The fact that you chose to try and disagree with me with some of the utter fuckwits in this thread probably tells you quite a bit bout the real reason this country is fucked.

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This nation is a shambles. Folk think its weird that i hate the national football team. I say my nation isn't represented. Im British and that's practically a crime in Scotland. I support Scotland in every sport other than football. The SFA national team stands for the tarriers and the scum that hate the loyalist people of Scotland, Rangers are the one and only British club, Rangers are my British national team fuck Scotland. What bear cld sit there booing the queen and praising Scott fuckin Brown scum

Enjoy the egg-chasing and the curling, weirdo. ;)

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Very much the ANTI - taig, scum fc, SNP, benefits cheat, crim, illegal migrant, open border real person!

These so called migrant dregs of society coming in here in their droves to rob the state, rob us of our possessions. Gain priority in our already scarce social housing stock. Engaging in child sex slavery, prostitution, drug dealing and protection rackets.

They are a fucking crime wave and even make the taigs look law abiding and we pay them for the privelage?!

There might just be 10% of them actually doing a decents days work, but at the expense of our young and old alike and undermining pay scales.

Life is cheap for these dregs of society and would sell their daughters for a quid.

Get our borders closed and get them to fuck out of our country.

Now you go tell to the local people of Sighthill and the likes and ask them how much they enrich our society!

The fabric of our society was already well on its way to shit street with our very own home grown crime wave without these wretches adding to the problem.

I am for bringing in those where we have tangible skills gaps after vetting and those who are indeed persecuted and their lives in danger like those from Iraq and Syria and strangely enough where we and the USA are the root cause of their problems in starting illegal wars in the first. Nothing like state sponsored terrorism to get the wheels of discrimination and persecution moving.

Now you enjoy living on Pluto and whist rest of us free ourselves of these dregs of society and claim back our country.

You are utterly bonkers, good luck to you.

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