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Blatter Still In Charge

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There is no doubting that Blatter is a dodgy wee chancer, but you have got to admire his brass neck. He is even knocking about wae wummin 30 year younger than him!!??. His iron grip of his corrupt cabal is truly astonishing and as much as I don't like or trust him he does get some grudging respect for having the utter cheek to stand there and give it a big "get it up ye!!" to all his detractors. Uefa will do nothing but fall into line imho. Brass Neck Blatter wins again... :P

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There is no doubting that Blatter is a dodgy wee chancer, but you have got to admire his brass neck. He is even knocking about wae wummin 30 year younger than him!!??. His iron grip of his corrupt cabal is truly astonishing and as much as I don't like or trust him he does get some grudging respect for having the utter cheek to stand there and give it a big "get it up ye!!" to all his detractors. Uefa will do nothing but fall into line imho. Brass Neck Blatter wins again... :P

His speech is fucking hilarious but in such a bad way. He's trying to do stand up comedy! He's either so fucking deluded or he's just trolling everyone without giving any fucks!

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He has been in charge 17 years. So either he didn't know what was happening in which case he is incompetent or he did and was either involved or ignored it.

In any event any 1 if these, the only possible scenarios mean he is unfit for office.

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Hardly a surprise when he spends his time working on the most corrupt associations in Africa, Asia and the Carribean. His house of cards will fall in the near future, although he has only continued on the road started by Havalange rather than instigated it.

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It's amazing how football, even at FA level, is run by these pishy old pensioners, all over the world.

I'm not Platini's biggest fan but at least he's made his way in the game and worthy of the position he holds.

I'd like to see characters like Perluigi Collini, Sir Alex Ferguson etc... in footballs top jobs. Men with the best interests of the game, and understanding of the game, at heart. FIFA is like a job for politicians where they can get paid millions for having some sponsorship contacts and lobbying votes.

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It's amazing how football, even at FA level, is run by these pishy old pensioners, all over the world.

I'm not Platini's biggest fan but at least he's made his way in the game and worthy of the position he holds.

I'd like to see characters like Perluigi Collini, Sir Alex Ferguson etc... in footballs top jobs. Men with the best interests of the game, and understanding of the game, at heart. FIFA is like a job for politicians where they can get paid millions for having some sponsorship contacts and lobbying votes.

100% this. (tu)

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