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The Tudor Hotel Airdrie/h4H Refusal

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Admin apologies if this is not wanted in the den but I feel fellow Bears, especially in the area, should be made aware of this incident. A guy wearing a H4H top was asked to leave the venue because it was deemed it would cause offence to other people in the bar. Help for Heroes is a cause very close to my heart and I hope this business now runs into the ground. Full story here:


And the Hotel's statement via Facebook below:


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Admin apologies if this is not wanted in the den but I feel fellow Bears, especially in the area, should be made aware of this incident. A guy wearing a H4H top was asked to leave the venue because it was deemed it would cause offence to other people in the bar. Help for Heroes is a cause very close to my heart and I hope this business now runs into the ground. Full story here:


And the Hotel's statement via Facebook below:


Will the journalists at the Daily Corageous run this story

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That's shocking, H4H t shirts, sweatshirts and car stickers are extremely popular down here in Eastbourne, but I've never directly associated them with my football team when I've seen them.

I attended a last night of the Proms show at the bandstand a few weeks ago, singing along to patriotic songs, including the English ones. One of the biggest and best Union Flags you'll see flies proudly above, and there's a continual poppy flower display at the side. None of the locals are remotely affected in a bad way to that, even if catholic or Scots resident here, and healthy donations were made to the H4H fundraisers..

Imagine trying that in some areas of Scotland.

So an Englishman would be even more shocked and puzzled by this. Especially at a time we are marking the anniversary of VJ day, a campaign where countless Scots and Brits suffered and died for their freedom, and in the week where one of our few remaining World War 2 Lancaster Bomber pilots, who lost so many of his colleagues, including many Scots, died.

What a fucked up country Scotland is becoming due to a minority of ignorant bigots and bitter insecure people with imaginary chips on their shoulder and with no idea of their true history or heritage.

Time the good folks in Scotland took the higher moral ground and reminded these idiots of their real heritage and proud tradition of standing hand in hand with the rest of the United Kingdom against our mutual enemies.

Or else tell them to fuck off to Southern Ireland and Palestine.........

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That's shocking, H4H t shirts, sweatshirts and car stickers are extremely popular down here in Eastbourne, but I've never directly associated them with my football team when I've seen them.

I attended a last night of the Proms show at the bandstand a few weeks ago, singing along to patriotic songs, including the English ones. One of the biggest and best Union Flags you'll see flies proudly above, and there's a continual poppy flower display at the side. None of the locals are remotely affected in a bad way to that, even if catholic or Scots resident here, and healthy donations were made to the H4H fundraisers..

Imagine trying that in some areas of Scotland.

So an Englishman would be even more shocked and puzzled by this. Especially at a time we are marking the anniversary of VJ day, a campaign where countless Scots and Brits suffered and died for their freedom, and in the week where one of our few remaining World War 2 Lancaster Bomber pilots, who lost so many of his colleagues, including many Scots, died.

What a fucked up country Scotland is becoming due to a minority of ignorant bigots and bitter insecure people with imaginary chips on their shoulder and with no idea of their true history or heritage.

Time the good folks in Scotland took the higher moral ground and reminded these idiots of their real heritage and proud tradition of standing hand in hand with the rest of the United Kingdom against our mutual enemies.

Or else tell them to fuck off to Southern Ireland and Palestine.........

This country is definitely fucked up.

It's time our schools taught the real history of Scotland & Great Britain instead of this plastic Jacobite pish

Teach them about the Darien Scheme and what that done to Scotland, teach them the truth about 1745 and the implications, teach them how as ONE United Kingdom we stood alone and faced up to the greatest threat of the 20th century AND teach them respect of the boys who gave their lives in two World Wars so that we have our freedom today.

Sturgeon Out!

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This country is definitely fucked up.

It's time our schools taught the real history of Scotland & Great Britain instead of this plastic Jacobite pish

Teach them about the Darien Scheme and what that done to Scotland, teach them the truth about 1745 and the implications, teach them how as ONE United Kingdom we stood alone and faced up to the greatest threat of the 20th century AND teach them respect of the boys who gave their lives in two World Wars so that we have our freedom today.

Sturgeon Out!


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