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Jane Hamilton: Bigot journalist from the Daily Record


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54 minutes ago, Bhudda said:


It could well be Callum Steele is the "police source" used by Hamilton.


He seems to be an SNP gimp looking through his tweets.  He has retweeted a post by Celtic inviting refugees to games, and tweets by SNP's Paul Monoghan who is a bigot that's described the union flag as "a butchers apron".


But check this tweet out;




Blakelock was a constable murdered in the line of duty by a mob, inflicting over 40 slashes/wounds with machetes:




Murdered police constables can't attribute blame for murders, but if they could, according to Calum Steele, he'd be blaming himself.


That's why surely this must be a fake account no police officer would state this about this case the guy was murdered by and attacked like an animal by a mob of people.

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Just now, Smile said:

That's why surely this must be a fake account no police officer would state this about this case the guy was murdered by and attacked like an animal by a mob of people.

It's legit. Verified.

Disgusting as it is. 

Think he may have written his P45 with several of those tweets.

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4 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

It's legit. Verified.

Disgusting as it is. 

Think he may have written his P45 with several of those tweets.


I honestly thought it was a parody account.

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For anyone too young to remember this.

Twenty-five years on, it still stands as modern Britain's worst mainland riot. PC Keith Blakelock was hacked to death during the disturbance on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham, North London. 

No one has been successfully brought to justice. But last week it emerged that a 40-year-old former Tottenham man had been arrested by officers working on the case. The development provided what the PC's widow Liz, 59, described as 'a flicker of hope' that her wait for justice might one day end.

PC Keith Blakelock was murdered during the Broadwater Farm riots in 1985

Everyone who saw Keith Blakelock die said the same. The mob behaved like wild animals. It was like a pack of dogs attacking its prey, according to a man watching from his flat. 'Vultures tearing at his body,' was the way a police officer who tried to save him described it.

But animals don't kill for revenge. On a drizzling October night 25 years ago, however, that is precisely why the 40-year-old PC died.

A few fatal seconds after slipping in some mud, he fell into the hands of screaming savages. In an instant, he became the target of a hatred that had been brewing for years.

As the knives, swords and machetes hacked into him, he suffered 42 different wounds. When they had finished, they simply ran off.

That night, a few miles away, Britain's latest police widow would have to explain to three young sons why their father would not be coming home. At that time, the savagery of PC Blakelock's murder was almost unimaginable. But the seeds for the riot, we

now know, were sown here long before the first petrol bomb was thrown.

The summer of 1985 had been a time of mounting tension between members of the black community and police. Riots had already broken out in Handsworth in the West Midlands, and Brixton, South London. Despite public denials, Broadwater Farm had effectively become a virtual no-go area for police in this climate of seething hostility.

Just a few minutes spent alone in its network of walkways, narrow staircases and corridors at that time was enough to tell you why. 'The Farm', as local youths called it, was a monstrous-looking collection of high-rise flats, built in the Sixties around a central block called Tangmere.

The buildings housed 3,400 people, more than one in three of whom was from an ethnic minority background. Unemployment on the estate was more than twice the national average.

Yet scores of other areas of Britain could claim to be worse off. What made it so dangerous for police was the poisonous mixture of politics and geography.

Officers had to risk making rat-runs between the blocks and along the walkways, at the mercy of missiles thrown from above. They put their safety in daily jeopardy simply to patrol the area or visit residents, and were frequently abused or attacked. Privately, they called it Ambush City.

Gradually, a softly-softly approach imposed by senior officers left the estate at the mercy of lawlessness. Gangs of masked youths roamed unchallenged for at least three months before the riot. 


I honestly still cant believe a serving police officer would think this.I still cant believe that tweets real.

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There was an actor from the 60's and 70's called David McCallum....he was in a popular tv show called Sapphire And Steel(e).

Just thought I'd put that in for those thinking it's a fake account!! Don't know if it is or isn't but could it be some cunt using this connection thinking they're a smart cryptic bastard or should I get tae ma scratcher??

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7 minutes ago, GrizzlyBear72 said:

There was an actor from the 60's and 70's called David McCallum....he was in a popular tv show called Sapphire And Steel(e).

Just thought I'd put that in for those thinking it's a fake account!! Don't know if it is or isn't but could it be some cunt using this connection thinking they're a smart cryptic bastard or should I get tae ma scratcher??

If it's not really him it's a troll job that I would grudgingly admit was effective. 

But then, impersonating a police officer is a crime so swings and roundabouts.

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This Calum Steele clown is having a full-on meltdown, spamming tweets to multiple news outlets and anti-Rangers journalists, desperately trying to drum up sympathy for this hideous, vile bhegger. However, he conveniently chooses not to answer various questions about her calling us H***, even though calling someone a H** is sectarian. I wouldn't be surprised if this cum-guzzling knobgoblin was the source who leaked the 'story' to this cow. 

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4 hours ago, Bhudda said:


It could well be Callum Steele is the "police source" used by Hamilton.


He seems to be an SNP gimp looking through his tweets.  He has retweeted a post by Celtic inviting refugees to games, and tweets by SNP's Paul Monoghan who is a bigot that's described the union flag as "a butchers apron".


But check this tweet out;




Blakelock was a constable murdered in the line of duty by a mob, inflicting over 40 slashes/wounds with machetes:




Murdered police constables can't attribute blame for murders, but if they could, according to Calum Steele, he'd be blaming himself.

Yip i think if i was a policeman and fell over while under attack from a mob i would probably think i deserved it 

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I am going to look at the DR today. Friday will be their busiest day in terms of advert volume.

I will send an email to each and every advertiser in the paper which will include the fabricated story, editors response to our claims, police response and Jane Hamilton's tweets.

There will be Rangers friendly business' in there, hopefully they decide that they don't want their name tarnished by advertising in this rag.

I will draft up an email later, and post it on here, if some of you would also be willing to contact the advertisers I will pm you their email address'. This might take a while as I've got work to go to though.


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22 minutes ago, GallowhillLoyal said:

I am going to look at the DR today. Friday will be their busiest day in terms of advert volume.

I will send an email to each and every advertiser in the paper which will include the fabricated story, editors response to our claims, police response and Jane Hamilton's tweets.

There will be Rangers friendly business' in there, hopefully they decide that they don't want their name tarnished by advertising in this rag.

I will draft up an email later, and post it on here, if some of you would also be willing to contact the advertisers I will pm you their email address'. This might take a while as I've got work to go to though.


An excellent idea and certainly something I would be willing to back however I fear your newbie status on here will prevent any serious involvement (no offence intended) Had this come from any the major players on here then yes I'm sure it could have made quite an impact.........any takers? 

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FAO: Angela Hagerty

We, as the Rangers support, do not take issue with negative stories written about our support. If myself or our supporters have done wrong then we have no option to deal with the consequences.

What we do take issue with, is damning and outright lies about our support which we will not tolerate. Especially from a "journalist" who has called us derogatory terms towards our support.

It is about time you realised that now as a support, we are more committed than ever to bringing light upon those who spread lies and continually damage the reputation of our club and support 

You have had your fun, it is now at an end

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On the basis that that chap is indeed who he claims to be, then it is absolutely unbelievable that he is even remotely able to spout such stuff. Jesus, I can't even mention my company name on social media without the expectation of a disciplinary, never mind attaching it to issues in this manner.

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7 hours ago, Smile said:




For anyone too young to remember this.

Twenty-five years on, it still stands as modern Britain's worst mainland riot. PC Keith Blakelock was hacked to death during the disturbance on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham, North London. 

No one has been successfully brought to justice. But last week it emerged that a 40-year-old former Tottenham man had been arrested by officers working on the case. The development provided what the PC's widow Liz, 59, described as 'a flicker of hope' that her wait for justice might one day end.

PC Keith Blakelock was murdered during the Broadwater Farm riots in 1985

Everyone who saw Keith Blakelock die said the same. The mob behaved like wild animals. It was like a pack of dogs attacking its prey, according to a man watching from his flat. 'Vultures tearing at his body,' was the way a police officer who tried to save him described it.

But animals don't kill for revenge. On a drizzling October night 25 years ago, however, that is precisely why the 40-year-old PC died.

A few fatal seconds after slipping in some mud, he fell into the hands of screaming savages. In an instant, he became the target of a hatred that had been brewing for years.

As the knives, swords and machetes hacked into him, he suffered 42 different wounds. When they had finished, they simply ran off.

That night, a few miles away, Britain's latest police widow would have to explain to three young sons why their father would not be coming home. At that time, the savagery of PC Blakelock's murder was almost unimaginable. But the seeds for the riot, we

now know, were sown here long before the first petrol bomb was thrown.

The summer of 1985 had been a time of mounting tension between members of the black community and police. Riots had already broken out in Handsworth in the West Midlands, and Brixton, South London. Despite public denials, Broadwater Farm had effectively become a virtual no-go area for police in this climate of seething hostility.

Just a few minutes spent alone in its network of walkways, narrow staircases and corridors at that time was enough to tell you why. 'The Farm', as local youths called it, was a monstrous-looking collection of high-rise flats, built in the Sixties around a central block called Tangmere.

The buildings housed 3,400 people, more than one in three of whom was from an ethnic minority background. Unemployment on the estate was more than twice the national average.

Yet scores of other areas of Britain could claim to be worse off. What made it so dangerous for police was the poisonous mixture of politics and geography.

Officers had to risk making rat-runs between the blocks and along the walkways, at the mercy of missiles thrown from above. They put their safety in daily jeopardy simply to patrol the area or visit residents, and were frequently abused or attacked. Privately, they called it Ambush City.

Gradually, a softly-softly approach imposed by senior officers left the estate at the mercy of lawlessness. Gangs of masked youths roamed unchallenged for at least three months before the riot. 


I honestly still cant believe a serving police officer would think this.I still cant believe that tweets real.

I wonder what the Met police federation would think of that

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1 minute ago, Carsons Dog said:

I wonder what the Met police federation would think of that

It is absolutely bizarre, he has people trying to defend it and saying he was being sarcastic towards the original tweet, but others clearly were very upset yet he just didn't bother clarifying it. I cannot believe someone in his position could actually think that, it is absolutely abhorrent.

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