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Summer Signing Pass Marks ?


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None of them have markedly improved us. Slight improvements with Hill and Hodson yes, but not the summer impact we were hoping  for in terms of the squad standard improving markedly. In fact no where near it.

The entire summer transfer window was in hindsight catastrophic for any chance we had of competing for the No1 spot this year.

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Gilks has done what's expected of a keeper when called upon .

Hill has been solid and dependable , the fact he has done so well probably says more about the quality of the football up here than his ability though .

Garner offers a bit of variety but unfortunately he's not the goalscorer we required .

Hodson is a decent option at full back though sometimes he looks like someone who's just woken up and finds himself in front of a crowd , second half against ICT , was like that when he struggled .

As for the others , the fact that none of them has made an impression on the team during a spell of indifferent form speaks volumes . Windass is probably the most frustrating as he shows some flashes of ability to suggest promise , but so many times the game just seems to pass him by or worse , he disappears . Nicky Law in a hairband !

All in all , not a good transfer window , and adding in the splashing out £500 k on M O'H , means the jury is out on the managers ability to use the limited budget wisely . The coming month could be crucial , not in terms of this seasons title but in the support regaining some faith in the managements recruiting skills .

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None of them have been good enough.

I grew up watching the likes of Gough, Butcher, Gascogne, Laudrup, McCoist and Hateley, not some lower league crap players that didn't make anything of themselves in the English league.

The only two players in the squad that are anywhere near our level are Wallace and McKay and they need good players around them to amount to anything themselves.

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5 minutes ago, cushynumber said:

It does actually. Its just doesn't win Premierships :sarcasm:

It does. (Looks in an eastern direction) but we need to spend to ensure bringing the title back to Ibrox and the board we've got are chancers that won't come up with £30m-£50m for players or at least big wage Bosmans.

Lower league guys from England aren't the answer. Trying to make them play in a system used by Ajax just makes it more embarrassing.


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lets be honest here how many free transfer's and loans could we really expect to be successful.. Warburton Rangers reign has been built on free transfers and loans with the exception of 1-2 players .

Yes we can go on about increasing the wage budget etc that's all just bull shit talk to try and kid people on that money has been spent to bring in players

Warburton has had just over 3.5million to spend on transfers (estimated) in 18 months . They cunts spent that on one player last summer.. Yet we sit here and ask ourselves what free transfers, development fee and 1.8 million transfer fee has paid off.

I think we should be asking where has our ST money over the last two seasons gone. Shopping on the cheap must stop and asap.


Dig deep Dave

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1 hour ago, Tenerife Bear said:

Gilks has been our best signing in my opinion and is unlucky that our best player is probably Foderingham! Or most in form rather than best. 

Hill started shakily but has done ok aside from playing against Celtic. 

Crooks has been a waste of time. 

Dodoo a waste of time. 

Windass has been poor but hampered by injuries. 

Barton was never going to work out under Warburton and didn't. 

Kranjcar done ok at first but is also injured now long term. 

Rossiter looked bright but again has been posted missing for months for reasons unknown. 

Garner has been a waste of money. 

Senderos has been a waste of time, space and money. 

Hodson has been ok but has still made a few individual errors. I'm not sure if he is good enough long term. 


I have high hopes for Windass and Rossiter if we can get them fit but the rest have been pretty much pointless. It wasn't a good summer if truth be told. 

To be fair to Dodoo, his cross v Dundee got us a win, when we were heading for a draw, while his goals at PT got us a win, when we were heading for a defeat.

Then his chalked off goal might have got us going at Hertz.

Other players have secured longer runs on the back of less!

I agree with the rest, except perhaps Windass - not sure he's got the football brain to play with us.


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Gilks  decent stand in

Hill decent for one season but mustn't get another year if we are to progress

Hodson nowhere near good enough too small no real pace  and offers nothing going forward not of standard required if we have to catch them

Senderos  very poor panic signing hopefully away soon

Barton was a gamble didn't work out don't think the manager handled the situation well either

Krankjaer was okay until injury unfortunately at his age I think he is finished

Crooks injured when we signed him hasn't played enough to form judgement but early signs not good

Windass flatters to deceive not good enough but may improve in a better team

Rossiter needs to get fit and play games early signs were promising 

Doodo needs to improve on what he has shown but looks like he has a turn of pace and eye for goal

Garner total waste of money no pace no touch no goal threat wants to fight and wrestle rather than play football not a Rangers number 9

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11 minutes ago, HG5 said:

To be fair to Dodoo, his cross v Dundee got us a win, when we were heading for a draw, while his goals at PT got us a win, when we were heading for a defeat.

Then his chalked off goal might have got us going at Hertz.

Other players have secured longer runs on the back of less!

I agree with the rest, except perhaps Windass - not sure he's got the football brain to play with us.


I accept that about Dodoo, there's just something about him i can't take to. I don't actually know what it is. Perhaps he hasn't been given a fair chance. He was strangely frozen out of the team after the contributions he made that you mention above. 

I have to agree as well that other players have been given prolonged periods in the first team despite offering less. Holt to name one. Halliday another. 

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12 minutes ago, Tenerife Bear said:

I accept that about Dodoo, there's just something about him i can't take to. I don't actually know what it is. Perhaps he hasn't been given a fair chance. He was strangely frozen out of the team after the contributions he made that you mention above. 

I have to agree as well that other players have been given prolonged periods in the first team despite offering less. Holt to name one. Halliday another. 

I get what you mean about Dodoo.

Before the contributions I mentioned, I got the feeling he'd come on with 20 mins left, do a couple of decent bits, then fade out if nothing came of it.

Then came his couple of impacts & you might have thought he'd turned a corner. In reality, up to the disallowed goal at Tynecastle, he'd done bugger all in that match, which starts you thinking 'is he one of those who's good from the bench'.

As you say, just something you can't take to.

I'm the same with Windass - too much headless chicken for me.

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Good signing.      Hodson looks as if he has potential and for me the best signing 

Good signing.      Giles good backup no problem

Ok.                      Doodo like to see him have a run in the team and still young much prefer him too play than Garner

Ok.                     clint hill was brought as backup now looks as if he's first choice ahead of Wilson and kiernan says a lot about the previous transfer windows

Bad.                   sendoros bad buy wonder what wage he's on

Bad                    Krancjer  not really  we shouldn't be in the market nowadays for players in their twilight years             and no sell on he showed signs of spraying the ball  and glimpses of some great passes probably seen the last of him now 

Bad.                   Crooks looks likely he'll spend most of his Rangers career in the physio table hope I'm wrong

Bad.                    Windass is 22 I thought he was younger has to start getting his arse in to gear and produce

very bad         Joel garner   more interested in wrestling with defenders than running into space also throwing himself to the ground at every opportunity rather than trying too stay on his feet when a player tries to involve the referee all the time It tells you they are lacking ability. he really does piss me off.      never a Rangers player

very bad    Joey Barton  warburton wanted players that offered value on and off the field fuck me he should have done a c.r.b check 


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It's obvious by the results that very few of any of his signings since he took over are the quality we require to compete to win this league . The massive points and goal difference points to this surely......unless some of the current squad improve dramatically then there needs to be a huge turnover of players between now and August 2017. 

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