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A plea to the Rangers support for the game tomorrow!


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Well because you seem to have a problem understanding why our enemies could use this against the club I presumed you didn't think it was morally wrong.

I take it that means you realise that you were wrong when you asserted I couldn't contemplate the campaign being wrong?

Anyway nothing I said suggested I 'have a problem understanding why our enemies could use this against the club'.

Feel free to argue with me but don't put words in my mouth.

I'll tell you something though. I wish I lived in your world where everything is black and white and things can only have one meaning. The world I live in is dead complicated.

People can shout things at football matches for more than one reason.

And people can interpret those shouts in different ways.

And some of us don't care to be told what we mean when we say something.

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The Smeltic fans would complain about something else if we never.

Correct they would only complain about Mmm lets see how about doin the bouncy on the subway or the way the grass is cut or £16.90 being a price on a menu or they you might not believe this but they could tell lies and make something up ! :rolleyes: Jesus Christ how naive and gutless are some of today's fans ? :sherlock:

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The Smeltic fans would complain about something else if we never.

Correct they would only complain about Mmm lets see how about doin the bouncy on the subway or the way the grass is cut or £16.90 being a price on a menu or they you might not believe this but they could tell lies and make something up ! :rolleyes: Jesus Christ how naive and gutless are some of today's fans ? :sherlock:

So we should sing about absolutely anything?

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The Smeltic fans would complain about something else if we never.

Correct they would only complain about Mmm lets see how about doin the bouncy on the subway or the way the grass is cut or £16.90 being a price on a menu or they you might not believe this but they could tell lies and make something up ! :rolleyes: Jesus Christ how naive and gutless are some of today's fans ? :sherlock:

So we should sing about absolutely anything?

well here is your chance get along to ibrox tomorrow and tell all the fans not to sing it, it will be a big platform for you to convince them.

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The Smeltic fans would complain about something else if we never.

Correct they would only complain about Mmm lets see how about doin the bouncy on the subway or the way the grass is cut or £16.90 being a price on a menu or they you might not believe this but they could tell lies and make something up ! :rolleyes: Jesus Christ how naive and gutless are some of today's fans ? :sherlock:

So we should sing about absolutely anything?

This is their achilles heel so sing it, sing it loud. :sherlock:

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No matter what everyone's views are on this issue, whether right or wrong, we all know that it will be sung at full pelt throughout most or all of the game - correct?

It is up to the individual at the time in Ibrox- but with the adrenalin pumping and the site of the mhanks with their banners annoying us I reckon most people will forget their hang ups (if they have them) and sing it to get it right up the tims if for no reason other than that (whether right or wrong).

Will I be singing it?

I don't know!!! :unsure:

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Not the campaigns biggest fan, in fact it is no longer a campaign, BJK wont be getting a posthumous knighthood.

So we should drop it, I have no problem exposing Celtc as the responsible culprits

But saying we shouldn't sing it in fear of Declans backlash is laughable, where was their moral outrage when they sang lies about our former captain?

They are scum and I couldn't give a rats arse if they phone some low rate phone in show to cry their black hearts out.

Here's some information on just how unimaginably bitter they can be

Most of you will know of the Erskine appeal, one way to raise money was to sell a poppy badge with a Rangers crest on it.

Declan reported it to Poppy Scotland

Poppy Scotland got in contact with the two guys organizing the appeal, when they were told what it was for the said it was a fantastic cause.

let that sink in a little, it is them who are truly beneath contempt.

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I knew we would have the usual suspects on this thread ,people who put their hate for Celtic first, and their so called support for Rangers a poor second.

The chant is pathetic, the so called moral stance behind it is indefensible.

It is a shameless chant and a spectacular own goal by those who support it.

True Rangers supporters should have nothing to do with it!

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I knew we would have the usual suspects on this thread ,people who put their hate for Celtic first, and their so called support for Rangers a poor second.

The chant is pathetic, the so called moral stance behind it is indefensible.

It is a shameless chant and a spectacular own goal by those who support it.

True Rangers supporters should have nothing to do with it!

Has RM appointed a new 'Guardian of Morals'?

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I knew we would have the usual suspects on this thread ,people who put their hate for Celtic first, and their so called support for Rangers a poor second.

The chant is pathetic, the so called moral stance behind it is indefensible.

It is a shameless chant and a spectacular own goal by those who support it.

True Rangers supporters should have nothing to do with it!

Has RM appointed a new 'Guardian of Morals'?

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I tell you what it exposes your morals. What if the shoe was on the other foot you would be first tothe keyboard condemning the Celtic fans.

I am proud of my team,proud of its history, like to think my thoughts and actions ehance the name of Rangers.

We have came through a very tough time and the support have reacted magnificently yet people like you would throw the gains we have made by spouting this inane chant.

This will come back to haunt us, mark my words.

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I tell you what it exposes your morals. What if the shoe was on the other foot you would be first tothe keyboard condemning the Celtic fans.

I am proud of my team,proud of its history, like to think my thoughts and actions ehance the name of Rangers.

We have came through a very tough time and the support have reacted magnificently yet people like you would throw the gains we have made by spouting this inane chant.

This will come back to haunt us, mark my words.

Awe Naw we're aw' D O O M E D ! :sherlock:

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I tell you what it exposes your morals. What if the shoe was on the other foot you would be first tothe keyboard condemning the Celtic fans.

I am proud of my team,proud of its history, like to think my thoughts and actions ehance the name of Rangers.

We have came through a very tough time and the support have reacted magnificently yet people like you would throw the gains we have made by spouting this inane chant.

This will come back to haunt us, mark my words.

Awe Naw we're aw' D O O M E D ! :sherlock:

Fight Fight :clout:

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I see where the original poster is coming from and applaud the fact that he has the clubs best interests at heart. However after the last wee while i have became increasingly more frustrated and disgusted with the one sided treatment of our fans, which is made worse by the fact our own board and chairman have done nothing to defend our support.

In light of this and the ever worsening dirty tricks campaign being waged from all angles against us i see no point in refraining from singing or chanting such things as we will be bad guys and littered with allegations regardless what we do. The media and the pro irish republican celtic masses and their sympathisers have diluted our club far too much. Its time to stand up for ourselves, and if that makes us sectarian, bigots or otherwise well whats so different to the way we are percieved now anyway. Lets give those animals both barrells...

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Oh Big Jock Knew :craphead:

Al be there singing and with one of my fav t-shirts on :D...


Just as a matter of interest mate where was that picture taken ? Looks like in the celtic photos they are all celebratin behind you ? Is that bandit country ? :sherlock:

its ma pals room :lol: his dad is pure IRA this IRA that ( he is really a awrite guy tho if u forget all that )

and that t-shirtts the only thing that shuts him up :lol::craphead:

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