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Games that stand the test of time


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Completed Zelda: A Link To The Past last night and I really enjoyed playing it. It had a great story line, a long challenging quest with lots of puzzles. The game dates from 1991. Arguably one of the finest games ever made from the 16-bit era.

Other 'old' games I still enjoy playing:

Mario Kart


There are other amazing games from same era which were brilliant, like FFII but looks and plays very much dated now.

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any old console games on the snes, nintendo, sega mega drive etc.


F - Zero

Mario etc etc

That's my point, not every game stands the test of time. Games like Star Craft, original Castlevania, Battletoads are all out dated.

And yes, Doom should be in my list Danny. Pick that up any time.

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Tie Fighter

X-Wing v Tie Fighter

X-Wing Alliance

:cool: :cool: :cool:

oh how i wish i still had those games :( X-wing vs Tie Fighter was class, with the joystick etc

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Goldeneye for the N64! Still my favourite game ever (apart from Pro Evo)!

I was stuck on the bunker level for a year. Couldn't get past it for love nor money.

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Goldeneye for the N64! Still my favourite game ever (apart from Pro Evo)!

the mutltiplayer :drool:

Absolutely! It was absolute unlimited fun if you had 4 people for the multi-player! (especially when it was the shot-once-and-you're-dead mode)

I was magnificent at it! :king:

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I'd disagree that Starcraft is dated J. Its gameplay might not be up to todays RTS's but it still plays well and the storyline is unbelievable. I busy praying to the gaming Gods that they decide to release the second one on PS3 as well otherwise I'll need a new computer.

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Goldeneye for the N64! Still my favourite game ever (apart from Pro Evo)!

I was stuck on the bunker level for a year. Couldn't get past it for love nor money.





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I'd disagree that Starcraft is dated J. Its gameplay might not be up to todays RTS's but it still plays well and the storyline is unbelievable. I busy praying to the gaming Gods that they decide to release the second one on PS3 as well otherwise I'll need a new computer.

I actually said the wrong game lol doh

I meant Star Fox which is very much dated. Star Craft retains its's playable status :D

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I'd disagree that Starcraft is dated J. Its gameplay might not be up to todays RTS's but it still plays well and the storyline is unbelievable. I busy praying to the gaming Gods that they decide to release the second one on PS3 as well otherwise I'll need a new computer.

I actually said the wrong game lol doh

I meant Star Fox which is very much dated. Star Craft retains its's playable status :D

Thought it had to be a mistake. I think RTS's hold their playability value for a lot longer than other games though. If you go back and play the original C&C or Red Alert they are just as good as they always were.

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I'd disagree that Starcraft is dated J. Its gameplay might not be up to todays RTS's but it still plays well and the storyline is unbelievable. I busy praying to the gaming Gods that they decide to release the second one on PS3 as well otherwise I'll need a new computer.

I actually said the wrong game lol doh

I meant Star Fox which is very much dated. Star Craft retains its's playable status :D

Thought it had to be a mistake. I think RTS's hold their playability value for a lot longer than other games though. If you go back and play the original C&C or Red Alert they are just as good as they always were.

I still play Red Alert, it's such a good game. Do you agree with Star Fox being dated?

[Russian accent]

Yes sir?

Reporting for service.


[/Russian accent]


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I'd disagree that Starcraft is dated J. Its gameplay might not be up to todays RTS's but it still plays well and the storyline is unbelievable. I busy praying to the gaming Gods that they decide to release the second one on PS3 as well otherwise I'll need a new computer.

I actually said the wrong game lol doh

I meant Star Fox which is very much dated. Star Craft retains its's playable status :D

Thought it had to be a mistake. I think RTS's hold their playability value for a lot longer than other games though. If you go back and play the original C&C or Red Alert they are just as good as they always were.

I still play Red Alert, it's such a good game. Do you agree with Star Fox being dated?

[Russian accent]

Yes sir?

Reporting for service.


[/Russian accent]


Haha never played Star Fox. I only had a Commodore 64 as a kid and didn't own another console until the PS1.

The first Red Alert was unreal. The gameplay in the 2nd was cool but the storyline for the 1st was way better. I got the Decade of C&C anniversary pack so have all the C&C's, Red Alerts and Generals. Don't have the computer for C&C3 but can't wait for Red Alert 3 on the PS3.

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any old console games on the snes, nintendo, sega mega drive etc.


F - Zero

Mario etc etc

F-Zero, man I loved that game so much! One of my favourites of all time. Would love a wee blast at that again. :cool:

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Sensible world of soccer, amiga version. Timeless.

Is that the one where you were the manager and could play the games as well. Was so addictive. Imagine a game with the depth of FM and the gameplay of PES. :drool:

Its coming 'apparently'

PES manager :)

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