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Arranging massive protest at ibrox on saturday!


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the fans have the right to protest and I dont think it would be embaressing, fuck what the rest think, we want our club back.

Bang on. Protesting isn't a one off thing and it won't be easy. The last supporters to protest a couple of years ago were subject to some disgusting abuse from passers by and there are plenty that still think everything is okay at Rangers.

No ambition? No good for Rangers.

We want our club back.

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This would be a much better idea than singing the Billy Boys to be honest! All that would do is getting the docked points...imagine IF...we were going into the last game needing a win!!! :rolleyes: I can't beleive that with all our collective brians that that is the best idea you could come up with!

My idea was a bit more subjective! We're protesting on the back of the sale of Cuellar. Now, if the Spanish are pissed off at their club....they wave the white hankies! I'd suggest that we do the same during the match! Imagine if the whole stadium was silent & everyone was waving white hankies.....how uncomfortable would SDM feel?

Might sound a bit weak, but I think it's a far better idea than jeapordising 3 points for the team!!!

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Won't be going to this.

The hilarious thing is that this thread/idea wouldn't exist if Cuellar hadn't gone. Shows how ignorant the arrangers are, considering Rangers had no say in the matter of Cuellar leaving.

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People who are planning on concentrating on this during Saturday's game really need to think about what the hell can be achieved by this? Costing us 3 points and leaving us playing catch up 2 weeks into the season is the most likely outcome. It'll be the same muppets moaning about this next week when they had a part to play in it.

There should be one reason and one reason only for being in Ibrox and that's to support the team on the pitch. Doesn't matter what you think about them, they are the reason we are there. It's at times like this they need support. It's easy being a supporter when we're winning 9 in a row or when we're all heading to uefa cup finals but it's at times like this that a real fan shows his true colours.

I agree that the current situation needs addressed but with Cuellar we were screwed. He had a clause in his contract, his agent would have been touting this round where possible. Not a lot anyone could do about this. I have it on very good authority that without this clause, Carlos Cuellar would not have signed last year. We are winners in all of this. A cracking player for a year, and a massive profit when he has gone. There are worse situations to be in.

I might have missed an announcement somewhere but is the transfer window not still open? Unless I'm mistaken , that means we can sign players. Probably in a mnority of 1 here but this money could be the difference between us winning the league or not. We have one priority this year, the league title. Do we need an £8m defender to do this, or do we need major surgery. It's the second one for me. If the squad is the same on 1st Sept as it is today, then serious questions need to be asked of David Murray but for the time being, a bit of trust needs to be put in Walter Smith.

Some disgraceful comments about this man over the last week. Forgetting 9 in a row, this is the man who in 18 months took us from 18 points behind Celtic to the brink of the greatest season in the clubs history. The man who a year ago found Cuellar. The man who less than 3 months ago gave many of us one of our proudest days as a Rangers fan in Manchester. A man who will be hurting as much as every one of us.

We're all entitled to and I respect everyone's opinion but most important thing for me is 3 points on Saturday and seeing how the team takes shape over the next 2 weeks. Knee jerk is what Celtic do. Look at 9 in a row, they panicked at every turn and look where it got them? We need to pull together at this time and get behind the team. If protests are to be arranged, inside the ground is NOT the place for them.

Let's get right behind Walter, Ally and the team. The SPL destoyed our league challenge last year, let's not do it to ourselves this year.

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Number one, This protest is about murray and bain co not about the team, we are still supporting the team and u say there is issues that have to be addressed? so how do u plan to address them. I am sick of every star player we have being sold and i am sick of being a selling club. Its about time us the fans really showed murray just how we feel about the way he is running the club.

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People who are planning on concentrating on this during Saturday's game really need to think about what the hell can be achieved by this? Costing us 3 points and leaving us playing catch up 2 weeks into the season is the most likely outcome. It'll be the same muppets moaning about this next week when they had a part to play in it.

There should be one reason and one reason only for being in Ibrox and that's to support the team on the pitch. Doesn't matter what you think about them, they are the reason we are there. It's at times like this they need support. It's easy being a supporter when we're winning 9 in a row or when we're all heading to uefa cup finals but it's at times like this that a real fan shows his true colours.

I agree that the current situation needs addressed but with Cuellar we were screwed. He had a clause in his contract, his agent would have been touting this round where possible. Not a lot anyone could do about this. I have it on very good authority that without this clause, Carlos Cuellar would not have signed last year. We are winners in all of this. A cracking player for a year, and a massive profit when he has gone. There are worse situations to be in.

I might have missed an announcement somewhere but is the transfer window not still open? Unless I'm mistaken , that means we can sign players. Probably in a mnority of 1 here but this money could be the difference between us winning the league or not. We have one priority this year, the league title. Do we need an £8m defender to do this, or do we need major surgery. It's the second one for me. If the squad is the same on 1st Sept as it is today, then serious questions need to be asked of David Murray but for the time being, a bit of trust needs to be put in Walter Smith.

Some disgraceful comments about this man over the last week. Forgetting 9 in a row, this is the man who in 18 months took us from 18 points behind Celtic to the brink of the greatest season in the clubs history. The man who a year ago found Cuellar. The man who less than 3 months ago gave many of us one of our proudest days as a Rangers fan in Manchester. A man who will be hurting as much as every one of us.

We're all entitled to and I respect everyone's opinion but most important thing for me is 3 points on Saturday and seeing how the team takes shape over the next 2 weeks. Knee jerk is what Celtic do. Look at 9 in a row, they panicked at every turn and look where it got them? We need to pull together at this time and get behind the team. If protests are to be arranged, inside the ground is NOT the place for them.

Let's get right behind Walter, Ally and the team. The SPL destoyed our league challenge last year, let's not do it to ourselves this year.

Couldn't agree more! Cuellar wanted to go so fuck him!

[quote name='Gaitens08' date='Aug

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People who are planning on concentrating on this during Saturday's game really need to think about what the hell can be achieved by this? Costing us 3 points and leaving us playing catch up 2 weeks into the season is the most likely outcome. It'll be the same muppets moaning about this next week when they had a part to play in it.

There should be one reason and one reason only for being in Ibrox and that's to support the team on the pitch. Doesn't matter what you think about them, they are the reason we are there. It's at times like this they need support. It's easy being a supporter when we're winning 9 in a row or when we're all heading to uefa cup finals but it's at times like this that a real fan shows his true colours.

I agree that the current situation needs addressed but with Cuellar we were screwed. He had a clause in his contract, his agent would have been touting this round where possible. Not a lot anyone could do about this. I have it on very good authority that without this clause, Carlos Cuellar would not have signed last year. We are winners in all of this. A cracking player for a year, and a massive profit when he has gone. There are worse situations to be in.

I might have missed an announcement somewhere but is the transfer window not still open? Unless I'm mistaken , that means we can sign players. Probably in a mnority of 1 here but this money could be the difference between us winning the league or not. We have one priority this year, the league title. Do we need an £8m defender to do this, or do we need major surgery. It's the second one for me. If the squad is the same on 1st Sept as it is today, then serious questions need to be asked of David Murray but for the time being, a bit of trust needs to be put in Walter Smith.

Some disgraceful comments about this man over the last week. Forgetting 9 in a row, this is the man who in 18 months took us from 18 points behind Celtic to the brink of the greatest season in the clubs history. The man who a year ago found Cuellar. The man who less than 3 months ago gave many of us one of our proudest days as a Rangers fan in Manchester. A man who will be hurting as much as every one of us.

We're all entitled to and I respect everyone's opinion but most important thing for me is 3 points on Saturday and seeing how the team takes shape over the next 2 weeks. Knee jerk is what Celtic do. Look at 9 in a row, they panicked at every turn and look where it got them? We need to pull together at this time and get behind the team. If protests are to be arranged, inside the ground is NOT the place for them.

Let's get right behind Walter, Ally and the team. The SPL destoyed our league challenge last year, let's not do it to ourselves this year.

Couldn't agree more! Cuellar wanted to go so fuck him!

Number one, This protest is about murray and bain co not about the team, we are still supporting the team and u say there is issues that have to be addressed? so how do u plan to address them. I am sick of every star player we have being sold and i am sick of being a selling club. Its about time us the fans really showed murray just how we feel about the way he is running the club.

Every club is a selling club, no?

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Good luck with your 10 man protest :unionflag:

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Will be at the game, but due to having another function that I have to attend on Saturday night, I will not be able to stay for any protest that is arranged.

Good luck to anyone who does stay for it.

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Good luck with your 10 man protest :unionflag:

its fans like you that murray loves.

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This would be a much better idea than singing the Billy Boys to be honest! All that would do is getting the docked points...imagine IF...we were going into the last game needing a win!!! :rolleyes: I can't beleive that with all our collective brians that that is the best idea you could come up with!

My idea was a bit more subjective! We're protesting on the back of the sale of Cuellar. Now, if the Spanish are pissed off at their club....they wave the white hankies! I'd suggest that we do the same during the match! Imagine if the whole stadium was silent & everyone was waving white hankies.....how uncomfortable would SDM feel?

Might sound a bit weak, but I think it's a far better idea than jeapordising 3 points for the team!!!

White hankies how gay would we feel

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A 10 man protest?

Its not my protest i am just trying to boost the numbers for the rangers trust protest.

Do u still think 10 people will be there

Will you be there like?

You keep changing your mind you see - first you wanted to sing TBB, then not. Because someone else changed their mind about it. Do you need help in deciding to go? Or not.

If ten go, I'd say probably best to stay at home with your mum. Mibbes if, say, twelve go along, you might ask to stay out a bit later and mum can put some tin-foil over your tea 'til you get home.

Did that help?

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A 10 man protest?

Its not my protest i am just trying to boost the numbers for the rangers trust protest.

Do u still think 10 people will be there

Is it not really just a load of fans wanting to do this protest. I have nothing against the protest but don't really see their being any positive outcome.

But saying you are trying to boost the Rangers Trust protest, has anyone officially from the Rangers Trust came out in public saying they are planning a protest, every site I have seen its just fans saying they will protest not the Rangers Trust arranging one.

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Look about the rangers trust protest, i was told by a reliable source that they were protesting at 2 if thats not true then sorry but even still i know of quite a few fans who intend to go up to ibrox on saturday to protest and when i see them outside ibrox i will join in.

It find it crazy some fans say protesting is embarrasing and stupid and the ones who say walter has 10mil to spend lets see what he can do with it, How is that going to change us having a owner who sell all of our star players? and u say lets see what walter can do with the 10 mil well if he gets another great but who turn out to be a key player murray will just sell him as soon as some english clubs come in for him.


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Moses, wit the fuck are u oan about?

I have explained about ten times i did not want to sing tbb, i was arranging one against murray and i seen a tread by another fan arranging a protest so i said to him i would advertise his protest if he would do the same for mine then the next morning he cancelled his end of.

what the fuck are u on about will i protest or not and my mum letting me stay out longer and aw that pish?

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Moses, wit the fuck are u oan about?

I have explained about ten times i did not want to sing tbb, i was arranging one against murray and i seen a tread by another fan arranging a protest so i said to him i would advertise his protest if he would do the same for mine then the next morning he cancelled his end of.

what the fuck are u on about will i protest or not and my mum letting me stay out longer and aw that pish?

Gaitens you also said in a previous post you are only trying to boost the numbers to turn up at the Rangers Trust protest, from what I remember David Edgars has also said that they have nothing to do with any protests that are going to take place.

Truthfully this is just fans in anger who want to protest and in the end its not going to make the slightest difference.

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