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I have been on Celtic Forums this week for the first time...


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and can I just say how paranoid and angry they are.

The majority of my mates are Celtic fans and I already knew that they were paranoid about referees and about the Scottish Media, however the fans on the forums take things to a new level. They constantly accuse the press of being in David Murrays pocket and almost all of them state they will never buy a tabloid paper as they are all Biased towards Rangers. They also make this accusation about Real Radio and even Setanta :blink: . I thought this was ridiculous enough, however the sheer anger they have towards us is amazing. Every action, wether it is proven or not, by a Rangers fan makes every last one of us scum. Reading story's about Manchester which are simply made up amazes me and they state that we take no responsibility for it. They actually think we are proud of the people that trashed Manchester and that we are all pro British and racist, it is truely ridiculous.

Furthermore, they seem to love Rangers fans being caught doing something wrong more than their own team winning. For example, if you check Kerrydale Street, they constantly have a thread about the disgusting behaviour of the 'h***', while the thread from the up coming or latest match is rarely discussed. Now I am aware there is similar issues as this on our own site, however it is clear from they're sites that they are more interested in hating us than in supporting Celtic. I am fully aware the forums only represent a minority of they're fans and as I have stated, the majority of my friends are Celtic fans, but it is about time that these guys on the Celtic forums realised they are much worse than the Vile h**'s they love to criticise at every opportunity.

Rant Over.

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I visited too for the first time but wasn't too surprised I already knew how deep rooted their hatred was.

They are actually urging fans to contact the Irish Consulate to complain about Alex Salmond not doing anything about us big bad racist bigots. They have also contacted Nil By Mouth, Give Racism the Red Card and various other organisations.

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I visited too for the first time but wasn't too surprised I already knew how deep rooted their hatred was.

They are actually urging fans to contact the Irish Consulate to complain about Alex Salmond not doing anything about us big bad racist bigots. They have also contacted Nil By Mouth, Give Racism the Red Card and various other organisations.

What can we really expect from professional MOPE's?

These c*nts make a career out of latching onto every event, tribute, friendly game in honour of, memory of etc., etc.,

Until someone shows them up for what they are, they will continue to be perpetually offended.

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I dont know whyyou guys even give a shit about their forum.

The only thing i care about, is our team - the mighty rangers - thats all, i couldnt care about what any other football team fan forum is doing....

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I dont know whyyou guys even give a shit about their forum.

The only thing i care about, is our team - the mighty rangers - thats all, i couldnt care about what any other football team fan forum is doing....

I agree 100%. I would never normally go on Celtic forums. It was only because of all the Nacho Novo address fiasco. I wanted to see if they were defending it. Suprise Suprise, they were.

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went on and all I could see was 'the h***' in like every comment :huh: but still, they aren't sectarian :rolleyes:

Do you expect anything else from them though? They care more about us than they do about their own team.....

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I dont know whyyou guys even give a shit about their forum.

The only thing i care about, is our team - the mighty rangers - thats all, i couldnt care about what any other football team fan forum is doing....

I agree 100%. I would never normally go on Celtic forums. It was only because of all the Nacho Novo address fiasco. I wanted to see if they were defending it. Suprise Suprise, they were.

Yeah, know what you mean. But they will defend the novo incident.... heck, even if (which i hope never ever happens) but if a player of ours were killed - they would be laughing and would be saying how good it is - they stoop low. Lowest of the low.

Did we joke about the late tommy burns? did we heck - we stood there, in silence with every other team that weekend...

They have and will always continue to slate our team, and every player in it from the past, present and future....

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The despicable cunts that appear on forums of theirs are to be ignored at best, and abused (physical beatings) at worst.

They are illiterate trogladytes that should be treated as such.

Waste no more time on them.

Best regards

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Guest Andypendek

The despicable cunts that appear on forums of theirs are to be ignored at best, and abused (physical beatings) at worst.

They are illiterate trogladytes that should be treated as such.

Waste no more time on them.

Best regards


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i found something funny in the huddleboard they are actually thick i went to this techical problems

this scum sed hi techy experts is it possible to take sky wireless router to someones house who doesnt have internet and plug it in there and would it be cost more than cost of the standard bill? WAT A EPIC FAIL :mutley:

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i found something funny in the huddleboard they are actually thick i went to this techical problems

this scum sed hi techy experts is it possible to take sky wireless router to someones house who doesnt have internet and plug it in there and would it be cost more than cost of the standard bill? WAT A EPIC FAIL :mutley:

WTF is this about <cr>

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