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Everything posted by simplythebestest

  1. Maybe - presumably Villa's head of recruitment is Blue Peter 9
  2. We've been plagued by poor set pieces for much longer than the Ally/Kenny McD reign. Wouldn't be a bad idea for any new coaches to just lock the exits at the training ground and get them to run through set pieces until their feet bleed. I'm not enjoying watching the team right now as it is, but watching our attempts at set-pieces make me fucking livid.
  3. Watching us tonight I started to think the big issue is morale and a lack of belief. We had a lot of good play but ZERO luck. Confidence and self-belief brings good fortune, and it also allows you to impose yourself on a game. When you play with fear and an expectation of defeat it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. A new manager could instil that confidence and belief in this squad of players. He could also treat the 5 loanees like his new signings and use them to inject a bit of freshness and healthy competition for starting places. I have every faith a new manager could turn this team around. And as the OP says that opinion is mainly down to the team selection and performance tonight.
  4. Great post mate, but the conclusion of all your facts are wrong. All the improvements you mentioned are bang on, but we aren't better than Hibs.
  5. So the shitter we play and the further we fall from glory the happier and more refreshed he looks? Says it all
  6. It would be sweet if Sinnamon got a game. But I'm not sure the other one could Halkett at this level just yet.
  7. Sorry mate I've hit my limit of likes for the day but that was a cracker
  8. Naeeeee chance. The guys just signed a new contract at Valencia. I'd be in favour, but not gonna happen.
  9. Villareal at home was a cracker aswell. Didn't know anyone else around me but was a proper 'Rangers family' atmosphere that night. I miss those days of unity
  10. People saying we'll win, did you watch the Raith game? We passed the ball about our defence for much of the game because we couldn't break through their midfield, let alone their defence. There were ten minute spells we looked like minnows. Hibs are better than Raith. There's not one indication we should expect a win, even if we play youth. Our one sliver of hope is five fit loanees, jig in the stands and bell back in goals. And if that happens I'll eat my fucking hat.
  11. Not one. Not a single one. Will be ecstatic to see the back of every one of them.
  12. What are they telling these guys?! I genuinely feel for Aird if he has been fed that amount of absolute shite. Why don't they realise that 16 points adrift of Hearts is Armageddon compared to where we thought we'd be given our resources. Where is the humility and, frankly, the admittance that guys like Aird are completely culpable for the on-field disaster we find ourselves in. Why doesn't he and his pals realise that if they hadn't lost to diddy teams all season then there wouldn't be a single player arriving from Newcastle?! He's young so he might come good, but until he can put ONE good cross or corner in, I wouldn't have him start for my fives side let alone a team pushing for a third promotion in as many seasons.
  13. Let's say you have two unknown items in a box in front of you and someone told you to close your eyes, pick one item from the box and hit yourself in the head with it. It turns out to be a hammer and you smash three teeth out your skull. Then you were told to hit yourself again with either the hammer, or the other unknown item in the box. What would you choose?
  14. Never seen him play but I bet he's Streetes ahead of what we have now.
  15. This is true. Some of them are just festering in there now that we know they're useless. Can't be good for morale. Put them in the garden with Ally.
  16. If I was putting money on it I'd guess the reason is simply that it was convenient/cheap and the manager has handed his notice in there's fuck all he can do if he doesn't like it. Hope I'm wrong though.
  17. Heard he's a bit hot headed. Hopefully he'll be the bigiriman if he gets any stick.
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