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Everything posted by weeme2

  1. i really doubt he shouted it across the dugout like that! If he did the police would have heard it and would have arrested him there and then.
  2. I would love to agree with you on this...but I have to be honest and say it wasn't a head knock. It was a header off the line. You can't stop the game for a header. And the fact that it was litrally two seconds after it that wilson scored. I can't blaim the ref! I do however blaim boggie for his crap effort at trying to keep it out and also that fact that wilson had so much space! He was completely unmarked and allowed to take the first shot and the rebound! Not good enough from the defence IMO!!!
  3. We are getting worse than them!!!!
  4. Me too! Was delighted when Larson was out for so long...but don't wish an injury like that on any player...no matter who he plays for. Posting pics of it is just wrong. Still makes me sick to see those pics! Horrific injuy for anyone to have. My fav pic is nacho sending us to Manchester....and also the union jack display in the stand! AMAZING!!!
  5. First vid ... brilliant! Second video .... horrible! Even if this guy was trying to pick people's pockets....the video does not show that na dmakes us look bad. It shows aguy sitting there minding his own business and some idiot chucking him in the fountain while everyine else laughs, videos, points and humiliates him more! That's the view that people will see ... and I have to say me as I wasn't there and don;t know the full story. Why can't our fans just keep their nose clean, stay out of trouble and avoid any amunition for the mhedia!!!?
  6. Just glad we don't get one when it doesnt have an impact on the points at the end!
  7. As I said before...all clubs have idiot supporters....but yet again there are our idiots who continually embarrass our club! They should be banned for life! I hate celtic and everything to do with celtic....but singing about dead people and especially tommy burns (one of the decent celtic people)is just wrong!
  8. AHHHHHHHHH....enough with this song...even the haha through it. They do that to us! Why do we feel the need to copy them! Why can't we all just grow a set and sing T B B loud and proud!!!! I hate celtic and don't want anything to do with them......esp that fricken song!!!!! rant over
  9. Why do we feel the need to try and copy this song!!!!! Sing our own songs! Leave them with theirs!!
  10. In an offside position but ball played to healy who was onside. As ball played in they were all behind the ball so on side! Perfect goal!
  11. Not that I am stickign up for him but Diouf did. I actually thought he had a wee punch at them ..... it was nothing tho. Right after the goal and kayal was running past him...he gave him a wee nudge and kayal came back to square up. You do see kayal jump back a bit as Diouf has put his hand to give him a wee punch. He should have ripped them off!!!
  12. Too soon! Can't even crack a smile today let alone laugh!
  13. Still don't understand why Vlad sisn't get on!
  14. I don't think there was much he could do. The ball moved right in front of him. He shifted his weight on to his right ready for it and then it moved.
  15. I agree. This has always driven me insane! I hate lemmon but you can see him with the players at every kick of the ball. Walter just looks like a spectator! Not good enough!!!!
  16. This would be fucing class!!!! Can you just imagine them all going mental¬!!! PlEASE PLEASE DO THIS!!!!
  17. He looked great! Watching the clips of him just make me think how much I wish he still played!!!! Wasn't to sure about what he was saying about Ali. Doesn't fill me with confidence (that tbh is already pretty low) about him taking over.
  18. I am fully aware that all clubs have idiots like this guthrie...but why do our always do something to make the papers! Bankg out of order what he said about the guys baby...no matter who it is to...that's just wrong!
  19. They look like they are doing the time warp in the picture posted in the first post.
  20. I hate how obssessed some of us are with them!!!! The best way to wind them up is to beat them!!!! Let's just stick to that!!!! Can we not just sing our own songs!?
  21. Shouldn't have finished the match on the pitch. By ref or by manager! Although good to see he still has that passion in him! BRING HIM HOME WALTER!!!!
  22. So is there any way we can get the page shut down. one and a half thousnad people following him and ready for his Q&A session!!!! Pure joke!!! How sad are these people?!!!!
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