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Everything posted by nickn1234

  1. steven davis is the only player in our team that resembles a footballer
  2. no danger jig at cb, websters a centre back- use him.
  3. looked impressive when he came on, rapid as. thought ness looked great a times too.
  4. great goal, weiss has bags of potential would be great to get him 4 another year
  5. btw , listen to the fukin atmos at the parma game. thats a cauldron right there. terrifying.
  6. agree with this. fair play yesterday tho, he had a great game,but if we're honest i think he's been by far our weakest player this year. dont think i've ever seen such a confidence related player at rangers, very frustrating.
  7. sir walter says its not a full blown hamstring injury, naisy felt something in his back and came off as a precaution. hopefully be ok for the scum but if not it wont be long out.
  8. whittaker is woeful, get wylde on the left weiss right. disgusting first half.
  9. if theres no more snow, the roads will be grand for the we. as mentioned it hasnt snowed in a week up there so it looks good for up there. one things for sure, its gonna be absolutely baltic.
  10. weathers supposed to improve quite alot from today onwards, i expect the game to be on this we.
  11. must admit, she looks fuckin barry like. guaranteed he does the laffbot after he pumps her.
  12. fuck me, our main stand has to be the best looking stand in football,spectacular!!!
  13. the only thing papac "followed through" on was his pants after he was blind-sided by that cowardly wee rat. cant wait till the first 50/50 in the next old firm. step forward brother mcculloch.
  14. more deluded nonsense from a brainless little scrote- when will they ever learn??! i would be so embarrassed to be attached to a club that peddled such paranoid drivel on a regular basis. the way these mororns try and pander to their support playin the victim card is just beyond a joke, its actually cringeworthy. this guy is just a wee ned and also just a terrible footballer, im delighted he's signed for celtic- the perfect club for him. i give it another couple of months and he'll be gettin pelters from the supporters he's trying to placate with this nonsense, i cant wait till they figure out this guys utter pish. can you imagine any of our players coming out with nonsense like this in the papers?!? that club is pure scum from top to bottom and this season everyone is seeing them for what they are. this is gonna be such a sweet title this year.
  15. hopefully so mate, nothing really new in these articles but it all looks positive just now- i think most of us are now getting a much better feeling from this potential takeover than the other "bids" talked about in the last year or so.
  16. link.... www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3256068/Kirk-KO.html
  17. three months sorry!!! hurry back boogie!!
  18. done well v man u , thought he was great against valencia- thats 2 more good games than whittaker this year who has been woeful.
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