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Everything posted by bluenose48

  1. Aye Walter might not be perfect, but have you noticed the queue of top managers outside Ibrox recently.
  2. I agree we are playing some rubbish theses days, but there are times when for what ever reason it all clicks and we play great flowing football. The blame game will get us nowhere, its Walter, its the players, its the tactics. In days not so very long ago we had Laudrup, Gazza, Deboer players who just by being on the park intimidated other teams, those however are the days that put us in the financial turmoil we are in today because the only reason they came to us was money pure and simple. Football is their job just the same as ours and they are out to make as much money as possible in the short careers they have, who can blame them. We as fans would play for nothing, play for the shirt but thats only dreams. The real problem with us and every other team in the SPL is lack of money,lack of vision by the SFA etc. Until scottish football gets money behind it from business, television or whatever, we can't afford the characters the special players who get the fans on their feet every time they get the ball. They're the ones who bring back the fans bring back life to our game. But as long as the EPL pays the obscene amounts of money for and to mediocre players never mind the stars we will never compete for their signatures. Because the drift of all the best scottish players to England will continue.
  3. Yes there are some similarities, and I rate him as probably the best midfield prospect we have seen for a long time but a long way to go before I would put him in the same class as Slim Jim. Hoping we don't lose him to the big money down south before we get the best use from him.
  4. Slim Jim Baxter was truly world class in the 60's although he had some class around him as well. 70's John Greig for the fact he was Rangers through and through and would have had most of the current SPL players shittin themselves at the thought of playing against him. 80's is hard Cooper is a stand out but as others have said tended to be lazy. 90's would have to be Laudrup but Gazza was brilliant for the short time he was with us. 2000 Ronald DeBoer was sheer class.
  5. Sure does, but at least these days we can keep contact with them on Skype at least on a weekly basis. But we will miss them all.
  6. Yep a lot of raffies here. My son in law is one and was at Williamtown until a couple of weeks ago. Has been posted to the states along with my two grandchildren and my daughter for three years.
  7. Not quite Newcastle, a small place called Medowie in Port Stephens near newcastle airport.
  8. May not be quite perfect but a fair bit of thought has obciously gone in and the end product is terrific.
  9. What , because I don't agree with you and a lot of the whingers. I'm talkig a lot of rubbish.
  10. Who fuckin asked you for your opinion.
  11. When I'm talking about the team I have supported for 50 years I am always sincere.
  12. Careful pal. A liar I am not and when I say I didn't want Le Guen there thats exactly what I meant. You may have been sucked in but me and a lot of others weren't.
  13. No I'm not I never wanted Le Guen there in the first place, French git. But I"m also not the type who throws his hands in the air and moans and bitches about everyone else. I look for reasons and take action to correct mistakes and the team I listed i believe would do the job that needs doing.
  14. Every time we get beat, by anyone, but especially Celtic out come the blame merchants. Its eveyones fault, bring back the old Rangers, get rid of WS in fact get rid of everyone. I watched the game on tv got all the replay's all the close ups and yes we did not play well, but give celtic their due they came out with the right tactics they harried and pressed us high up the park. They shut down Davis and Weiss they cut off their options and Miller was left up front on his own like a shag on a rock and Rogne had him in his pocket all game. We missed Naismith and again Walter played Davis out wide instead of next to Ness who i thought for a 19yr old in his first old firm match played well and I can't wait until we get Davis back in the middle with him Naismith wide left and weiss right Jela and Miller upfront. Then we will see how we fare. Weir was found wanting for pace time and time again today and I think he needs to given a rest. Bring Papac inside with Boogie Whittaker left and Foster right. But lets not get all negative its only one game, we still have two in hand and we play them again in a months time.
  15. I am a BLUENOSE and I'm bloody proud to say it. I left Scotland when I was 16yrs old in 1963. Having been to Ibrox quite a few times watching the greats under Scot Symon, Baxter,Millar Brand, Henderson, Greig, MacKinnon to name a few to keeping up with them via scottish papers sent over by relatives to watching them now on Setanta sports every game that is shown now. Taking my son who was around 5yrs old to see them when they visited Sydney in the early 80's to again, with my son going to the SFS in July last year to stand there with all the other bears. to be in the the Fox before the game and sing all the songs just brought tears to my old eyes. I lve Rangers Football Club and all the stand for. I may not be able to be at Ibrox every match but I am a BLUENOSE and will be untill I die. WATP.
  16. I would agree with TWB in the OP. My best mate is a Celtic fan, he is not catholic and couldn't care less about religion and neither could I. But I hate Celtic as a club and the shit they go on with. I hate the Roman catholic religion and all it stands for but not individuals.
  17. Was watching the Man U vs Arsenal match this morning OZ time. The BB or something very similar was being belted out by I'm assuming the Man U fans. Same tune same Hello, Hello we are the billy boys, could not make out the rest of it due to the commentators, but it sure as hell sounded like it.
  18. What I find amazing is that you lot don't realise that the world has moved on. What was acceptable in the past is no longer acceptable get used to it.
  19. Neither were you pal or your father or your grandfather not even your great grandfather but you keep on about it like it happened yesterday. You're no better than the IRA or the moslem terrorists you can't let the past be the past. Rangers don't need this shit or you bitter and twisted wankers playing right into the hands of the media and those that would have us banned.
  20. Whats the point of NO SURRENDER if we get points deducted and lose the league because of you idiots still living in the past. By the way I'm not an apologist or a pape and I love the BB but when its banned and the penalty for singing it could be a points deduction then so be it, don't sing it. You lot are like wee boys in the playground saying its not my fault he did it first, the punishment is still the same
  21. There seems to be a never ending stream of rumours in papers and web sites. eg re Whytes takeover bid, three days ago there was going to be an announcement within 48 hours re a firm bid, hasn't happened. Now Millers leaving in January or the summer along with McGregor. If the first rumour is true, why would Miller or McGregor be going anywhere, as there would be plenty of money to secure them both and I'm sure those in the know within the club would be telling them both to sit tight. Who actually starts them is it some scummy wee bastard in the media? because right now they are giving me the shits.
  22. Welcome pal. To the best RFC forum.
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