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Everything posted by mclovin9091

  1. Aye most likely that he wasn't going to accept the bid but who wants to sell their best player to a club in the same league whos going to have the opportunity to put loads of goals past them? Call me crazy here but if they value him at £2m WE should be the ones paying a premium not a club in a different league.
  2. Aye but we could have made the offer they wanted, offered him a contract, then waited until he was cleared before allowing him to sign it.
  3. PAYP, fuck we could offer half a million a game and still be better off than offering a years contract. He'd probably get played out wide as cover for odonkor No chance!
  4. Arsen will need him as nae one wants to play for them fabs is going, were signing Van P instead of goodwillie. We wont get him on loan
  5. I never had any problems watching the games live when i was out in Cyprus for two years. Bit strange????
  6. Away an poke yur sel, ya fud 5-1, 3-0 up after 10 mins, jela on a trick, davis and naisy.
  7. AWWW, fuck off! you can use it when im not there, FFS just donate some fucking money anonymously but its all for PR aint it.
  8. Can we not just get him to wear broadfoots top?
  9. Wait till january, get barton now give him a 2 year contract and then sell him next summer WIN WIN
  10. Surely fans can travel there, just not enter the stadium. Always get told/advised "do not travel unless you have tickets" Errrr ok then what about the 200K+ fans who had business affairs in Manchester a couple of years ago? All rangers can do is advise and not sell any tickets then that'll mean our hands are clean, if fans are found in the stadium Malmo are at fault not us.
  11. Just got this http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12876_7076114,00.html FUCK OFF in other words
  12. quick maths 40k a week for two years is £4.2m if we had to buy a CM we would need at least £2m to get a good un therefore only leaving £20k a week for wages for the same outlay over 2 years. Not guaranteed to sell him on but that goes for any player sand we could easily spend £4m for someone worse. Plus we could then possibly get rid of edu or lee, freeing up wages. obviously not taking into account bonuses but he'd definetly be worth a shout. GET IT DONE!
  13. Lets say Ally values a player @ £1M, though we could get him for £750K, i think its always a good idea to get in 1st with a low offer as then you can gauge their reaction i.e 1st offer is laughed out = we know ok double the offer, 2nd offer (£600K) they think OK so they have doubled the offer lets ask for more, 3rd offer (£750K) both parties thinking about it now and go from there OR 1st offer £750k no messing around, we want the player now, they know we really want him therefore they can clearly ask for more cash. Its swings and roundabouts each offer has to be done differently and finally 1. I think its good that we have made it known that we are looking at many players for each position and not going after the one guy as this shows clubs that we do not NEED to buy their player 2. The goodwille transfer was complicated due to possible court proceedings but shows us one main problem. WE CANNOT COMPETE FINANCIALLY WITH ENGLISH TEAMS or most other leagues, so we either need to take an interest in players who are not going to be on anyone elses radars, get in early and secure the deal (although that goes against the opening point i made)or take a chance on a previously injured player. back on post I will never be embarrassed by Rangers only the actions of certain people/companies associated to us.
  14. 1st off, 2nd this year means no CL football next year. 2nd, what squad does he need to rebuild??? Yes could do with getting rid of a few players (broadfoot=OMFG!, wier=old, mculloch=old, edu=not suited, healy and beattie= whats the point if they aren't played) but its the same team that won the league. 3rd, won't be a problem if we actually play the players in their preferred position. 4th However i would consider it if 'they' were to be relegated for having an absolute ginger cunt for a manager
  15. could have sworn fergie had signed for pool last week
  16. I think that McGregor definetley deserves it. Although i've never been a fan of goalkeeper captains always favour a midfield player who gets amongst it leading by example (as davis doesn't seem to be the i'll shout and you'll do as i tell player). But then again McGregor has a better veiw of how play is going. Yes but No....but yes...but.......... Obviously leaving davie as club captain
  17. I dont get to many games due to my job and being out the country quite often and i thought that at the weekend, there was very little atmosphere and then i saw the amount of fans that turned up for a European night and couldn't beleive it. I know money is tight for most but FFS signing doesnt cost anything.
  18. It was just his dealer making the pre arranged drop off. Nothing sinister about it at all.
  19. Hahahaahahaha, im off to kenya next month, i'll do a recce to see how many of them there actually are. Obviously i'll be standing out wearing a different rangers top each day of the week. What a load of bollocks but at least i'll be able to see the Rangers games while im out there :D
  20. Forgetting the header back to the keeper he tried.... the one that ended going out for a throw in when there was no-one near him. As for signing someone, after yesterdays game i fucking hope so.
  21. Too late and No anyway, plenty of clubs have got our players for fec all. We do have players they are just not being given the chance. I'd have liked to see wylde start on the wing with ortiz in the middle with lee. As i've said before we need to give the younger player more trust.
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