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Everything posted by calio

  1. The board are 100% responsible for building and maintaining the infrastructure of the Club, to suggest otherwise is mental. Look at any successful sports team and there will be a good people in every position, top to bottom, sadly we are a sorry state in that regard the now. One thing though the mast majority of the attenders today were only there to see one team.. Rangers F.C
  2. They tried a few of their `dittys` in the 2nd half but they got drowned out every time. The mhanks are the worst support hamdump has seen over the weekend imo. Fuck them.
  3. The team might be struggling, but by fuck we horsed them in the stands. They couldn't get by our knees, 2nd best bassas.
  4. So other directors may be claiming their payment at a later date? First i`ve heard that mentioned, must have missed it.
  5. I'm pretty disgusted with the news tbh,not surprised in the slightest though as Golumn McLaughlin was always the current incumbents goto guy.
  6. GB, brilliant, great stuff as always mate. Away from the politics and bickering your threads are a shining light, thanks for your hard work and dedication.
  7. Was roundly applauded off by everyone when he was injured in the first one, so must realise it`s mostly not personal. If we were 10 points clear and winning the game, we`d probably be singing his name! Greetin like a wee lassie to the press won`t help him in the replay though I`d imagine, so... Booooo Alexander, ya greetin faced fart bassa!
  8. Hearts to lose their unbeaten record tonight, Mon the Rangers!
  9. I liked him alot, more as an athlete than a technical player though. He took some stick that was thoroughly undeserved, especially with his lack of a solid tackle. He broke play up pretty well without diving in imo, something Black could do with learning. Mo Edu was 10x the player & 100x the man that Black could ever be.
  10. Fingers crossed for a good game & 3 points bagged, can see it being a battle though.
  11. The eight diddy rule certainly never helped us, but it didn't stop us either imo.
  12. Was touted as a future Captain for us and Scotland when an u18, did he really regress when we were demoted, did he have a major injury or was he just a deceiving player at youth level due to his size/build? Hard luck to the lad anyway, hell of a fall from grace.
  13. Hope they both get gubbed, or at a push Hibs win with both teams suffering an ebola outbreak at full time.
  14. I thought I'd made that clear in my OP, our squad needs strengthening for our promotion push as we are currently... shit to put it politely. They must have a RB that knows how to play football for a start! We really need freshening up, I know our financial situation closes the door on making signings so surely a couple of loanees is the way to go? Gogz, I'd take shearer the now, bet he's still more mobile than Boyd and Daly!
  15. I keep hearing Mike Ashley needs us to be successful on the park, so it makes perfect sense to presume we'll see some of NUFCs best young talent arriving soon to bolster our push for promotion, especially after losing our best player before the window had even opened! So who will be coming up the M74 & when?
  16. Their memories will forever live with those who remember them. 44 Years of loss for so many families, never ever forget our absent friends.
  17. If MA called in his £3 million loan tomorrow, how would we pay it back? If you can't pay your creditors, then Admin awaits, simple as that. Although admin may not suit MA, drip feeding loans rather than paying us our due dividend 100% does. I don't really get what you mean about only being enough in delaying it a few weeks, would you refuse to go & then see the Club in potential trouble even earlier? The Board could tell the support you knocked back an offer that could have 'saved the club' and you would still end up sold regardless, rock and hard place for the lad sadly.
  18. ---------------It's not necessarily emotional blackmail though,we are skintand the threat of Admin is 100% real unless we get serious investment soon. Mike could release the Rangers Retail dividend rather than loaning us what is literally our own money but then he couldn't secure our assets could he?
  19. --------------Would you put what you want before the perceived good of the Club? If so, it could be argued that you were being selfish and not acting in the best interest of the Club you claim to love. Would you really dig you heels in if you thought there was a possibility that you could end up blamed for forcing the club in to Admin2?
  20. --------------He is a Rangers fan doing what he believed would keep the Club going beyond January, when in actual fact all we'd have needed is charitable Mike to release the millions he owes us through the onerous retail deal... Ah well, I'm sure instructing llambias to sell our only shining light for a pittance while we're 15 points behind a mediocre hertz team mid season, rather than release our dividend is his way of helping the Club get back on top... Good ol Mike needs us to be successful mind
  21. It is my understanding he was told to go or the Club would be placed in Admin in January, what choice did he have if that is indeed fact? Does anyone actually believe that he'd choose to go to Brentford mid season leaving his heroes trailing hertz by 15 points? When is big Mike releasing our dough from his retail deal incidentally?
  22. Would like to see him replaced with a more committed CM, but if its just a matter of getting rid and not replacing himfor better... Forget it, Hutton and Black together(if fit) wouldn't get us through the playoffs IMO, the midfield is already turgid without Hutton. Law may be inconsistent, Hutton on the other hand is consistently rubbish whenever he plays. Strengthening is the answer when your 15_points off your rivals mid season, we are going backwards.
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