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Everything posted by DavidCF2

  1. I would presume they wouldnt be too hard to deal with right enough.
  2. When did he try to sell Davies to Birmingham? Ive not seen proof of this. The only place i have heard this is on those posters made bt the potesters, not anywhere else. This is my outlook as well. I dont recall there ever being any evidence of this...If there is then obviously I apologize but again it just seems to reek of agenda-led scaremongering to me.
  3. Can you either post or PM me the screenshots, please? I will do mate, although certain ones shouldn't be given a public airing. Thanks mate. I just want to see them, I can't believe that scum would use this as a piss take. Am I right in saying they have done something with a pic of Gary Lynch also? Aye somebody confirmed on VB they have photoshopped him and "Ethel Cardew" on to Mr McBeaths gravestone. I shouldnae even be repeating that as its beneath us all to be honest but seeing as you asked, thats what they have done mate.
  4. The bigger the points gap, the more embarrassing it is for them and their RC-compliant mhedia. All season we have been told were finished, were done, our players will go for offers of 1 million pounds, Celtic will leave us standing, they have better players etc. Then about 10 times since the start of the year we have been told the Bheats seasona has "Finally started" and this was the "Turning point" None of this has happened and all the while we just get on with it. Win the league as early as possible and by as big a points gap as we can manage and f*ck them.
  5. Spot on We have the best defence and best strikers in the league and i would bet our midfield have the most assists/goals ,so there must be skill in that FFS :angry: The Mhockets would kill for a team spine like ours - McGregor, Bhougerra, Davis and Boyd...Thats before ye even mention Weir, Thomson, Miller etc.
  6. Welcome my man. Enjoy your time here.
  7. The fact it should never have been taken to a replay in the first place should be enough motivation for them to go out and rectify the performance in the original tie. Im gonnae say 3-0 Rangers. I agree with the above point about resting Davis, but sadly we are so unpredictable in these cup games that Im t sure we can gamble on a weakened team.
  8. Class post 4BAAB...Cheers for sharing. Id be behind any efforts ro raise some dough for a project similar to the William McBeath one BTW.
  9. When the project was first unveiled, I would never imagined it would look half as good as that. The fact we all stuck our donations in and the money was raised in about 5 days speaks volumes. The guys that put in all the research and effort to this deserve a massive pat on the back. Shows ye when Bears mean business and want something done, they will not disappoint.
  10. I heard them when I first went in but only because there was hardly any Bears in yet. The only movement I saw was when they treid to goad the Bears near them with a tricolour and got duly blanked.
  11. Good to see us backing each other up.
  12. Aye I wasnt even at the game and its one of my favourite moments. Way too many others to list though...Humping the filth 5-1 in 88, The Orange cup final, the Davie Cooper final, winning the league at Tannadice last year are just some of the games that have provided me with liefelong memories. Gazza walking out the main door to greet us when he had just signed was amazing...Especially seeing as half the crowd decided to bleach their hair blonde
  13. I presume that was high level information that was deemed not fit for release elsewhere? what so he just made it up? do alarm bells not start ringing or are you that daft? Not at all. I figured if Frankie knew information such as a definite number of people at the meeting that it might have came my way before now. I see he misread the initial post and therefore this point is now redundant. It's weird how FF gets slated for being a dictatorship and ban happy. The abuse I've taken tonight for offering a point of view borders on the ridiculous. Perhaps if a more severe line was taken with regards to the way people are spoken to this site might be able to prosper a bit more. :lol: Get this guy a medal, he's made my night.
  14. When the issue is the very future of Rangers Football Club and information is coming directly from a source on this site why the fuck shouldn't I discuss it? You're not here to discuss rangers though are you. You are here to get involved in the inter site arguements. These are the only threads the likes of you and OOA are interested in. Well you're talking shit again my friend because when I was on yesterday nobody seemed willing or able to answer questions I had relating directly to contacts' article on this very subject. You went out of your way to make snide remarks and dodge questions and you have the gall to talk to me about site arguments. I'll type this again, since you're obviously slow on the uptake, I want clarity on what's happening at Rangers. Nothing more. That was not your reason for posting tonight and we all fucking know it. You got your shield and your tin hat on once you saw comrades coming over here to kick off. That was my point as well chief. Fair do's if people arent here with an ulterior motive but the fact that they are unseen in any other type of thread bar this one speaks volumes.
  15. What heat exactly? Are you saying that Boss and contacts posted their articles to put 'heat' on FF? Pretty baffling if true. Clearly not. Im saying within this thread, people state they dont like Follow Follow for whatever reason and as if by magic, a ton of low-posters arrive to defend it. I at no point mentioned any articles. Ya mad lapdog.
  16. Wee bit of heat for FF and numerous acolytes come out the woodwork and start the defence. As predictable as it is lamentable.
  17. Really? When I asked I was given a full reply. Aye, but was it accurate? I asked how many members it had and was sniffily told I had "Been reading RM too much", despite the fact that at that point I had never heard of RM. You may have been given a reply and fair do's if so, but many, many people have found it easier to get blood out of a stone.
  18. Nah, no nerve hit with me. I seen enough to know it's just a condensed version of here. FF Bad - Militant Gooooooood. FF's SOLE reason for existing is to make money for Mark Dingwall? Is that seriously what you are saying? When he started the fanzine it was purely to raise money. Absolutely nothing good has ever came from Follow Follow? No idea how much he made from Manchester, merchandise went down a storm. Club didn't bother, he did, big deal? Emirates tournament during the summer. Good place to meet up and have a drink, no-one bothered about paying a little for the privileges. Think very carefully before you respond because what you think you know and what you definitely know are two very different beasts altogether. Every site is as bad as each other but at least FF doesn't pretend it speaks for the people and is different from other sites Can you answer a question that has been bugging me ? Particually over the last few days. If possible I would like a straight forward answer, please don't deflect on to anything else. Why do follow follow and it's admin continually try to block any praise for the people on Vanguard Bears ? One poster even got banned with the message " No VanguardBears talk please " LOL, If it was in the thread RE the march to the Bheast Dome, then that was my log in. It was my mate off VB that posted it though. Ive been asking to have it deleted permanently ever since.
  19. Nah, no nerve hit with me. I seen enough to know it's just a condensed version of here. FF Bad - Militant Gooooooood. FF's SOLE reason for existing is to make money for Mark Dingwall? Is that seriously what you are saying? When he started the fanzine it was purely to raise money. Absolutely nothing good has ever came from Follow Follow? No idea how much he made from Manchester, merchandise went down a storm. Club didn't bother, he did, big deal? Emirates tournament during the summer. Good place to meet up and have a drink, no-one bothered about paying a little for the privileges. Think very carefully before you respond because what you think you know and what you definitely know are two very different beasts altogether. Every site is as bad as each other but at least FF doesn't pretend it speaks for the people and is different from other sites You're really just a sad, cringeworthy lapdog. I pity you.
  20. Im getting heavy bored with this shite. FF hasnt been a site for Rangers fans for many a year so their opinion/ramblings are void.
  21. Is it a paypal link or what chief? Ill buy a few if ye want to PM me it/post it up whatever.
  22. Agree Sir. Its becoming incredibly tedious, whatever camp your in. We have had numerous side-issues clouding over us for years now. I think in the other threads my opinions differ from yours but yer bang on with this.
  23. Ye can set yer watch by this spastic. The fact he is nowhere to be heard when his team actually manage to pick up 3 points says it all. Long may it continue though, as its most entertaining.
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