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Everything posted by JimmyCR1

  1. JimmyCR1

    WWE 13

    100 percent getting bought
  2. If he never scored "that" goal, nobody would really give a toss about him tbh
  3. That paragraph makes no sense to me whatsoever
  4. That you bomber? You want the "tito deeds" aswell?
  5. Football is as much about defending as it is attacking, may not be pretty to watch for some but it gets results. And what he is basically saying is just put all the teams with the best players and the most money into the champions league rather than teams that have actually won the title on their country?
  6. JimmyCR1

    WWE 13

    That wouldn't have been untill much later in one of the smackdown vs raw series
  7. JimmyCR1

    WWE 13

    It was wwf Warzone, the crowd used to throw tv's into the ring during hardcore matches
  8. JimmyCR1

    WWE 13

    Two awfull games, that I loved and spent hours playing
  9. JimmyCR1

    WWE 13

    Was basically mortal kombat the wrestling version, I had the one before this think it was wrestlemania, ha it for the sega
  10. Bloody better be, 5 years is a long time without a new gta
  11. JimmyCR1

    WWE 13

    The aklaim wrestling games (WWF Warzone, Attitude, ECW Hardcore Revolution) were the worst wrestling games ever. Used to spend hours on them though as they were the only ones I had When smackdown came out though
  12. This forum is like cigarettes, I dont like them, but I keep using them because im an addict
  13. JimmyCR1

    GTA V

    Your maws got meth on her gums
  14. I'm a rangers fan, can I have all your money?
  15. Smart guy, think he realises if he says this how many extra votes he will get
  16. JimmyCR1

    FIFA 13

    There is no scripting, it's just in people's heads. The same way the Taigs go on about the establishment and all that, it's just to make themselves feel better in defeat because they can't accept it
  17. JimmyCR1

    FIFA 13

    I know it's crazy
  18. JimmyCR1

    FIFA 13

    How'd you mean?
  19. JimmyCR1

    FIFA 13

    I don't understand when people say this? How can a game between two people controlling all the players possibly be scripted? This is just an excuse from people when they loose
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