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Everything posted by Raligt

  1. A bit off-topic here but i take it Thomson is staying? I'd take him back! But Boyd? Fuck no
  2. Raligt

    HDMI Cables

    Any HDMI cable works the same mate
  3. I fucking hate Savage and his gay hair
  4. One or two wanting to come back? Boyd and who? Cuellar? I can only hope !!
  5. nice one i'll give it a go cheers
  6. We can do so much better than Boyd and I wouldn't be too bothered if Miller left. Yeah he's good but he's getting on a bit. Bring in another top striker to partner Jela and we're sorted
  7. See the sign up bonus? how much money do you need to deposit first?
  8. Every second of every minute of every day. I can't sleep thinking what Justin Bieber is up to......
  9. Why is he friends with Grant Smith son of Gordon Smith anyway? Just for curiosity i went on his twitter and he speaks to Edu and Lafferty too. http://twitter.com/GGS80 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grant_Smith_%28footballer%29
  10. I have 1 friend in common with you........ :chopometer:
  11. He wasn't in the game atall really today. 2nd half when I saw he was coming off for Weiss I actually forgot he was on the park. Wasn't in it 1st half, 2nd half invisible
  12. Should be a good fight. Hopefully they both go for it. Considering goin for a nap and getting up to watch it.
  13. In the CL groups its head to head that counts and not goal difference
  14. Got taken over by a tycoon, won the uefa cup. Champions League this season hopefully
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