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Everything posted by BelgradeBear

  1. TalkSport now. Tom Miller tearing the arse out of the rhattlers. Great stuff.
  2. There's something about the statement that makes me worry we could be looking at longer than that.
  3. http://www.rangers.co.uk/articles/20111031/looks-bleak-for-naisy_2254024_2500976 Fear it's another cruciate gone. Not unexpected but I was hoping against hope.
  4. I was at the Durrant game and remember everyone knowing immediately that it was a horrific injury. If memory serves me right, the spot Naisy went down for the second time is bang on the same spot Durrant was savaged. Edited: Nope, it was about 25 yards out. Just You Tube'd it and wish I hadn't.
  5. For world news Al Jazeera and CNN are streets ahead of BBC. For Rangers related news just look at Rangers.co.uk or NewsNow Rangers (ignoring BBC stories of course). Unless one has a sad interest in "celebrity" gaylords dancing, there is no longer a need for the BBC.
  6. Do you therefore disagree with Whyte's decision to ban all contact with the BBC by anyone employed by Rangers FC? Or is that too undemocratic for you? Folk have a choice so maybe my suggestion of RM banning those posting BBC links is too far. But for me I'll be choosing not to view the BBC website and will get my news elsewhere. That's my democratic right
  7. Hopefully RM follow his lead and ban anyone who posts links to the BBC website. I no longer view the site in the same way I don't listen to Clyde or click on the Daily Record (more so cause it's a self-pitying wallow in grief paper than for any anti-Rangers reason). You have a choice: there are plenty of other sources of Rangers news on the web.
  8. Biggest fans my arse. Hopefully these words will mean he'll be moved on from his position. Time for a change as he's still licking SDM's anus.
  9. So Jasper voted for Osama and Sadam by ticking the ballot box and next he's going to vote for Lennon? So why on earth would that land him in jail? I know Scotland's justice system is a bit strange e.g. freeing terrorists who blow up planes. But surely that would be a step too far even for a bunch of fhannies.
  10. They ended the day two points further behind the team ahead of them. In anyone's language, even Taigaithy's, that's not good. They are currently chasing after second. We continue to Welcome the Chase...from Motherwell.
  11. I'll take that. They'll initially feel relieved to have comeback from 3 down but it will soon dawn on them that they're a shambles. And the yellow fanged monster from the depths of hell will keep his job. In the long run it will allow us to win the league at a canter.
  12. It's also likely to have been the last game in that stadium so everyone will have wanted a piece of the pitch. Any excuse though, in this part of the world. I reckon Scotland would have a fair chance against them just as I think we'll give Serbia and Croatia a run for their money. Some great players, but don't gel as teams not least cause half of them earn too much and think they're better than their fellow countrymen.
  13. Have said it before and will say it again...nowadays folk vote for who fucks them off least. Regardless of your colours, if you're a football supporter Salmond is on the black list. Hopefully those who follow will understand that sometimes common sense still has a place in this fucked up country.
  14. I agree with that, just. I do think Jelavic is miles better than McCoist who to this day I'm still amazed was as succesfull as he was. But given McCoist's scoring record I'll give it to him. And I was at the game which was another Souness masterstroke of ensuring the first time we played Walters it was against the rhattlers. Genius.
  15. Belgrade Derby - Partizan v Red Star. An impressive spectacle with flares and bouncing galore.
  16. He's got two massive Croatian games coming up - Greece away then Latvia at home. Hopefully they top the Group to avoid him having to play in two play off games. Once he's got that out the way I reckon we'll see him back to his best. He'll also want to put himself in the shop window for the winter transfer window.
  17. Banners like the Al Magrahi one will have the SNP and other politicians taking note. Forty five thousand people at the game plus thousands on the internet will have seen this and it will stick in the mind at election time that the current "government" free terrorists but jail those who sing inoffensive songs. All the parties spout the same pish about policies on education, employment, policing etc. So nowadays votes come down to which party annoys folk least. They've made football political and they will regret it
  18. I look forward to the upcoming Serbia v Croatia WC matches and hearing songs about killing each other. And God help us if either side use the words "...and sent them homewards to think again." Ethnic cleansing in it's purest form. Thankfully folk are slightly less spasticated in this part of the world and won't go running to their MPs asking to introduce a campaign to jail anyone who sings a song that might be based on rivarly of some sort.
  19. Indeed. But one can't do anything these days without spastic Facebook campaigns telling us what to do and when.
  20. McCoist hopes (hopes FFS) that he'll be back in time for tarrier game.
  21. If it was Rangers fans singing, "Where's your caravan?" and not England fans, then we would get papped out of Europe.
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