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Everything posted by McBoyd

  1. Muse are Pie'N'Bru TV fans I only use the guitar riff for the intro, the Youtube system only seems to notice when I've used a whole song for the whole duration of the video, not sure how their scanner system works.. Suits me though
  2. I missed the fourth goal as I thought it was a foul, stopped recording to set up for a free kick recording and OH... goal!
  3. New video from PIE'N'BRU TV for todays game against Montrose! A bit of an impromptu visit to the match, so it's a shorter video today! Will hopefully be making it to Wednesdays game though! Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jpeSf4HOGc Remember to follow follow on facebook and twitter; https://twitter.com/PieNBruTV https://www.facebook.com/TheRangers1872Blog BLOG: http://rangers1872.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/pienbru-tv-rangers-v-montrose.html
  4. We were The Rangers Football Club from inception, the 1874 members list proves that. The "The" has always been there. In technicality we are The Rangers, not Rangers. In saying that, I am currently researching something interesting with regards to our name. All early accounts have us as The Rangers' Football Club (note the apostrophe!) meaning the football club that belonged to The Rangers, we have an article that states there was a rowing club in connection with The Rangers (The Rangers' Rowing Club?) as well as articles of Rangers playing shinty as well as other sports. I'm still researching but I'm wondering if The Rangers were a sports group, whom eventually focused on football in 1874/5 and onwards (when we got our own ground). Thought provoking anyway. I'm wondering if Clyde Amateur shared links somewhere with a The Rangers' Rowing Club, with the star on our shirt and there's, big coincidence - just throwing ideas around now.. Hah.
  5. Thanks mate! I'll be using Adobe Premiere for next one hopefully, iMovie is quite limited! Cheers! Appreciate it!
  6. Cheers bud! Just remember.. I'm say with a beer at the pool right now... You'll be heading to work soon Mwhaha!
  7. Thanks alot! I wanted to create a fans perspective for foreign fans and those who can't make the games! Will make more. follow here https://twitter.com/PieNBruTV for updates! I will make threads too!
  8. Follow on twitter too! https://twitter.com/PieNBruTV
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAx-yxnrprw Matchday video from today! Check it out! https://twitter.com/PieNBruTV https://www.facebook.com/TheRangers1872Blog http://rangers1872.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/pienbru-tv-rangers-v-elgin-city.html For anyone that noticed; I've had to use Penny Arcade as the song for a second time in a row as the original video uploaded earlier tonight was blocked due to song violations against Led Zeppelin
  10. Will do mate, it's about 5 minutes long, pre-game, in game, goals, post game...
  11. He makes an appearance in my matchday video (still uploading) will put it up soon!
  12. Remember to look out for a new matchday video tonight! New twitter to follow too! https://twitter.com/PieNBruTV
  13. Welcome to Ibrox, we hope you enjoy the game
  14. He certainly has, it's just a shame about the situation and that we didn't get him earlier in his career.
  15. Celtic fan at work was raging last night on Facebook as we signed him! "What an idiot, why would you go to Divsion 3 Templeton? Rangers are pish!"
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