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Everything posted by gersandy

  1. Watchin big brunos press conference. Av got a stauner for the guy.
  2. If we go ahead with hererra and miller as our striking options, we'll struggle for goals.
  3. £1m for waghorn. Get walker in, mcleans signing a pre contract january. Were sorted.
  4. Aye. Bluebells, puerto del carmen. Taxi fae playa blanca
  5. Our main goal threats are kenny miller, herrera, and waghorn. I'll leave it at that.
  6. Just got bored of a derby county save. The rangers job just came up after 3 seasons. Had derby sitting 3rd in the premier league, flying in the europa league, but alot of players were starting to annoy me by asking for wage rises. Anyway, resigned from Derby, managed to get the rangers job. Only to find out wallace and the star striker petkovic have transfers arranged. Hey ho. Still think i can win the league this season as theres some decent players. And ive managed to sign 3 of my reserves at derby who will be good in the scottish league.
  7. People with more wealth than Barry Ferguson have went bankrupt. Probably a business deal went tits up. Its hard for us normal people collecting a modest wage to imagine a multi-millionaire ex footballer going bankrupt, but believe me, it happens.
  8. So this looks much better. Maybe theres a team in there.
  9. If he doesnt get 9 points from his first 3 games the fans will be calling for him to be let go.
  10. I dont imagine Wright is any better than even Pedro. A totally uninspiring manager.
  11. Its a joke were even discussing this seriously. Some of the decisions our club has made in the past few years are ridiculous. For me though, McInnes. Although with him penning a new deal it seems that chance has passed. There isn't anyone else that stands out in the scottish game. Pedro will probably make a mess of it by christmas and we'll end up with someone thats just came off the managerial merry go round down south.
  12. Certainly not. But you can bet your bottom dollar by using it in that way he was outwith company policy. I must stress again, in no way am i condoning this, but the compliaint email has obviously came in plastered with the companys name. Its an own goal for the guy to give them bait like that.
  13. Im sorry, but the guy shouldnt have used his company email. Reluctantly i spent a few months covering a union rep, and sat in a disciplinary hearing for a guy using company email to arrange his weekend. Why not just use your personal email? Its silly.
  14. Aye alright, ive been on the lash all weekend.
  15. Read this article in the news, haven't seen it anywhere else. Piers Adam, who co-owns a Mayfair club with Guy Ritchie, is behind the plan. A London nightclub owner wants to turn former offices at Ibrox into a new venue. Piers Adam, who co-owns a Mayfair club with Guy Ritchie, plans to use Copland House for live music, conferences and wedding receptions. A licensing application has been put forward by Copper Dog Ibrox, of which Mr Adam is director. The former first floor offices on Edmiston Drive sit within the stadium and are owned by Rangers. In 2014, Mr Adam bought the Craigallachie Hotel in Moray and opened the Copper Dog bar. Copper Dog whisky, a blended Scotch sold at the Speyside hotel, was reportedly used in this year's traditional New Year toast at Ibrox. Mr Adam launched a copycat Copper Dog bar in Dubai last year, which reportedly boasts the most extensive whisky collection in the country. The millionaire also owns London nightclubs Mahiki and Whisky Mist and co-owns The Punch Bowl in Mayfair.
  16. Snelders Ehiougu Rozental Andy Webster Egil Ostenstad Sebo subs: velika, ian black, prodan what a team right there
  17. This years chelsea goalie top, imagine that with a rangers badge.
  18. A bit off topic, but we line the pockets of the very clubs who would see us punished any chance they get. Clubs in this league budget their season on getting a couple of hundred grand off the old firms away fans. If there was an organised boycott it would hurt them massively.
  19. It will be just bounce games at Auchenhowie. Sounds like they were banking on at least 4 games in europe to cover pre season.
  20. Its an idea, the only thing is ...... hes shite.
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