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Everything posted by lewislaudrup

  1. Fuck me thats hard work, sounds good tho
  2. Anyone know what happens if tickets don't reach you in time? ordered 4 only one came thru letter box today?
  3. Anyone ever used a scottish league patch. With the junior leagues?
  4. did the pavilion stand between the main stand and the copland road end?
  5. Yaasssss eventually got two after giving up on the laptop just gave it bash on the phone, job done!! Canny wait. Hope the new lads get a wee taste of the temple of noise
  6. Was using laptop. Would be in que for about twenty mins get on, then it would just say no home matches available. Tried all the menu's reload etc, just kept saying the same
  7. Once your past waiting list, it just keeps saying no home games are available
  8. Fuuuuuuuuuck ive now been taken back the the placed in queue screen.
  9. I've lost the will to live. Since half nine iv looked at no home games available
  10. Been invited to play the eden course at st andrews next saturday. Anyone played it before?
  11. He's one of those nippy cunts that are good at any sport
  12. What will the script be if you havent got your smart card thru
  13. Tns are playing st johnstone today at st andrews
  14. My club WATP1690
  15. Join my club if you like WATP1690
  16. Like the idea of trying to get some sort of outing going tho
  17. Belting out derrys walls with his team mates there
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