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Everything posted by PRW.

  1. None of them. But when its players first days I've seen them laughing and enjoying themselves, Jela off the top of my head. Bedoya too I'm sure. Oh get a grip, money isn't everything for a good few of they players. Always see the negative side to everything don't you? Grab a hold of yersel ya auld tit.
  2. I love how everyone seems to love it at Rangers. No matter how the results are going everyone seems happy here, even new players laughing and smiling after 1 day at training etc. We truly are a great club.
  3. I'm no a group member but it wont be full. Even games against Aberdeen etc people manage to squeeze in.
  4. Mr Luce. The cunt that refreshes every second.
  5. :lol: I actually lol'd here. Idiot
  6. Fuck sake. Petty pish. Listen to the man, there is no better option than BF1. Clearly the guys in the groups do know best and have all agreed on it, so its not just his view. Its two full groups view. The part about being on TV? Who cares. If yer so eager to be on TV, the game at Ibrox that most people watch on their TV's is the taig game and the groups can be seen clear as daylight. Happy?
  7. Getting really fed up with the hassle over the simplest of things now. Tried to hang a banner over the side and was told off by a copper I'm not allowed to because its advertising boards(fair doos if that was the case I guess, they don't want their name hidden) but it was in fact over the Rangers badge at the very end of the Govan. Then proceeded to show him all the celtc banners and flags over advertising boards to which he, tried, to point out they were over-hanging on the bars. Even though a good few clearly weren't. Do they not get fucking bored of moaning.
  8. The GB who don't give a fuck about the UB and 'they are fuck all' etc etc go to the hassle of putting their banner where the UB one always goes. LOL OBSESSED
  9. Not from Rangers. UB/TBO will do one I assume.
  10. Nah I know who your on about. Second name begins with P. This is about a different lad with the flag
  11. Posting in here just to gather more interest, if mod/admin are unhappy I've posted it in the design area and in here feel free to remove one of them. We're doing another sticker chip in batch, exact same as last few times. £10 and your getting a good few hundred stickers. Theres no deadline for designs neither do we know how many different designs we will be ordering as we want the designs to be good ones. Please try and hand in a few designs, we need as many as we can get. It will be a voting process again to decide what designs will be used. If you need inspiration for designs take a look at previous stickers and ones on ultrastifo etc. If yer wanting to chip in, PM. Here is ones that were made before... Any questions, fire away! Cheers.
  12. ...yet again aye! As we've done before we're doing another sticker chip in batch, exact same as last few times. £10 and your getting a good few hundred stickers. Theres no deadline for designs neither do we know how many different designs we will be ordering as we want the designs to be good ones. Please try and hand in a few designs, we need as many as we can get. It will be a voting process again to decide what designs will be used. If you need inspiration for designs take a look at previous stickers and ones on ultrastifo etc. If yer wanting to chip in, PM. Cheers Not sure if I should also post it in the BD or OT to attract more interest.
  13. Seems to be a idea ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ are all 15 on here. Yer mistaken.
  14. Because it said 'No Surrender' on it, which is now sectarian according to the bastards.
  15. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=199302&pid=1059390114&st=0entry1059390114
  16. Oh aye, I'm positive last night it said 17th.
  17. Last year they tried to make it work and it failed miserably. Who the fuck would want to join a group of wee guys with a shite banner instead of the 2 established groups? I'll tell ye who, wee guys who want to play Chief but instead make an arse of themselves. Half their members left but somecunts still go on with it, fuck knows whats happening. They dont have a section and don't even take that banner to Ibrox. Weird, also don't have a forum so anybody wanting to join that doesn't know a member, cant. Ragazzi fucking Verdi are better. :lol:
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