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harry handsome

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Everything posted by harry handsome

  1. It can be moved to suit during the game with ease, i coached a team over here using that set up and the players found it very easy. It would add a little something to our team given the type of attacking players we have.
  2. Badger it is if you play it the old way. Whats wrong with having two holding midfielders in the middle who can shuttle across when we are under pressure. The game is about scoring more goals than the other team and more often than not we are playing a back four with 4 central defenders, so whats the difference.
  3. Formation to attack and flood when under pressure. McGregor Boogie Weir Papac Naismith Davis Ferguson Mendes Fleck/Aaron Boyd Lafferty
  4. Whats wrong with the article, it was based on comments from a guy who knows what he is like, i think it gave us an insight into how the boy operates. The comments about being like Essian etc might have been an answer to a question and may have been taken out of context.
  5. Very few people will ever post year end results, some of the best results i posted were articulated to suit i suppose. I read with interest that many people have an opinion on what they are fed by the press ie Speirs, they only see what we see. Figures do lie if dressed properly but as we always say you dont run a club to satisfy the shareholders you run it to satisfy the fans. We cant have it both ways we wanted better players knowing the financial situation we were in and SDM delivered then we stood back aghast at the finance report. I believe that we are in a better situation, player wise, moving forward into the next 4 or 5 years than they are. This will curb capex spend as i believe we will only buy one or two players per season and move some on,from what we gather we have a better wage structure in place ie percentage spend against turnover. We have spent dreadfully over the last few years and the manager's guilty should take the blame. However we are in a fixed cost/turnover business we know our income pretty much by historical figures and costs are set via wages etc at the start of the financial year, we shouldnt have a spike in costs or turnover unless we get past a certain point in Europe. If management cannot budget with this amount of info readily at hand we are in trouble. It would be interesting to find out the gross spend on players from the OF in the last 5 years and income from the CL in the same period.
  6. Straight from the horses mouth , he got injured wasn't going to make it and pursued the chance to be a chef. I met him at a friends wedding and then again when my friend, they trained together at Roux, huge bluenose, opened a restaurant in Glasgow. During the wedding reception about 6 of us got bladdered and stayed up till 5am in the hotel bar. He was great company and detailed his time at the Gers as above, never embellished it and was pretty honest about the chance of making it. Top bloke away from the cameras and really did like the piss up.
  7. It is really a fixed cost business so we should be able to manage to pull everything in line as soon as the hard desicions are made.
  8. Reading between the lines there has been a turn around of 5mil in the first six months, linked to lost revenue of 12mil from Europe. SDM tried by selling a player to balance the loss, had he managed to get two players sold we could have broken even. There is another 6 months to come so things will get worse. However cutting down the playing staff with contracts running out etc will put us in a better position for next year. Given that we hope to win the league and gain the euro cash and cut back in the playing pool the future may not be as bad as expected. The good thing to come out of this is that the manager will have to keep his squad lean and release some of the pals he has. I think it has been worded cleverly to get us ready for the year end figures.
  9. The next move in greed will be the formation of a Euro league, it may also be the only chance we have of making money.
  10. He had a good game compaired to where he has been at of late, i think he is coming good at the right time.
  11. Remember years ago when he played, pic of him in a french type berry, he was big into alternative music.
  12. Depends how big his jewel bag is, but you are correct. Right ugly boy McGuigan all the same, maybe thats the face they get left with after hey have been with the bhoys clubs coaching staff, ahem.
  13. The boy McGuigan was very lucky to stay on the park if he had caught Naismith it would have been curtains for the wee man. As an aside he really does epitomise what a tim looks like, evil looking little rat face inbred you know the rest.
  14. Had a couple against the Ozzie national team last week, got to the point they just laughed at him.
  15. I think his advice is sound, he was also pretty honest about how it went wrong. He wasnt the worst defender the club has ever seen and lived the dream. What is he supposed to say if a hack asks him to comment on a player coming through as he did at his former club.
  16. He does have great business sense. Having a diverse portfolio of business interests is vital in a normal operating economy but even more vital in this current climate. To keep a business strong you need different core groups which work very much like an engine. As one piston (Company) hits the bottom another piston hits TDC which creates enough profit to keep the other pistons moving. As much as i get frustrated with SDM i think he is the best we have at the moment.
  17. Some good points being made here, we need to create more chances for him to convert. We also need some other players to step up to the plate.
  18. Percentage wise they are way out of budget on wages. Healthy football business should be under 50% wages on income. Keep in mind that like us they have a big squad of ordinary players earning big wages.
  19. Simply put, we have 25Mil debt and this season we spent 15Mil? on players for the squad taking up an extra 10Mil in wages. We had a bad day at the office against Kaunus costing us 6Mil? have been unable to shift players costing us 3mil in transfer fees and over a year 7Mil in wages. Had we just sat still with the same squad as last year and no CL money we would owe 15Mil? Read what you want and believe what you want, cash is difficuilt to borrow at the moment and SDM needs to balance the books. Get rid of 10 players at the end of the season if we can, promote the youth with one or two quality defenders and we are in a better position, its just getting there thats the problem.
  20. He needs to start every game leading up to the Celtic game so that he has match fitness. Then i want to see him run at Hinkel, he will shit himself. Thats the first time i have seen him on a pitch for any length of time and he was very impressive. The turncoat is the best player in Scotland if you believe them, this boy is streets ahead of him.
  21. Read with interest that SDM has quoted the figure of 7Million a year on wages is sitting in the stands happy not to play but pick up the wages. Not far from my figure of 1/2mil a month, how do they sort it? Cap the senior squad to 20 players. Do not buy squad players who we reckon might be good from the likes of Falkirk ala Gow. Employ a better scouting set up to take advantage of the world market not the SPL and Austria Vienna. Promote from the youth ranks 2 players per year and give them a chance, if they fail at least they got a chance. If they succeed then we may be able to entice more talented youngsters if they reckon they will get treated fairly. Budget each year for player movements and stick to it. Release funds to upgrade the stadium by another 10,000 increased revenue in the long term. Engage a PR company to better defend and promote our brand around the globe. Re-visit the design of Rangers brand clothing and make it more desireable. Pay of Martin Bain and employ a legal minded chief executive, or someone with balls. Bring back Donald Findlay, if he would have us.
  22. OZ, it is getting hot now i am in Adelaide and we had the 1st hint of summer this week with 41deg, melted my cone i can tell you. SDM would probably hold his hands up and admit it was foolhardy to spend the money on the players we did, but the fact is he provided the funds which we all screamed for at the time. I remember the good times that SDM brought and lived the fantasy of the CL so i wont condemn SDM because of what we have now. I will however have a go at Walter for his negligent use of the funds provided and his arrogant attitude to the fans and what we want.
  23. OZGER, living in Au as we do seperates us from the emotions and feel of what is going on back home, even the general credit crunch that is ongoing in the UK is far from my life. I do however have to agree with what you say, why did we spend money after we were out of Europe on players that we really didnt need. We need to bring through the youngsters, as mentioned in other posts they would be given more time by the majority. We should move quickly and be easy to deal with for any player who is on the fringe. They tell us that they need to trim the 1st team squad by 10 bodies this could save us 1/2 mil a month in wages alone, add on the taxes, costs etc you could easily be saving upwards of 3/4 mil. SDM is the best bet because he is the only bet we have, i would rather people listened to fact rather than listen to the press and scaremongerers. My biggest gripe isnt about SDM he backed Walter in the summer with more funds than Celtic, its with Walter and how he spent the money. We have one or two positions that need looked at with the players in those positions no better than the kids. SDM should tell Walter that he needs to find replacements from within the youth set up over the next couple of years while they perform surgery on the senior squad.
  24. They do have a case to answer, if the victim choses not to press charges the Police can if they have enough evidence and it was in public view. They will be found guilty, sentence will be relevant to percentage of blame. The best outcome the guys can hope for is a fine, i think they will get time, and a stinging rebuke for Lennon and his side of the story. Who is the Judge?
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