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harry handsome

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Everything posted by harry handsome

  1. We lost the league because we couldnt score against the smaller teams, enter Boyd. Being tall doesnt make you good in the air, scoring goals isnt about speed or anything else its about the knack of finding the space and hitting the pokey. I thought Boyd was shocking the other week but so much better against Kilmarnock. Not a fan of Miller although i see a partnership which can bring the best out of Boyd. It would also allow the midfielders to get forward into space if Miller stretches the defence while the are scared to leave Boyd in space. Give it a go.
  2. Why dont we nominate a person from this site as an official spokesman for Rangers Media, then we can in an articulate and measured manner reply to the lies being endorsed by the many outlets against our great club. We have many members on here who are capable of entering into dialogue without being biased and letting us down. I have read many posts on here from the likes of Oleg etc and have been impressed. Before we go down that line we must without fail send the same letter to the Irish and Scottish consulate explaining the real reason behind the song regarding the plastic paddy and not an underhand slant on the famine. We also need to ask them to redress there comments and accept that football songs are used to wind up the opposition and in no way reflect how we Rangers fans view the tragic famine. We should also be asking whether the use of consulate time and money on some ones obvious bigoted views against Rangers is what we tax payers expect from an official office. You know, we can change the perception of Rangers and its fans if we do this correctly. Every time there is a slant on us we then redress the wrong with a correctly worded response directly to the source. If we do this every time and in the correct manner they will take notice and realise they are dealing with an organisation who are serious about resolving issues without being petty. I would be happy to pay a small donation along with others to fund costs incurred if required.
  3. Now that it has been resolved by the Record will McManus apologise for his comments.
  4. Worked with his brother, John, great guy and come from a very good background, being Rangers.
  5. Had my 40th birthday party last night and it was like being back in Scotland with all the mates over. One of the guys who supports them was telling me that the word on the grapevine is that Lawell will not release any more funds due to the Balde/Gravesen affair. They are seemingly way over the wages budget and are likely to channel the transfer cash in to the wages budget. He also had a dig about Kaunas then admitted he was shittin himself with the way we seem to be building our midfield. Also went to see Paul Weller on Friday night in Adelaide and i tell you what he still has it, seen him at the Barrowland about 15 years ago but he was better last night, done some Jam tracks, fcuking brill.
  6. Time for the tin hat i think, but this is the way i see it. We have signed 3 strikers none of them prolific we have another 3 strikers none of them prolific and then we have Boyd who is prolific. We tried every permutation of strikers last season and the only striker to return any decent goals tally was Boyd yet here we are two games and out of Europe plus pre-season games where he hasn't started or even been given a fair chance. Yet WS tells us he is not for sale and needs a certain type of player to create the system that suits Boyd, did we buy that player, if so why isn't Boyd getting his chance. If not what WS is saying makes no sense. Do we have goals in the current team without him, i don't think so, we sell him for 2-3 mill and then are stuck with the shower that are mentioned above. Remember Cousin is valued in the same bracket and couldn't score in a barrel of f%$nies. I say keep him and if we have to, sell Cuellar buy Loovens and get the midfield players to supply Boyd and we win the league.
  7. As the season is near dead i thought it time to ask a couple of questions regarding the season. What has happened to Celtic regarding the coining of our doctor. What will happen should DUFC sue the SPL for gross mis management after all they grossly mis managed our situation. I would love to see there faces if we sued for loss of revenue due to the way we were made to finish the season. WATP
  8. Brissy Ger, hows it going over there, i am in Adelaide.
  9. Given that the feeling on the board is one of sympathy, rightly so, will the minutes applause be respected as it should be or will we react wrongly given the amount of flak flying our way. I hope we show respect and dignity, i lost my mother last september to cancer and it does tug the heart strings when a young man dies like this. It is important that we can rise above the scums songs about Davie Cooper and hoping the Novo dies or even the downright abuse given to SDM for being an invalid.
  10. Guys i have sat back and read all the reports etc regarding the shambles that was our UEFA cup final and here goes. The Game; We were slow lethargic and unable to get near a technically better team. Our tactics were poor however given the players we have at our disposal and cash available to Scottish teams that is not surprising. The lead up and help afforded to us by the SPL did have a major effect on our performance, we couldn't even muster the energy to tackle. The Fans; I will not condone the actions of the few genuine Rangers supporters who shamed our great club, you should be banned for life. However to lay the blame of the riots at the door of our supporters is shameful on a police organisation who have seemingly the best anti hooligan systems in place in the world. The Organisers; Shame on you, from every part of the world we told you to expect an invasion of mass numbers and you still did nothing to welcome us. I use the word welcome as opposed to the word control as that is what the measures you put in place were CONTROL, contrary to what you may all think we are not animals. Greater Manchester Police; Where to start, someone preferably the fella Donellan must lose his job for this. They will have known that supposed CASUALS from other teams would infiltrate the real fans and cause trouble but it looks like they let it go or are they not able to control there own, that would seem more like it. The inability to use or preference not to use snatch squads to pull out the ring leaders is beyond me, everyone knows the drunks follow leaders. UEFA; To give a game of massive importance which would be watched around the world to a city in the country which houses the largest soccer casual and violent supporters in the world, are you serious. The fact they are on the radio the internet even the television urging a ban for Rangers fans when it would appear that it was there own who orchestrated this is a bit rich. England should never be allowed to host another major tournament that would allow this to happen, Scotland had one and it went off without any problem, if we are as bad as they say we would have disrupted this as it was nearer to home. Closer to Home; I live in Adelaide and it just wasn't on that i could make it home for the final, however i walked into a sport store yesterday and the first thing the young Ozzie guy asked was who i supported, it seems his Tim mate had taken great delight in telling him thousands of us had rioted and we were scum. On hearing that the reserved estimate of traveling fans in Manchester was 200,000 and we had eleven charges out of 42 arrests he laughed a little, when i explained there love for all things IRA and hatred for the crown etc he wasn't best pleased, his family were involved in Warrington. It just shows how we are perceived when we don't stand up for ourselves, we cannot allow this to continue. Real Rangers fans deserve to have there reputation protected by Rangers Football Club and those who attack us deserve to feel the full backlash from every outlet we can muster. Sorry Guys thats my rant over, hope those who traveled and feel strongly enough take action, do not sit back and leave it to someone else as we all know that it never gets done.
  11. Guys, I have been away from Glasgow for 4 years now and really miss watching the Gers, but i cant believe that the Media have degenerated into a bigoted farce against all things Rangers. From what i have seen this season in the papers and on the web we have really been victimised for being proud scottish protestant/catholic/muslim/jewish etc Rangers supporters, where else in the world would the majority be treated as poorly as we have. What i will say is that certain if not all parts of the Scottish media should be ashamed of the blatant disregard for fair and unbiased reporting. The hatred of Rangers overshadows the love of there own clubs, only in Scotland eh. Glad i dont live in this bile pit of sectarianism called Glasgow any more, the subjective opinions of the Scottish media really do highlight the fact that the hatred of Rangers and all connected is more important than partial opinion. It is time this opus dei control of the scotland ceased, maybe we need to start dropping our political leanings and strategically place one of our own in place of power.
  12. Guys, most if not all of you will be on the way in the next few hours. I hope you all have a safe and victorious journey, do not sully the name of Rangers on your travels. But most of all let everyone know that we truly are the people. Do not worry about the turncoats back home, we need no help and will win or lose under our own steam. We will return and put Scottish football and its tin pot dictatorship in its rightful place. This is the first of many battles over the next week which will win us the war. All the best from Adelaide Australia, wish i was there. WATP
  13. Guys, the whole Celtic affair has reached Australia, i played on Thursday night and the local Serb team were asking what the FCUK was going on. To quote ' are Celtic that scared of Rangers they would do this' they seem to think its a civil war and Celtic should be ashamed, even my Pommie mates can't believe it, but then as one of them said, what do you expect from people who think its normal to support terrorists. Yes guys the so called sports wing of the IRA really are showing there true colours.
  14. Now FFS dont take this the wrong way. Bit would that make him a 'Hamilton Accie' Taxi for Harry
  15. Just my opinion and if you dont agree dont shoot me but, i wasnt offended by the T shirt in the slightest after all they have the right to follow whichever religion they want as we all have. What really struck me was the fact that he stood in front of the tunnel cheshire cat grin and new he was at the wind up, i hope they do nothing about it, that then sets a precedent which can and probably will come back and haunt him. Celtic however have a moral obligation to ensure that there players do not cause Saturday Fight Night, after all we have some less than friendly followers who will carry this on and someone will pay for it. That is where the powers that be should focus, Celtic this year as a club have seriously tarnished the reputation of fair play and even come to it taken the name of football in Scotland to a new low. I dont go in for the religous side of things i come from a split family and would never insult my family by singing the songs etc. but allowing a player to parade around the stadium with a t shirt on that shows a lack of respect for his faith really does show that bigotry and hatred for Rangers is alive and well at the BIGOT DOME.
  16. Remember the No Excuses T-Shirts. Just had a thought, all being well and we win the lot or even just the league how funny would it be to see the bears wear T-Shirts with INTEGRITY on them. That really would be the best we to answer the MOST DESPICABLE CLUB IN THE WORLD.
  17. Integrity indeed, Lawell must have read that word in a comic somewhere. Here is the mouth piece of the worlds most despicable club using a word that is alien to them. A club who used the death of a footballer to avoid losing a game against Rangers, Integrity Indeed. A club whose ex manager who has republican ties spouts off at a UEFA interview because he hates Rangers more than he loves Celtic, Integrity Indeed. A club who have employed the Lurgan Bigot to coach them the Celtic way, Integrity Indeed. A club who wont at any cost allow Rangers to extend the season for the good of Scottish football, Integrity Indeed. A club whose fans actions mean that the league will not allow the deciding game of a championship be played at there stadium, Integrity Indeed. A club who knowingly hoped some very serious allegations regarding there much regarded youth team coaches would go away by saying nothing, Integrity Indeed I could go on, but the thing that gets me is they have written the history books to look good its time that the MOST DESPICABLE CLUB IN THE WORLD, admitted they have no class nor Intergity, oops sorry that would mean telling the truth which really is beyond them. INTEGRITY = Rangers, Walter Smith, SDM, Rangers Fans etc, you get my drift.
  18. Right Bears, i have never been involved in singing this song and as time goes it has run its course. It is unfair to attack Big Jock as he is unable to defend himself and i really do believe that he would have acted as soon as he knew. HOWEVER OH CELTIC KNEW OH CELTIC KNEW :pipehorse:
  19. In the Sunday Mail, if it was down to playing football we would win the league. Okay then you must think that you are the only team in Scotland that plays football, how many teams have Celtic been beaten by or drawn with, they must have kicked you off the park then. Obviously a sandwich short of a picnic this boy.
  20. Come to think of it his eyes were slantier than usual
  21. Not rubbing it in, but the pool is good at this time of night. Went skinny dipping last night, dived in and as i got to the surface there was a wee Japanese guy with a harpoon giving me the eye. :pipehorse:
  22. Bears, What time is the Final on Sunday and what is the weather forecast. Trying to work out whether i can get it on Setanta over here in Adelaide. Weather i would expect to be wet and cold, mighty different from over here, we have had 6 days in a row over 100deg and it wont drop below that till next Wednesday when it will drop to a freezing 86deg BBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR fcukin warm i tell you. Anyway cmon the GERS
  23. Nearly made me home sick there, Miss Ibrox and Rangers and thats pretty much it. Oh nearly forgot also miss square slice from McWhinney the butcher in Renfrew. Oh and the wee bird that lived downstairs from me haha. Not taking the piss but its great to see how the area has evolved wonder if the Midden has history like this.
  24. We need a bit of one upmanship just to put the low life in there place. We should do what it takes to get back on top, but what gets me the most is that SDM will make this its his company that gets that etc etc Why should it go elsewhere, can you be sure that the money wouldnt get into the grubby paws of some tic fan. Lay off Murray if it was me who owned RFC it would be my companies doing the work
  25. No 2 done 3 to go. Weather has been as hot as 48 this summer having low 30s this weekend. Hows the transfers looking now.
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