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Everything posted by stefmartin16

  1. We could argue for weeks over the amount that needs to be put in for shares. How about a bronze, silver or gold package? £100 gets you a bronze package or 1 share, £500 gets you a silver package or 6 shares and £1000 gets you a gold package or 13 shares. These figures are just guesswork at the moment but the folk who would love to contribute something but don't have much money can this way. The folk who have money can afford to have the status of being the owner of as many gold packages as they want. It's easy for many folk on here to say "yes I can afford to put a grand in" but this should be about giving every Rangers fan the chance to say "yes I helped the club I love in our hour of need".
  2. Why does this article have to mention the two decisions which went against septic? What the fuck has that got to do with anything? Both were correct decisions. Tlb didn't agree but so fuck. Our decision against Motherwell was a stonewall penalty. Fucking press can't help themselves.
  3. Another great reason not to believe the media. I understand why they write sensationalist articles, as it sells papers but I also know to take everything they write with a pinch of salt.
  4. I'd be first in the queue to buy this. What university did you go to for your photoshop course? I might apply.
  5. Well done for putting the date in your title. I don't know how many times I go to read something for the umpteenth time because it says today's papers. Have a rep.
  6. Atmosphere was top class today. There was someone just behind me with a drum and he kept the singing going all through the game. Brilliant.
  7. Just thought they were big flags at a good price and some folk might want them for taking to the games.
  8. Hi guys. Not sure if Bears Den worthy but I see these are going cheap on Amazon if anyone needs some flags for the games. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Britain-Union-Jack-National-Flag/dp/B000PEDSBY/ref=sr_1_1?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1333208031&sr=1-1 Admin if you want to move or delete feel free.
  9. I work with a guy who referees and he is friends with brines. He says he is a Celtic supporter but get this, he reckons he wouldn't let that sway any decisions he makes. I disagree having seen his decisions.
  10. Will be one of the biggest crowds of the weekend. For a legends game? How many clubs could do that?
  11. Some of his long passes were pinpoint last night.
  12. Mind you when we had no strikers recently he could have dug us out of a hole.
  13. Best news I've heard in a long time. Welcome back naisy.
  14. I was one of those runners. I beat quite a lot of folk to the queue which was quite good for a man of my physical stature.
  15. Because glennywatp posted it here.
  16. Top class. Good decision on Dunfermline. Better decision on united. Get it right up them.
  17. I Cannae understand a word of that I do however like that Utrecht top.
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