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Everything posted by geronimoo

  1. Wallace, he is a younger Papac. Flair wise and entertainment value it would be Aluko, who knows maybe when we get back up there we will see him back.
  2. It must have broken the Daily rebels heart to print that.
  3. I like the 4-4-2 and would see no problem playing it but as posters before me said not everyone plays it nowdays and you can be good at attacking with 1 up front but it really depends on the other guys getting up front fast enough to back the striker up. I like the 4-3-2-1 or Xmas Tree as some call it because it gives you a load of players in the middle to go down there but with the 2 in front of the midfield playing wider you can go down the flanks with the winger from the side we aren't going down moving into the box so you end up with 2 up front.
  4. They should get their own cameras and film them.
  5. I thouhgt the players looked as if they had a plan at set pieces today rather than all standing waiting to see if the ball comes near them.
  6. He is just playing up to the Turkish fans.
  7. We weren't humping it up the park using Route 1 today which was good, Alexander was throwing it out not booting it up the park I can only think of 2 punts from the top of my head, the ball was kept on the ground with none of this high passes when it is only going 25 yards. there was a point when the Route 1 was looking as if it was coming back Cribari seems to like it but you could feel it in the stadium the fans weren't happy with it and the players stuck to keep it on the ground. I thought our right side looked a bit weak but this could be just the players settling in, the Greek guy has been pretty decent in our previous games so it may be just a case of him and Faure (I think it was Faure on our right side) getting used to each other. I think the players have realised they are better than what they have been so far even if it did take a loss to QoS and no doubt a swift and painful kick in the gonads from Ally. The only thing I could maybe moan about was sometimes we were taking a bit of time playing the ball upfield but I think over the next few weeks that will be ironed out.
  8. I thought you had to hit it from the penalty spot.
  9. There were patches of seats here and there with nobody on it, but not that many. I thought the Atmosphere wasn't as good as the other games so it may have felt as if there was not as many, that's just a guess from me.
  10. Cowan calling someone fat is like the elephant man calling someone ugly.
  11. Hard to say but I agreed with loads of it also.
  12. I sit in BF3 and at the last game their were only 3 seats available, I know so many tickets need to be kept for public sale maybe this is one of the areas where they have kept a few seats available.
  13. This is why we as supporters must keep pushing our views loudly. The minute we start to rest these bastards will be up to their old tricks again. And IMHO the crap they have been doing the last few years with the Refs hate us and everyone has it in for us has been no more than a Smoke Screen put up by them to hide their real agenda, TBH we should have expected nothing more from them because that is their style, like their mates over in the Rebublic they have no balls and can only sneak about in the background, the do not have the ability to Man Up and show some balls.
  14. I find we do crap when I watch Rangers on the telly.
  15. Defo not answering those Debt letters they keep sending me now.
  16. geronimoo


    I prefer to play on the servers when it's dark you get it a bit more easy from the Zombies since they can't see you.
  17. I think mcCall will be Rangers manager 1 day, but not for a long time. I think if Charles was going to get a new manager in it would be someone from down south or someone from the continent.
  18. Can't really think of any, Morrisons is selling a game called Premier Manager for £7 but I don't know what it's like and I have FM 2012.
  19. geronimoo


    I have it. I was playing a French server last week and found a box which had nearly every item in game in it, needless to say I now have a Rifle and Handgun with a silencer, loads of Ammo and everything else like Nightvision, Sat Nav etc etc. And I don't know your computer Spec CaptainAmerica but Arma 2 is something like 10 years old so it doesn't need the best hardware around.
  20. I didn't even watch that 1. I should have put in my first post they should be looking at the better teams, my fault there. But the point I'm trying to get across is we are Rangers and we have some really good players, and we are better than we are. If we were still in the SPL and even got through to the CL I would say Black, Shiels and Templeton would have been good signings, we signed some players like Kyle who wouldn't be there because he just isn't good enough and I think we only took him because he was the best on offer. I just don't know whats happening with the players, I know we need to give the team time to gel but with the players we have we should still have enough to put teams away while we are still working on it.
  21. I didn't mean about the level of play I meant that good teams do punt.
  22. I didn't mean about the level of play I meant that good teams do punt. We are in the 3rd Div which is fair enough but if all the shit hadn't happened that put us here then we would have been in the CL, I admit we will never be as good as Barca, Man City or Madrid but playing long balls isn't the answer. I'm not saying our players are crap but it really annoys me when I see our players hump the ball up we have some really good players, Big Jig, Templeton, Black and wallace for a start who are better than that, if we were still in the SPL even with the team we have we would be looking to challenge. I know the teams we play will up their game against us but the guys out there are selling themselves short they are capable of so much more. It just gets frustrating to watch us play teams we should wipe the floor with yet the guys resort to route 1.
  23. Agreed with all your points mate but that 1 really hits the nail on the head. If Alexander had the ball you could go to the toilet for a piss, stop off for a burger on the way back to your seat and you wouldn't miss anything as the farthest the ball would have went up the park was 25 yards with the players thinking of who they are going to try and fail with a long ball to.
  24. With the CL games being played over the last 2 days I hope some of our players watched a few games to see how football should be played. I only seen a few of the games and it was highlights but none of them played long balls. Hopefully they picked up some tips
  25. 1 of the reasons they look fitter is because we get tired chasing all the long balls, maybe if the players learned how to pass a ball and how to find space they would get on better, I don't think any of our players have heard of pass and move. Their way of playing seems to be pass it(If it a big long high pass to a small striker even better)and with any luck something might happen.
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