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Everything posted by Drumloyal

  1. Murray looks like he's pissed himself. http://willievass.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/070713-Brora-Rangers-v-Rangers/G0000Thp2sgDgZLc/I0000y2vu59FDn3I/C0000RuSYb5vZE60
  2. Rangers FC Official ‏@RFC_Official 25s '35 - Mohnsi threatening again from an Aird corner, but this one tipped away from danger by Malin in goal. 0:0
  3. Rangers FC Official ‏@RFC_Official 31s '26 - Mohnsi close! Corner from Aird met by the head of the big defender, just wide of the post. 0:0
  4. If you're going to chuck some eggs at him, make sure they've been in the freezer for at least 12 hours beforehand.
  5. Indeed, and getting paid a fortune to do it too? makes you wonder what more motivation these guys need in order to really reach their potential. If I was getting paid thousands or even hundreds....hell, even If all I was getting was minimum wage, I would be at training at 7am and staying late. The prestige of being a Rangers player would be enough for any of us, these players need to realise how lucky they are; hopefully Mr Cole will/has realised that.
  6. When he is fully fit, he has impressed me but it has been all too rare an occurence unfortunately. I genuinely believe if he can get past his injuries, he can become a good player for us as you intimated. But the question I am forced to pose (although slightly exaggerated of course)....Would you rather have Ronaldo in your team but only playing 5 games a season? or a decent reliable player who will give 100% for the whole season? A flawed analogy but you get my meaning i'm sure.
  7. With his injury history, he better watch he doesn't break his arm opening the tap on the font.
  8. Yep, I hope you're wrong but I can't see you being far off the bullseye there. Here's hoping that seeing his pal Hemmings getting shipped out has put a proverbial boot up his arse.
  9. Surely the details of sponsorship income and source of said income will have to be included in the audited accounts that are required by law to be posted by all UK business bodies i.e. SPFL?
  10. "DARREN COLE admits he has one last chance to make a name for himself at Rangers – and cites Kane Hemmings’ fate as a reason why he’s so grateful for the opportunity......" Visit the website for the full story Seems like a frank and honest interview with our Darren Cole, he realises he has to kick on this coming season and also that at 21, he is no longer afforded the leeway of being classed as a youngster. I hope he can get over the injuries that have plagued him and become a first team regular or at the very least, a good squad player with sell on value. Do you think he has it in him to make the grade as a Ranger?
  11. Bell Foster----Gasparotto----New CB----Wallace Peralta McKay/Little----McLeod----Law----Templeton Clark 4-1-4-1 being fluid to a 4-1-2-3. Would be nice to see Temps and the RW tucking into the channels with the full-backs overlapping, good attacking football.
  12. Well, I guess know what i'll be doing all day tomorrow then:
  13. I'm an atheist...does that mean I hate protestants? No. Does the fact i'm not protestant mean that I am not a Rangers supporter? No.....I'm an atheist, a unionist and a Ranger. I've been a season book holder for >25 years, does the fact i'm an atheist negate that loyalty?.....NO! so please spare me the religious moral crusade and let's all be true Rangers regardless of faith, or lack of it.
  14. The control on the chest/shoulder from Laudrup for the 2nd goal in the 2-1 win against bheast fc in '96 semi-final is absolutely sublime @ 5:47
  15. Certainly caused a Ripple of excitement this....
  16. If he can still move like he did in that Fatboy Slim video then he should be starting XI material.
  17. I suppose, the only thing I access it for is breaking news updates. Just can't understand all this social media stuff and i'm only 31, although I can't say i'm surprised to read that the Traynor account is one of the great obsessed up to their usual crap...their obsession knows no boundaries be it technological or moral.
  18. Still better than the shite on Twitter though...
  19. I'm glad I didn't get on board with all this Facebook and Twitter nonsense. Fuck Twitter, it's full of twats twitting other twats while twits like to act like twats to impress other tweeters..... Going to stop there before I start to sound like an owl.....
  20. Karl Pekarna. Going way back to early 20th century here. Only reason I know that is I was reading up on the first foreign player at Rangers. Think he was the earliest I could find.
  21. So after the way we were treated as a club, you are now condeming a man before he is found guilty?
  22. Absolutely agree, the name-calling shows a distinct lack of class not befitting a true Ranger.
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