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Everything posted by Number5

  1. I don't think it would be possible to do a poorer job in terms of performance and style and developement of players. He hasn't taken the risks required to improve. It's been about grinding out results, for at times, almost selfish reasons. The comment about being unable to rest Daly with 11 games to go was embarrassing. He wanted that unbeaten record, the majority of fans wanted a change in style, give youth a chance (Gallagher given a chance up front), when the league was virtually done and dusted. It should be about what the fans want. It seems to me that 90% of us want a change of manager, not based on last nights result, but the last few years. Even the guys who are supporting Ally, I doubt, would be dissapointed if, done correctly and with a decent new coach brough in, would grumble.
  2. No. Having watched us play so bad for so long, and being unable to actually look at our play and see where he has developed our style etc, I see no reason why not to give someone else the job. The longer he stays in the job, the more the fans will start to get on his case. I really don't want to see the day when protests are happening outside Ibrox. I don't think this be be the case however. He'll be at Ibrox until eaither we have a shift in the board or he decides to go.
  3. Ally would never deserve this. It rests on the boards head, it's their fault if Ally remains in the job, not Allys.
  4. Same problem......His players, his buys, his ability to motivate etc etc
  5. I think Wallace and Foster looked better when we reverted back to the 4 at the back, that may be down to the fact more space came about due to the 10 men? I don't think Foster is a decent enough player for the role. Playing with wing-backs in this formation you need them to be your attacking threat and offer the service, something that I don't think he has (no too bad in the 2nd half last night though), but then again he's equally as bad defending as attacking?! I don't see how it suits Black other than making him sit deeper onto an even deeper line of defense, picking the ball up and bypassing everyone with 50 yard wonder passes.
  6. It's madness. The system with 3-5-2 doesn't suit any of our players, other than Jig. Does Ally just basically pick a starting 11 and send them out onto the park with no info or instruction, because the co-hension looks so poor and players devoid of ideas and imagination that it looks like a Sunday league team. Slow, pondorous and worst of all a real lack of commitement and desire. I have no doubt that we'll gain promotion again, but the standard and level of football is just so so poor, when do the Ally backers decide enough is enough, times will not change under Ally, because I cannot see how ANY full-time manager could possibly come into our Club and make a poorer go at it. Look at Stubbs last night, Hibs looked a better more cohesive team with imagination and desire, he's been there 5mins and got a bunch of new players working together......
  7. Agreed. If we were already at a level where the results were there, then maybe. However these Rangers need to be getting a good fucking. Our tactics aren't great (understatement) but in all honestly, those 11 players picked should have more than enough to grab a game and at the least dominate these teams, maybe not leather every week but at least be the better side.
  8. Davies is a very good manager, has a track record of getting results with mediocre sides. The Derby stat being the worst ever team in the prem was due to the guy totally over-achieving that season, they weren't ready for the championship never mind the prem. The problem he seems to have is he is a little cunt, mouths off a lot and speaks his mind, often to the media. Don't think he's exactly a chairmans dream.
  9. I don't want Ally to go and want him to carry us forward, however the results we're getting and the way we're playing is down to him.
  10. Just don't buy into that. New players, yes it takes time to gel, but there are little or no signs of a change in style, we should be looking at the very least, the better, more composed, better technical side in all the games we've had up to now.
  11. I voted yes just because when all around Ibrox was changing and nobody seemed to know what was going on, 'Rangers men' leaving us left, right and centre, getting kicked to fuck by everyone associated with Scottish football, Ally was the constant, the one thing that made me think we'd be alright. He's had a shite start, worse than any off could of expected (considering I was expecting at least 4 goal pumpings every week), but I think he merits until Jan. I don't think he can do it own his own and needs some quality, experienced coaches along side him, because lets get it right, everyone on this board knows that changes are needed in playing styles etc yet nothing has happened?
  12. It's the most basic of skills, in fact it's not even a skill, opening you eyes and throwing a ball 30yrds. Surely this must be what Ally is asking of him though. Big useless punts down the field. For it too be going on for so long it's obviously what the manager wants.
  13. Is that one thats just off the beachfront near a new Bar/Club complex as if your going further out of town. Stumbled across it in 2011 to watch the old firm when we did them 4-2, it was about the only place that the game was getting shown. Spurs vs Liverpool was on so we played second fiddle. There must have been 20 guys watching the PL game quiet as anything, and about 5 of us watching the old firm going mental! Had a good drink in there with a couple of older boys, good little bar (if i'm thinking of the same one)
  14. Cheers lads. Think I'll give that Bar None a visit and say 'hello'.
  15. Anyone been to the area and know of any decent Bear friendly bars? Going on the weekend of the Forres game, anyone know if its going to be on TV?
  16. Live South of the border, about an hour north of Manchester. The motorway was a constant flow of bears days before the final! Proud as fuck i was! Getting calls off ma pals who were working in and around Manchester saying it was a mass of blue. Took a couple mates down on the train. They were in absolute awe as the train bounced for the 1hr journey. Magic! Then the city itself was incredible. Singing, drinking, partying and meeting fellow Rangers, superb. Those boys i took down that day are very much Bears today!
  17. Up until i watched saturdays game, i've been fully behind Scotland, however i'm just not getting the same heart felt reactions i got only months ago. I fucking love being Scottish, i hope that i get my passion back, levein and the rest of these fucks better move over soon before my hatred for them superseed my love for my country!
  18. I am sure Rhys McCabe and all the others who left to line their pockets must be looking back now with a mix of envy and shame. Being a young guy at Rangers, getting the chance to play every other week in front of 45k+, being part of something very special. Lets get it right where is his career going to go? How many cup finals will he play in? How many league titles will he win? All for what, a couple of quid more. He will NEVER play for a team of our stature again! Enjoy a very very forgettable career Rhys.
  19. I will always support Scotland, I totally understand all the feelings towards Fuck the SFA Fuck Levein etc etc, but it's a gut thing for me. I must admit I'm not looking forward to the games like I have in the past and I'll just be wtching them from home, but I still would want my country to perform well. However It's Catch 22, as I think Levein is a Clown and would love to see this man fail, obviously our success as a nation would reflect well on him and that would be the only perverse reason for me wanting anything other than a Scottish win, too see the back of him?!
  20. "I've known Josef for years and let me tell you, you will never meet a kinder, loving family man in your life"
  21. Superb! Bet there absolutly gutted!! The first to face the wrath!!
  22. Shiels for me. Always wants to be on the ball and make things happen. Been really impressed with Black though, better player than I'd given him credit for.
  23. I've lived in England for 25 years now and grown up with alot of my mates. These boys are happy to take the piss, but through the years i've converted the majority of them to have a genuine interest in us. These lads tend to read up and not take everything they read as the truth, asking questions etc. But I'd say on the whole most football fans I know couldn't give a fuck about us. Back in the 90's there was a higher level of interest when I could actually say that we would have easily competed in the top flight in England. I was at a party the other day, only knew the hosts. When i heard some Manc Fans, banging on about the state of Rangers and how we were a joke, not one of those idiots knew anything, it was just rubbish sproating from their mouths, they then went onto bang on about how Manchester was ruined by our fans. Put those boys straight quick sharp! I'd say 75% of people in England just don't care, unless they have mates who are bears.
  24. Just what I've been thinking. It seems like we just get offered guys who have a half decent CV. Ally must just have a fucking huge list of players that agents have told him would be interested. Get the scouts on the case!
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