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Everything posted by theblueoysterbar

  1. Nah. A good manager doesn't do that. Guy needs to be built up slowly. Say he starts and puts in another shite performance player and manager both know he's done. If Clement sees anything in him I'd expect it to be a slow approach to try to build his confidence. But you never know
  2. Three for tomorrow off this new thing I was talking about a few weeks ago, seems to work better at low profile jumps tracks: Wetherby 2.25 02 HASNKEY 4.08 03 FRANSHAM 4.40 04 MISS MILANO Still being worked on, I'm only going in with a trixie for less than a fiver.
  3. Sorry mate, had to report the media rights infringement to Twitter.
  4. Please change thread title to whose fingers are poised. Thanks in advance.
  5. "Well, as you may or may not know celtic football club was set up to help the poor irish families of the East End of Glasgow." -And has it helped many families? "Well it's certainly helped mine."
  6. Always assumed someone supporting us and living there was in Dublin temporarily, for work or something. Seems I'm way off.
  7. Remember not to forget that they're both drawing a wage too.
  8. Seems a bit aggressive from a man who's relaxing on holiday tbh.
  9. Was thinking about this earlier. In 2012 we knew there was a job to do, knew there was a destination. Just now it feels like we don't know where we're going or what we're doing.
  10. Ach I know what you're saying, head's all over the place about what's going on just now. Honestly just hoped for better off him. That post-match was just embarrassing.
  11. Happens all the time in all walks of life, people being appointed to senior posts and having to make the step to being a manager and having to manage people who they count as pals. Don't think he deserves abuse at all, he deserves a better board and maybe a better assistant than Alex Rae.
  12. Works both ways though, if they're his mates they should have at least looked like they gave a fuck for him. See the thoughts I'm having about these players, never thought I'd have them about anyone in a Rangers jersey.
  13. Honestly thought we might see a stop to the bullshit excuses with him in charge.
  14. Don't really do it much myself mate, just look in sometimes. Use it to keep in touch with a few people, stuff about the horses mainly. Realise this isn't helpful at all of course.
  15. The Twitter Machine is going fucking Tonto about this offside shite. It's a brilliant read.
  16. Hartson: Is his arm offside there? Everycunt: You can't score with your arm ya fat mess.
  17. See to be honest, I wish Souness would just come out and say what he could add to the club and by the same we'd say what whe'd want him to add. Fed up with this shit. Souness the saviour and all the rest of it. Cards on the table.
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