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Everything posted by Kai_Johansen

  1. No that happens later in the dressing room!
  2. Watch Brown run around kicking fuck out everything and anything that moves!
  3. Currently we have the worst management team in our history, with a group of players who would ordinarily have never been anywhere near a Rangers jersey. It looks bleak, because it is bleak, but things can and do change quickly in football, especially at Rangers. It will be to our continued embarrassment that we did not win all three leagues on our journey, however all that counts now is that we gain promotion through the play offs. As for Hearts and Hibs, whether they win this league or not, they are only going up to make up the numbers, they've won almost feck all in a combined 250 years between them. There is still sufficient time to replace KMcD and build up enough momentum to take us up via the play offs, until then we keep the faith and don't just talk "No Surrender" believe it!
  4. LOL actually came back to laugh at this!
  5. Circumstance plays a lot in how successful you are as a football club manager, given the right circumstances he could have been successful at MU, unfortunately there were alleged to many egos and self interested parties behind the scenes! By no means a great manager, nor is he a dud, like most he's somewhere in-between, would imagine this will be his last sacking before retirement, pension fund should be relatively healthy by then! By all accounts a decent honest guy!
  6. The game was stopped more times than British Rail in the 70's, all this talk about free flowing passing football, it was fcuking dire. There must have been 40 odd mins were the ball was out of play. Goat I know your hurting, I can almost feel your pain, and I agree that Ally's shite, but lets not pretend that what we saw today was in any way related to football, or that we have anything to fear from either the Hobo's or the Yambos! If the Yambos continue with that level of crime count they will struggle to field a team by September, and the Hobo's will disappear quicker than a pair of kiddies knickers at the girodome, as I said earlier, in my humble option there both fucking dire!
  7. Can some one please explain how both teams can be playing football in a game with,40, yes forty free kick/fouls, 2 reds and 7 yellow cards, it was dire!
  8. Yes I watched the game, or at least tried , it was shite! Its your opinion that Hertz will get better not mine, I think we will get better and win this league in a canter, with or in spite of Ally!
  9. Just had a look at the statistics, 40 free kicks/fouls, 2 red cards and 7 yellow cards, free flowing passing football my arse, it was dire! Hoofball at it finest, devoid of skill and entertainment, welcome to Scottish football messers Neilson and Stubbs. Noting to fear from both of them, two games in and the Hobo's are in free fall already, and the Jumbos have 10 yellows and 1 red. Even with or in spite of Ally, we will win this league in a canter!
  10. I think so, its woeful, If your idea of a good game is a free kick every third kick pile in! Wonder what the foul count will be at the end of the game.
  11. Never said we play free flowing football, we are also shite, just happens that were bigger and better at playing shite! Hertz got a luck header last week, and the free flowing football from the Hobo's in the Peto Cup was just Rangers bashing at its best. This is just my opinion, both teams are shite, we will win this league in a canter, with or in spite of Ally!
  12. The level of football is brutal, so much for playing a controlled passing game,lucky if there's been three consecutive passes in the game so far. If we don't win this league in a canter there's something far wrong, even with Ally in charge! The old saying comes to mind, if you tell enough people, often enough, then enough people will believe, and both Neilson and Stubbs have been telling everybody that has ears that things have changed! Well here an unbiased objective appraisal, they are both really really shite! don't think I can invest any more time in this merde
  13. Have great memories of supporting Scotland, Wembley, Liverpool against Wales, when we beat Czechoslovakia in front of 120 thousand. I'm old enough to remember when 80% of the Scotland support was from our club, however, from now on Its a no for me, Even if the game was played at Ibrox and I got in for free I still wouldn't go. Sad indictment of our times, but for me being in a crowd were the majority of the crowd tried to kill our club is a step to far, wont be supporting England though!
  14. I can still remember rivers of pi*s running down the terracing, not sure I want to introduce my kids to that, also with 52,000 bears inside Ibrox belting out the Billy Boys don't see the need for anything more intoxicating than that
  15. I don't anything about their new manager, but I have a suspicion that he was the cheapest option. All this merd about CL etc is just fantasy, there skint, maybe not as bad as us at present, but there skint none the less. If it were any other club he was joining I would wish the guy all the best, unfortunately he's joined a retch of a club who's very existence is the antithesis of everything I believe in. In all honesty I truly detest them and everything they stand for. Not sure he truly understands who or what he's joining!
  16. I've heard its John Collins, got all the right credentials allegedly! As for Steve Clark, seems a decent enough guy, which kinda rules him out at Porkhead!
  17. Roy Keane - new Celtic manager? Apparently not! Who'd a thought the greatest club in the world, with the greatest fans in the world would struggle to get a manager for a one horse league, and potential elimination from the CL before July! Still there's always Henrik, I'm sure it could be found that his granny once resisted arrest whilst shoplifting for the hunger strikers in Belfast, I'm sure that would appeal to the masses! Suggestion, why not make Sthokesy Bhoy the new manager, he's got all the right credentials he's a Lhenny wannabe, and I'm sure he would have completed any custodial sentence prior to elimination from the CL by July. And just think how many of their fans could legitimately claim they were all "Sthokes Bhoy" Anywho, anyone heard how Lhenny's doing, thought he would have got the assistant managers job with the Rhepublic of O'rish or is that job still filled at the moment!
  18. No, for no other reason than other countries have better players!
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