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Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

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Everything posted by Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

  1. Went for Mols, a class act who was never the same after the injury, unbelievable luck Van Vossen, Flo, Guivarch, Amato (wonderful support player, loved him at real mallorca), Ferguson and Rozenthal another few forwards we never really got to see the best of
  2. A career that has been in reverse for some time, saying that he might just need a new start Impressed me early doors with Falkirk but hasn't looked great at all in a few years now
  3. Take Boyd back first, & probable Little will score more than Kenny at this stage of his career in SFL2 Could be precious funds spunked if Miller is as done as he has looked over the past 12 month
  4. I agree, will sting a few SPL clubs reading that Short, sweet and not controversial
  5. I actually approved of the reconstruction plans, I can't say I'm bothered either way though felt it would have been refreshing to play teams twice a year just to experience that Nobody can take our Championship away from us and I was hoping for decent season book prices as per this season as to get one - now I reckon they may just start escalating again out of my current affordability range What does appeal to me on a positive note is that Charles Green has firmly demonstrated, via his trip to St Mirren Park & particularly on a day when Liewell sat mere rows away - is that we are still the major power within Scottish football despite everything we have been through, we will call the shots here
  6. Don't let that influence you mate, its not about them - it never is
  7. Sadly this is how I feel about Gow too, I confess to thinking he was probably the best of any Bears blogging but perhaps it goes to their head? There is no love for Rangers in that piece of writing, very disappointing fare
  8. Really impressed with young Gasparotto today, looked very assured
  9. No thanks to NW. I reckon Ally has earned another crack at it
  10. Plays like a fucking maniac, I'm warming to him already - we could do with a bit of a loony on the park to show Black how it is REALLY done
  11. I'll never forget Murray's part in all this, one day he will answer for what he has done, has to Good to see Green's response this evening, it took a load off having seen the Raman Bhardwaj report from earlier which was worrying. Hope STV are quick to apologise following the discovery that it is a forged document, won't hold my breath Well done all those sticking with our CEO, amazing how quick people were to stick the knife in, also peculiar was the orchestration of the past few day's events - who had most to gain for a smear campaign against the guy who saved the football club? It goes way beyond the sole actions of Whyte
  12. I'm not sure we could spend £10m even if it were to be available, and we definitely shouldn't. That is money we will require when we return to the Premier League Any time the term 'warchest' pops-up I tend to think - bullshit
  13. I agree, the statement is bound to polarise opionions amongst the fan base though Things could get really messy unless a decision is made en masse to support Charles Green ...or go with this idea of an alternative presented by the Trust that doesn't (to me) appear to have any realistic foundation
  14. I have a membership to GerNet too, it's the only one I can get on works pc other than that 'Pie and Hatred' but I usually forget to check it out!
  15. Not directly, not visibly in any case. I'm not saying I'm against FF just sometimes it does get "hysterical" as TravelingWilBEARy stated I think people should still be allowed an opinion even if it doesn't suit everyones agenda
  16. Try weeks mate, scunnered with it. A thread supporting Green has been totally hi-jacked - anyone backing him is being ridiculed basically
  17. FF has been attacking Green on near every thread of late, tedious stuff where I have been shouted down for defending a guy who saved our club when nobody else gave a damn, how easily some seem to forget There is a poster on there who I will not name, he has literally turned half of the folks on that forum against Charles Green, has been doing this ever since he took over would you believe? This is refreshing stuff to read, and I am glad to see it mate
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