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Everything posted by BLUE CYCLOPS

  1. That's the one ========================================================================================================================================== On the same page on the transfer section they are reporting on the EPL,s top 6 (inward and outward) Arsenal out is Kyle Bartley. ManC out is Vlad. I wondwe if we have been contacted by the clubs and offered first refusal. It,s just paper talk at the minute but you would imagine that the S T,s fotball reporters would have more reliable contacts and more likely to be true.
  2. Front page of the Sunday Times sports section says Rangers are talking to Espanol about a 23yr. old central defender. The article sounds positive about a deal. Rangers are meeting Espanol tomorrow to tie it up hopefully. If true, it means either that Cuellar is a non starter or Boughy is off and we have a new Spanish double act at the back. Heres hoping.
  3. My point is simply related to here and now. New rules are in place. Society and the PC Brigade have taken a firm grip on what we say and do. Would i go to a game now and sing the Billy Boys just to be defiant..of course i wouldn't as i know the club would get in to trouble. That's what i mean about fans deliberately going out their way with their actions that will harm the club. Whether we like it or not mate there is a game being played here and if we don't send out the right message and play by these new rules then the others who don't comply will get nothing done to them. Do i like playing by these rules? No of course i don't but i can play clever when i have to and never more so now. We all have to take on board what Whyte is saying because only when we are "clean" can we then dictate from a position of strength to others without recourse to sour grapes. No Surrender....it can be done in more than one way you know ================================================================================================================================================== Good points M8. The one thing we must all keep in our minds is not to fall into the Republicans trap of narrowing the agenda down to a single issue----Sectarianism. Celtic can,and will, fall back on their old mantra-- "Our songs are political not sectarian. We do not have a problem". We must remember to keep this fight-back focussed on "Offensive songs/chants" not just sectarian. I think the powers have already highlighted this point to Salmond--"there are things even more offensive than sectarianism and they must be covered in any bill". I think that was the reason Rangers wanted the bill delayed to ensure this area was covered. I also believe this was the reason for Celtics hesitancy at first. I think Celtic realised that this law was going to be double-edged and they were not going to get an easy ride from the media any more. We must ensure that any reports/articles emphasise this dual attack and do not allow the Celtic minmded to set the agenda again.
  4. Im amazed that our club taking action against a newspaper story which is defammatory, erroneous and damaging to our club can be described by you as "bully boy tactics" If you dont think that a damaging headline and alleged "exclusive" which is printed in a national tabloid is worthy of challenging then can I ask you...just what do you think is worthy of a challenge ? Im quite sure yesterdays action will have sent the message that Rangers mean buisness. ==================================================================================================================================================== Your points are valid and accepted but you say in your answer that I am describing them as "bully boy tactics". I am not calling them bully boy tactics, I am pointing out that others with an anti-Rangers agenda can,and probably will, describe the clubs actions as such. I thought I had made that point clear in my post. Spiers/McGobblegiver et al.plumb the sewers for their anti-Rangers bile and truth comes a poor second in their thoughts. My basic point in my post is that KJ is a second rate journalist. No one outside of Scotland has heard of him and even fewer read his articles. I take your point that yesterdays actions will have sent a message (if any actions have occured,there seems to be some doubt that Whyte has done anything) My point is that if Whyte/Rangers have decided that enough is enough them I would prefer a major national reporter had been targeted and exposed nationaly. Outside of this forum very few people will have read about this event and will not be interested anyway but, rest asssured, Spiers/McGobblegiver will twist it to a national audience as I described in my op. We have taken(?)a sledge hammer (Whyte) to crack a nut(KJ) and the majority of the country are not even aware of it.
  5. So do you think that the article in question did not damage the club's financial credibility, particularly at a time when we are trying to attract new blood into the club ? ================================================================================================================================================== Nationaly,who knows or cares who Keith Jackson is? His articles are hardly being consumed as gospel in the corridors of power. Mr. Whyte would have been better getting the clubs legal team to have a quiet word with the DR editor and demanded a retraction and/or a printed apology.That way the paper would be officially having their card marked against any further transgressions and "the media" would see that Whyte means business. All we have done is punished a no mark journo and left ourselves open to accusations of bully boy tactics against a journo. I can imagine the headlines from Spiers/MgGobblegiver about Rangers and the spin and inuendo in their articles. "What are Rangers afriad off" "Hullo,hullo we are the Bully boys" are the type of headline I mean. They do not have to make any direct accusations or print lies, all they need is a steady drip,drip of inuendo and spin which paints the club in a bad light without leaving themselves open to the clubs retaliation. And all we have done is ban a 2nd. rate reporter who can hardly hurt us anyway.
  6. So..... assuming this text news from a reliable source that is spreading like wildfire is true..... What possible reason could Rangers have had not to take the heat off the team/club with all the "shame game", UEFA charges nonsense the last few months. And also with the takeover dragging on and on, almost looking it wouldn't happen, and fans not buying season tickets. Surely this would have taken a little heat off us ===================================================================================================================================================== If (and I accept it is a big if)Rangers do have this tape then it makes sense to play the long game. Rangers send Celtic a copy of the tape by recorded delivery from their Lawyers. Celtic must sign for the tape and cannot claim no knowledge. If Celtic fail to act against Lennon then Rangers have the proof (for UEFA and SPL)that Celtic where aware of Lennons racism and covered it up. If Celtic now or in the future start their witch hunt against Rangers "sectarianism" then Rangers can make the proof public. It is in Celtics interest to back Rangers up much as Rangers backed Celtic over the flag row in the 50s. Celtic can keep quiet now in which case Rangers have the proof for all time of Celtics hypocrisy and double standards. Or Celtic can admit the truth and sack Lennon now and Rangers come up smelling of roses. Or Celtic can sack Lennon now
  7. FARE are also trying to get Roy Orbison removed from the R&R hall of fame because of his other anti-Celtic song-- BLUE Bayou. Elvis was a bigot because of ---BLUE Christmas. The Beatles should get it for their anti-Irish rant--Yellow submarine. Yellow being a reference to Irelands enternal neutrality. Eddie Cochrans--3 Steps to heaven-- celebrating the Gibralter 3. We,re in big trouble guys.
  8. why do people bother looking at this example of a hopeless waste of a journalism degree's twitter or read his articles, he should be ignored, sidestepped at every opportunity like a dog shit on the pavement ============================================================================================================================================ Agree, but banning this assh**e from Ibrox would be a big mistake. Not only would he play the martyr card but the other journos would combine to attack us. (freedom of the press etc,.)
  9. Since they are offended being called F****ns and its offensive to ask them why they don,t want to go home, then why not call them " salty pricks". They live with one foot in Oireland and one foot in Scotland so their dicks must be dangling in the sea. Surely that would make them "Salty Pricks"? I doubt if that is sectarian or racist.
  10. MY E-MAIL Dear Sir, I am contacting you to register my disgust at the reports that the Union flag was removed from your factory after a complaint. That an internationally known company such as McVities should pander to the petty bigotries of an obviously bitter and intolerant individual is shamefull. To remove the National flag at a time of national celebration is scandalous. Rest assured I will think twice before buying any McVities products in the future, xxxxxxx xxxxx I received the same reply as everyone else so at least they have seen the error of their actions. I would feel happier though,if this would be mentioned in tne national media. It would be great if the whole country was made aware of the depths these people will sink to.(and it wouldn,t do our case any harm either)
  11. I don't think it would be out of place to have a simple "RANGERS FANS AGAINST TERRORISM" banner at the OF this weekend. Something should probably be expressed about this. Indeed Neil Lennon is an instigator, but this has gone entirely over the top and given some very disturbed people a forum to vent their violence. I really don't link my club being used as their enabler, and I assume most other Rangers supporters share my view. ====================================================================================================================================================== A big banner saying :- RANGERS CONDEMN ALL TERRORISTS. WE ARE NOT SELECTIVE!
  12. The term "sectarian bigot" used today has a very narrow definition to some people. It would appear to many (not all thank God) that a sectarian bigot is anyone who is not a Catholic. Last year in NI we had a Nationalist politician state that the British are guilty of "state sponsored sectarianism because a Catholic cannot be Queen(his exact words) Now this man is a doctor and you would hope that his education and background would help him out of the bog of Irish victimhood. But such is the brainwashing implanted in some people that they vomit up the old cliches at first sight of a microphone or camera. Their natural bigotry is so ingrained in them by the church that they do not even recognise it as bigotry. The Pope is infallible in matters of faith and his every pronouncement is "truth". A Catholic cannot be Queen is correct, but then neither can a Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Jew, Hindu etc,. But they don,t count, it is only "sectarian bigotry" against Catholics because the others are not true religions. As the Catholic church says "Give me the boy until he is 7 and I will show you the man". This mind set is so natural to some that they do not even recognise the intolerance in their attitude as sectarian. "I am not a Bigot. I burn Protestant churches because Protestants are bigots". There are lunatics out there who would actually believe that without the slightest trace of irony or shame. And in NI we have seen the truth of that. Many times.
  13. Not all but most games this season the players seem to be running on empty. I,m sure the past few seasons the team has performed miracles considering the finances and the inability to strengthen the team adequately. The constant speculation about debt added to Celtics "dirty tricks"about sectarianism campaign has surely drained the energy from everyone. Its starting to show big time.
  14. Given that Celtic give great play to their "culture"in LET THE PEOPLE SING. It would draw attention to a few discrepancies if we produced a banner at the next OF game:- LET THE PEOPLE SING? DOES THAT NOT INCLUDE US?
  15. Given that Celtic give great play to their "culture"in LET THE PEOPLE SING. It would draw attention to a few discrepancies if we produced a banner at the next OF game:- LET THE PEOPLE SING? DOES THAT NOT INCLUDE US?
  16. HITLERS DREAM The place was good old Glasgow, the year was,32. Adolf Hitler came to visit(in disguise) so no one knew. He,d come to spy out targets like the factories and shipyards. and then when war should finally start, I,ll hit these places hard. But he arrived on Saturday with all the factories shut. "I,ll start to spy on Monday, the weekend is Kaput" Then he saw a crowd in London Road, decked in white and green. He thought "I.ll follow this crowd, they,re the only life I,ve seen" They took him down to Parkhead, he thought he was in heaven, and he danced and sang with all the rest and they beat Third Lanark seven. So he became a Timmy and never missed a match. It was standing in the Jungle that his plans began to hatch. He heard them curse and swear about some team dressed in blue, but he couldn,t get their patter, He thought they said "the Jews". And he thought, "I,m glad I came here. I,d be proud to be a fan" "I,ll be a Timmy till I die, they,re Nazis to a man. So thats where it all started, with all the Timmy mongs. The S.S. and the I.R.A. and all their hate filled songs. Now all of this is Gospel truth, Every word is fact. Hitler was a Plastic before he cleaned his act!
  17. Sectarianism is wrong. Sectarianism should be eliminated.Sectarianism is a throwback to the religous wars of the 16th. century. Is sectarianism the greatest evil facing the world today? Is sectarianism worse than terrorism and mass mueder? Is religous intolerance worse that child sexual abuse? Who is the greater threat to humanity? The football supporter caught up in the exitement and passion of a game and singing about being "up to his knees in fenian blood"? Or the IRA man planting a bomb at a Rememberance day parade? The answer is self evident and does not even need to be said. The real sectarian bigot is the man who has been brainwashed into an obsession with religion and who has been taught to belive that any critism of HIS church is bigoted because his is the "one true church". His obsession with all things religous and his slavish unquestioning obeyance of his church is the true bigot. His inability or refusal to differentiatte between genuine critism or moral repugnance of his churches actions is the mark of the true bigot. I hold no brief for any church. Their hands are all stained with blood. I care not whether the Pope or the Moderator of the General Assembly is the true faith. In the real world where we must live the hidtorical, political and social actions of one church in particular are a stain on humanity. Constant and repeated cries of "sectarian" have blinded the world to the real evils in our midst. I am not a bigot but if I am to be demonised as such then so be it. There are worse things to be.
  18. With all the media feeding frenzy going on re:- the OF, I,d just like to put my tuppence worth in to see what anyone else thinks. First, the bad news:- Rangers cannot(or are afraid to) use the dirt they have on Lennon because it would destroy Scottish football completely. If we can,t sell Rangers now what chance do we have if we don,t even have a league to play in? If Celtic go down I,m sure they would pull everyone down with them.So Rangers must keep quiet. Second. The past few years Celtic have been trying to cosy up to Blatter, Platini and UEFA?FIFA generally. Trying to sneak into bed with the big guys and do Rangers down at the same time. This time last year I would have said they were succeeding, but the winds of change are blowing now. The world had finally had enough of Blatter and his corrupt regime. It is my belief(and it is only my belief, no evidence)that there will be changes being discussed in private. Blatter and his friends will soon be a bad memory and Celtic will be seen to have backed the losers. At that point Rangers will produce the final nail in Celtics coffin.Well I can dream, can,t I? Third, Does anyone remember a few years ago when MON put the boot into Rangers aided and abetted by a well known Glasgow journalist? There was an internal E-mail from Parkhead complaining that "our esteemed managers mouth has dropped us in the sh1t". This somehow found its way into the papers. It was not long after that that MONS wifes illness required him to retire from football. The illness is genuine, she has had cancer for years but (like Lennons death threats) they seem to occur at a most convenient time for Celtic. Remember the circus we had when MON had his last game in the cup final and went up the stairs on his own to collect the cup. At that point the legend of the Blessed St. Martin was born and his "embarrassing mistakes" were all but buried. Whats the betting that something similar is being hatched at Celtic at the minute? Lennon has become a disaster for them. Scottish football in general and Celtic in particular have become a joke in world football. Lennon has to go (like MON)but to sack him would be admitting he is guilty so he will "be driven out of football by the Rangers bigots". And so the Legend that is Lennie is born. Any other X Files script writters have any "bigoted paranoia" to keep the internet spies searching?
  19. Good news. If the reports are true then it makes the takeover more believable because it has been said Whyte wants Ally as manager. He is a novice but so is Neil Lennon and he is currently 8 points clear in the League. ======================================================================================================== I agree with this point. Remember, Smith was an SDM appointment since they are pals. If SDM is going then it makes sense that Walter will go as well. This news is hardly surprising. Ally,s appointment and Dave Kings "rearrangement" of shares are simply the housekeeping to tis up loose ends before the "big announcement"
  20. From a number of perspectives I,d rather we were not in the Europa league. For the past number of years our only interest in Europe has been financial. We all hope this takeover goes through but lets work on a worst case scenario. We are unlikely to reach the final again. The money made from our last final run was hardly worth the effort. It makes more sense to win the SPL and guarantee CL football next year. Financially it is of more benefit to us and PR wise, it keeps our name in the big league with the big players. With our small squad we cannot afford a fixture back-up.
  21. If the hoped for buy-out is successful and WS receives a transfer budget, how will the crisis in Scottish football affect us? I would guess Celtic have holed themselves below the water line. What football player of any credibility or self respect would want to play for a club as rotten as that? Unfortunately, the backwash might drown us as well. Will any player of ability want to come to the SPL?
  22. Excellwnt post DA. Like you I have been feeling a measure of disquiet for some time now about events in Scotland. I am not Scottish and have no direct knowledge of what is happening but there is a bad smell coming out of Scottish society. Last year, the C of E Archbishops in their Christmas message declared that New Labour were "Morally corrupr". I remarked some time ago that a very large percentage of New Labours ruling elite were Scottish. This is not an attack on the Labour Party or Scottish people, but there has been a very noticeable drop in the morallity of Scottish politics since the New Labour project got going. That moral dubiousness has spread to Scottish football as well now and the same New Labour opinion formers are the people in power at the one club at the centre of recent events. I am very surprised that no one thought to point out the comparisions between Celtic? Catholic view of events and the reality on the ground. One event in particular blows all Celtic/ Catholic propaganda out of the water---- the Popes visit. I watch on TV the Popes arrival in Scotland and his meeting with the faithfull in Glasgow. What I saw were thousands of Catholics (Scottish and Irish since the crowd contained many Irish tricolours and Celtic jerseys) walking down a public road in Glasgow to celebrate their faith and culture. This event was facilitated and funded by the 94% non-Catholic population of the UK. This crowd was shown on TV to walk the public highway unchallenged, unthreatened and was not attacked. Compare that with the repeated scenes we see every year on TV when the minority Protestant community in Ireland want to celebrate their Faith and culture. Every year we see the same Irish tricolours and Celtic jerseys response to a Protestant parade on the public highway. But no one in the media has the moral courage to report, or the intelligence to see, the obvious difference between the two events. Like the OP, I dispair that Scotland seems to have lost its way.
  23. 'simplythebest' Celtic have their first victim. ======================================================================================== He,s not their first victim, he,s theit latest victim. Remember they started a media blitz against Gordon Smith. Smith resigned when he had enough. Remember the witch hunt against Ferguson and McGregor? Scott Broon was drinking with them up until 15 minutes before the press arrived and somehow managed to disappear from all reports. When Greegs and Ferguson reacted to the press at Hampden they were hounded out of the Scotland team. No excuses for Ferguson and Greegs but why was Broon dropped from the story? Then the linesman at the DU game resigned and they went after Dallas and McDonald. 5 down 1 to go. Careful Walter.
  24. Given Celtics flaunting of PLO and Islamic terrorist flags can you imagine the paranoia if an Isreali referee gives a decision against them tomorrow?
  25. In their usual manner Celtic supporters are deflecting and misdirecting the arguments here. Celtic want everyone to believe that the problem lies with McDonalds lie to Lennon. So what was the problem BEFORE the of game when Celtic were putting pressure on the referee. Did McDonald lie then? What was the problem BEFORE the last of game last season when Celtic tried to put pressure on the referee. Was McDonalsd lieing then as well? What was the problem when Chris Sutton made a disgusting accusation against fellow professionals from Dunfermline. Was that due to McDonalds lies as well? What about McNeils claim that referess have been cheating Celtic for 50 years. Have referees been lieing to Celtic for generations? Dallas has offended the permanently offended with an offensive e-mail. Is that why Celtic fans split his head open 10 years ago. Good luck to Walter Smith for mentioning the Elephant in the corner. The poison and bile in Scottish football LIES at the door of one club The culture of fear and intimidation LIES at the door of one club. The culture of innuendo and threats against referees LIES at the door of one club. Like all bullying scum Reid is too clever to mention any names or provide any proof for his innuendos. If he did that he leaves himself open to legal challenges. He stirs the pot and lets the Klingons on the terraces do his dirty work for him. In spite of Celtics best efforts, this is not an argument about whether Walter Smith disagreed with a referee at some point. Its not about wether Rangers supporters are angels. WE are not. The stench of moral corruption in Scottish football LIES at the door of one club. Foreign referees, league investigations or censuring referees will not solve the problem. Until the Celtic abcess is lanced,the poison remains.
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